Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Los Coches Más Seguros de 2019-2020

Si está buscando un vehículo de motor nuevo, la seguridad debe ser una de sus principales preocupaciones. Los autos seguros son más confiables en cualquier clima y tienen menos posibilidades de averiarse inesperadamente. Por lo tanto, un automóvil seguro que ha sido altamente calificado por el Instituto de Seguridad en las Carreteras (IIHS) le durará más y le dará tranquilidad cuando esté detrás del volante.

Después de las pruebas de choque y otras evaluaciones de características de seguridad, estos son los autos más seguros de este año según lo determinado por el IIHS.

Desde Mazda:
Es probable que Mazda haya fabricado algunos de los vehículos más seguros y de mejor rendimiento del año. Las mejores opciones de seguridad de Mazda incluyen el Mazda6, el Mazda-CX5 y el Mazda-CX-3. Se ha descubierto que todos estos vehículos tienen algunas de las mejores características de seguridad en la fabricación de automóviles asequibles.

Des de Subaru: 

Subaru también tuvo algunas selecciones de seguridad importantes este año. Entre ellos se incluyen el Subaru Outback, el Subaru Forrester y el Subaru Crosstrek Hybrid. Subaru es conocido desde hace mucho tiempo por crear vehículos que son rentables e ideales para los amantes de las actividades al aire libre y los entusiastas de la naturaleza que aman llevar sus autos al bosque o las montañas.

Desde Honda:
Honda también se incluyó en la lista de los autos más seguros de 2020. Su Civic Coupé, Civic Hatchback, CR-V y Accord están todos en la lista y son excelentes opciones, ya sea que sea un conductor nuevo o haya estado conduciendo durante muchos, muchos años.

De Toyota:
Toyota está en la lista de los mejores autos de seguridad para 2020 con varios de sus vehículos probados y verdaderos. El Toyota Camry, el Toyota Corolla sedán y el Toyota Corolla hatchback se incluyeron en la lista de seguridad. Para los fanáticos de los vehículos deportivos más grandes o deportivos, el Toyota Rav4 también está en la lista de los autos más seguros.

De los fabricantes de vehículos de lujo:
La mayoría de los mejores autos de seguridad en la lista de este año provienen de fabricantes de automóviles de lujo. Incluyen automóviles de Audi, Lexus, Genesis y Mercedes-Benz. Estos autos pueden ser excelentes opciones que durarán mucho tiempo si cuentas con los fondos para realizar la inversión.

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The Top Safest Cars of 2019-2020

If you’re looking for a new motor vehicle, safety has got to be one of your top concerns. Safe cars are more reliable in all weather, and have a lower chance of breaking down unexpectedly. Thus, a safe car that has been highly rated by the Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) will last you longer and give you peace of mind when you’re behind the wheel. 

After crash tests and other safety feature evaluations, here are this year’s top safest cars as determined by the IIHS.

From Mazda:

Mazda has probably made some of the safest and best “bang for your buck” vehicles of the year. The top safety picks from Mazda include the Mazda6, the Mazda-CX5, and the Mazda-CX-3. All of these vehicles have been found to have some of the best safety features in cost-accessible car manufacturing.

From Subaru:

Subaru also had some top safety picks this year. They include the Subaru Outback, the Subaru Forrester, and the Subaru Crosstrek Hybrid. Subaru has long been known for creating vehicles that are cost-effective and ideal for outdoor lovers and nature enthusiasts who love to take their cars to the woods or mountains. 

From Honda:

Honda made the list of top safest cars of 2020 as well. Their Civic Coupe, Civic Hatchback, CR-V, and Accord are all on the list and make great options whether you are a new driver or have been driving for many, many years.

From Toyota:

Toyota’s on the list of top safety cars for 2020 with a number of their tried-and-true vehicles. The Toyota Camry, Toyota Corolla sedan and Toyota Corolla hatchback all made the safety list. For fans of larger or more sport utility-style vehicles, the Toyota Rav4 is also on the list of safest cars.

From Luxury Vehicle Makers:

The majority of top safety cars on the list for this year come from luxury automakers. They include cars from Audi, Lexus, Genesis, and Mercedes-Benz. These cars may be great options that will last a long time if you have the funds to make the investment.  

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Monday, September 28, 2020

Tips to Prevent Car Burglary in Brownsville

Police in Brownsville has multiple alerts out for a man suspected of burglarizing motor vehicles in the Gulf Coast border city.

KVEO-TV / ValleyCentral.com posted a Brownsville Police Department alert on September 9 with photos of a man sought by police in connection with a car burglary. The surveillance camera images were captured on July 24, on the 700 block of Calle Milpa Verde.

The following day, Brownsville PD posted a person-of-interest alert with a photo of what appears to be the same man. Police ask that anyone with information about the identity or whereabouts of the individual depicted contact Brownsville Crime Stoppers at (956) 546-TIPS (8477). The man is a person of interest in a burglary of a motor vehicle that occurred on September 7 at a local business on the 4500 block of E. 14th Street.

The attorneys at Herrman & Herrman recognize that car burglary is an ongoing problem in Brownsville and throughout Texas. Car burglars are opportunists looking to make quick money. There are some steps you can take to deter them.

Car Burglary Protection Tips for Brownsville

The following tips from the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Police, Houston Chronicle and Freedom National Insurance Services can reduce the likelihood of your car from being burglarized.

  • Park in Well-Lit and Secure Areas. Darkness provides cover for thieves. If your car is parked in a well-lit area, a thief will recognize that his chances of being seen are higher and may well skip your vehicle. Park in well-lit parking lots or near street lights. When available, park in attended parking lots or in the garage if you have one at your home.
  • Raise the Windows and Lock the Doors. Thieves are opportunists. A burglar’s dream is to find a car that is unlocked. In a parking lot or on a neighborhood street, most thieves will move on to the next vehicle as soon as they find a locked car door. Some say you should leave a window down so a thief won’t break a window out. But most thieves don’t want to go to the trouble to break a window or force it down or jimmy a lock. They are looking for the easiest target for a quick score.
  • Remove or Hide Valuables. Thieves want to move quickly. Experts say a thief will skip cars if after a quick glance if it appears they don’t have anything of value in them. Never leave money, checkbooks, credit cards, wallets or any electronic devices such as cell phones, iPods or laptops in plain view inside a vehicle. Remove or hide valuables before you get to your destination. A burglar could be watching a parking lot and see you stash a computer bag under a blanket.
  • Install a Security System and Advertise It. If your car did not come with an audible alarm system, install one. Many car alarms systems include sensors activated by unauthorized entry into the car’s passenger compartment, hood or trunk. Some car alarms will send a notification to your smart phone so that you know that it has been activated, no matter where you are. Put decals for the car alarm on your car widows to deter thieves. Get into the habit of always activating auto alarms or anti-theft devices.
  • Make the Car Stereo Less Attractive. Stolen car stereos are easy to sell on the street. Many after-market stereos are made so that the faceplate can be removed, disguising its brand and value. Some stereos can be removed altogether. Get into the habit of removing the faceplate or the stereo and stashing it in your locked glovebox or trunk. If a professional installer wants to put a decal on your window to advertise their services and/or the stereo brand, tell them you would rather not.
  • Report Car Break-Ins. Report an auto burglary as soon as possible, regardless of what has been taken. File the report based on where it happened. The Brownsville Police Department’s Online Citizens’ Police Reporting system allows you to file a report immediately, print a copy of the police report for free to support an insurance claim and receive follow-ups from police. The incident needs to have occurred within the Brownsville city limits and you need to have an email account to receive updates on your report.

Earlier this year, the Brownsville Police Department received more than $889,000 from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles to help crackdown on car burglaries in the city, according to KRGV TV. The grant was expected to help pay salaries for eight investigators.

Because of an increase in auto burglaries and theft last fall, Brownsville Police stepped up parking patrols during the holiday season last year. Police visited random shopping center parking lots and left burglary prevention notices on the vehicles of individuals who had failed to lock their cars. Never leave holiday presents visible in a car.

The Texas Department of Public Safety says there were 165,096 reported thefts from motor vehicles in the state in 2019. Items stolen were worth a total of $177.3 million, with an average value of $1,074.

Of eight categories of property theft tracked by the Texas Crime Report, theft from motor vehicles is by far the most common crime with the most overall value of goods lost.

Contact a Brownsville Personal Injury Lawyer

At Herrman & Herrman, PLLC, we care about the safety of people in the communities we serve. We have put together the above tips to help people in Brownsville avoid being victims of a car burglary.

If you have been harmed by others’ negligence or recklessness in a car accident, our Brownsville car accident lawyers can help you with a personal injury claim. Contact us at (361) 882-4357 to set up a free and confidential legal consultation. We are here to help.

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Friday, September 25, 2020

Los Peligros de Conducir Distraído

En la época actual, los teléfonos móviles están prácticamente adheridos a la cadera de cada persona. Estamos constantemente enviando mensajes de texto, videollamadas y chateando por teléfono. Esto crea un gran problema al conducir, ya que crea un problema llamado “conducción distraída”. Aquellos que conducen distraídos a menudo prestan atención a su teléfono celular de alguna manera. Esto es extremadamente peligroso y puede provocar muchos accidentes. Aprender más sobre los peligros de conducir distraído debería evitar que contestes tu teléfono mientras conduces y convencerte de que cualquier mensaje de texto puede esperar.

Estadísticas clave de accidentes y conducción distraída con teléfonos móviles
En 2018, la conducción distraída por teléfono celular mató a 1.730 conductores, 605 pasajeros, 400 peatones y 77 ciclistas. La conducción distraída de los teléfonos móviles y los accidentes van de la mano, ya que causan muchos accidentes cada año, mortales y no mortales.

El Consejo Nacional de Seguridad ha informado que cada año ocurren más de 1.6 millones de choques debido a la conducción distraída de los teléfonos celulares. Si bien no todos estos choques resultan en lesiones extremas o la muerte, todos tienen una cosa en común: todos podrían haberse evitado simplemente no usando un teléfono celular mientras se conduce.

Con suerte, después de aprender más sobre las peligrosas estadísticas de conducir con distracciones del teléfono celular, usted y cualquier otra persona lo pensarán antes de llegar a contestar ese mensaje de texto o revisar esa notificación.

Cómo evitar accidentes de conducción distraídos
La forma número uno de evitar accidentes de conducción distraídos es evitar la conducción distraída y el uso del teléfono celular mientras se conduce, punto. Por supuesto, usted solo está a cargo de sus propias acciones, por lo que incluso si no está en su teléfono celular, debe estar atento y alerta cuando conduce, ya que otros pueden estar distraídos o conduciendo imprudentemente.

Además, si usted es el padre de un adolescente que conduce, debe reconocer que esa población constituye muchos de los conductores distraídos en la carretera. Tenga una conversación abierta y sincera con su hijo adolescente sobre los hábitos de conducción segura y recuérdele que guarde sus teléfonos cuando salga a la carretera.

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The Dangers of Distracted Driving

In today’s day and age, cellphones are practically attached to each persons’ hip. We are constantly texting, video calling, and chatting on the phone. This creates a huge problem when driving as it create an issue called “distracted driving.” Those who drive distractedly are often paying attention to their cell phone in some way. This is extremely dangerous and can cause many accidents. Learning more about the dangers of distracted driving should ward you off of answering your phone while driving and convince you that any text can wait.

Key Cellphone Distracted Driving and Accidents Statistics

In 2018, cellphone distracted driving killed 1,730 drivers, 605 passengers, 400 pedestrians, and 77 bicyclists. Distracted driving from cellphones and accidents go hand-in-hand, as they cause so many accidents each year, fatal and non-fatal.

The National Safety Council has reported that over 1.6 million crashes occur each year because of distracted driving from cellphones. While not all of these crashes result in extreme injury or death, they all have one thing in common: they all could have been prevented by simply not using a cellphone while driving.

Hopefully, after learning more about the dangerous statistics of driving with cellphone distractions, it will make you and anyone else think about it before you reach to answer that text or check that notification. 

How to Avoid Distracted Driving Accidents

The number one way to avoid distracted driving accidents is to avoid distracted driving and cell phone use while driving, period. Of course, you are only in charge of your own actions so even if you are not on your cell phone, you should be vigilant and alert when driving, as others may still be distracted or driving recklessly. 

Additionally, if you are the parent of a driving teen, you should recognize that that population makes up many of the distracted drivers on the road. Have an open and candid talk with your teen about safe driving habits, and remind them to put their phones away when they hit the road.

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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Safety Tips for When Texans Get Back on the Road After Pandemic

Across the state, Texans are getting back on the road during the coronavirus pandemic. In the beginning of the Texan response to COVID, the streets and highways almost emptied. Driving miles dropped by over 40% in March at the beginning of stay-at-home orders. Since then, it has picked back up. Although in parts it can seem that the COVID-19 threat is gone, it is not, and you should continue to act vigilant as you get behind the wheel to drive across state, across country, or even down the street. If you are in a situation where you must drive a long distance while the pandemic is still threatening the country, there are a few safety tips you should keep in mind and always follow in order to keep yourself and others protected.

Know Your Destination
Before you hit the road to drive to your intended location, you should get to know your destination in the context of coronavirus. Has this location or state seen a spike in cases recently? Have the hospitals and citizens been taking appropriate precautions? You should also read up on any travel restrictions and regulations, such as mandatory self-quarantine periods when coming from certain states. Make sure you adhere to all state-level regulations in order to keep yourself and the citizens of those states safe.

Think of Your Living Situation
The next precaution you should take is to think about your current living situation and make the appropriate choice when deciding to travel. If you live at home with an older or sick relative, they are considered high risk individuals. In this case, you should consider postponing travel or reevaluating your travel plans to see if they are truly necessary.

Bring the Right Gear
No matter where you are travelling, it is important to bring all the right gear with you to protect yourself and others from germs and the spread of the virus. Bring plenty of cloth washable or medical-grade disposable face masks to wear at all times in public. Additionally, bring plenty of hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes to clean off your hands and all surfaces you come into contact with. This may seem excessive, but especially if you are in a new place around new germs, it is important to be vigilant.

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Sunday, September 20, 2020

¿Qué Sucede Si Se Lesiona Mientras Conduce Sin Una Licencia?

Si conduce un automóvil sin licencia y tuvo un accidente, es probable que se sienta ansioso y molesto. En primer lugar, si se lesiona, eso es algo a lo que se debe prestar atención antes de preocuparse por cuáles son sus opciones y obligaciones legales como conductor sin licencia. Si estaba conduciendo y se lesionó sin una licencia, aquí hay algunas cosas que definitivamente debe saber.

Lo primero que debe saber: conducir sin licencia y sufrir una lesión personal por un accidente son dos cosas diferentes.
Si conducía sin licencia, sí, es una violación de la ley federal. Sin embargo, si tuvo un accidente y resultó lesionado pero no tuvo la culpa del accidente, ese es un problema legal completamente separado. La parte culpable del accidente sigue siendo responsable de cualquier daño a usted o su automóvil. Usted no es responsable de los daños solo por ser un conductor sin licencia.

Segundo: conozca la diferencia entre conducir sin licencia y conducir con una licencia suspendida o revocada.
Lo siguiente que debe resolver es si conducía sin licencia o nunca la obtuvo en primer lugar, o si conducía con una licencia que había sido suspendida o revocada debido a una conducción imprudente o por una serie de otras razones. El primer acto es ilegal, por supuesto, pero no constituye un delito grave. Sin embargo, esta última situación es más grave y podría enfrentar una multa considerable o una pena de cárcel.

Tercero en lo que debe pensar: qué hacer si está lesionado y no tiene la culpa.
Si resulta lesionado por este accidente automovilístico y no tiene la culpa, debe hacer dos cosas. Primero, obtenga su licencia de conducir lo antes posible. En segundo lugar, comuníquese con un abogado de lesiones personales en su área que se especialice en accidentes automovilísticos. Pueden brindarle asesoramiento legal vital y luchar por usted en los tribunales.

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What Happens if You Get Injured While Driving Without a License?

If you are driving a car unlicensed and you got into an accident, you’re likely feeling anxious and upset. First of all, if you are injured, that is something that should be tended to first before being concerned about what your legal options and obligations are as an unlicensed driver. If you were driving and have been injured without a license, here are some things you should definitely know.

First thing to know: driving without a license and suffering a personal injury from an accident are two different things.

If you were driving without a license, yes, that’s a violation of federal law. However, if you got in an accident and you were injured but not at fault for the accident, that is a completely separate legal issue. The party at fault for the accident is still responsible for any damages to you or your car. You are not liable for the damages just because you are an unlicensed driver. 

Second: know the difference between driving without a license and driving with a suspended or revoked license.

The next thing to sort out is whether you were driving without a license or never got your license in the first place, or if you were driving with a license that had been suspended or revoked due to reckless driving or a number of other reasons. The former act is illegal, of course, but is not a serious offense. The latter situation, however, is more serious, and you could face a hefty fine or jail time.

Third thing to think about: what to do if you’re injured and not at fault.

If you’re injured by this car accident and you are not at fault, you should do two things. First, get your driver’s license as soon as possible. Second, contact a personal injury lawyer in your area who specializes in auto accidents. They can provide vital legal advice and fight for you in court.

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Wednesday, September 16, 2020

How to Prevent Car Theft in San Antonio

Imagine the feelings of helplessness and anger you’d feel after walking out of your home, office, or a store and realizing that your car or truck has been stolen. On top of the monetary loss, there’s the inconvenience of having to arrange a ride and the sense of violation. You’ll need to report the car theft to your insurance company. You are unlikely to see that car again.

The Texas Department of Public Safety says only 17% of 76,787 motor vehicles reported stolen across the state in 2019 were recovered. An arrest was made in only about one of every 10 car thefts. In San Antonio alone, 7,781 motor vehicles were stolen in 2019, an increase from 6,089 in 2018.

In early September, a couple in the Valley High North area of San Antonio reported their truck stolen right out of their driveway, and KSAT TV says there have been four cars stolen and seven car break-ins reported in the area in the previous six months.

There are steps you can take to thwart thieves who want to steal your car or truck. At Herrman & Herrman, PLLC in San Antonio, we have compiled some tips for San Antonio car theft prevention. If we can help you in a car accident personal injury claim, call us at (361) 882-4357 to set up a free and confidential legal consultation.

Car Theft Protection Tips for San Antonio

The following tips are from the TxDMV’s Motor Vehicle Crime Prevention Authority, Allstate Insurance and Cavender Buick GMC West in San Antonio.

  • Lock the Doors, Close the Windows. Car thieves are opportunists. A car thief’s hope is to find an unlocked car. Closing the windows and locking your doors is the easiest way to keep thieves out of your car. Keep your trunk and glovebox locked, too. Most thieves will move on to the next vehicle as soon as they find that your car is locked.
  • Do Not Leave Valuables in Sight. Car theft is about making quick money. Most thieves want to sell your car or truck, either whole or for parts. Leaving valuables in sight in your vehicle gives a thief extra incentive to put time and effort into breaking into your car. The thief may steal the valuables to pawn them and make some quick money, even if the thief doesn’t take the car.
  • Park in High-Visibility or Secure Places. Don’t give car thieves an opportunity to strike. If you have a garage at home, use it for your vehicle and lock your garage doors at night. Away from home, park in well-lit parking lots, near streetlights or in attended parking lots.
  • Install Anti-Theft Systems. Install an audible alarm system, if your car did not come with a factory installed anti-theft system. Use a visible anti-theft device, such as a steering wheel lock. Steering wheel locks make it harder for a thief to steal your car, which is often enough to deter a theft. You can also have a mechanic install an immobilizer system, which disables the vehicle so that a thief cannot make off with it. It may incorporate smart keys, kill switches and/or wireless ignition authentication. Another approach is to install a tracking system, which uses wireless technology to emit a signal to the police or a monitoring service indicating your vehicle’s location.
  • Etch the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on Windows and Other Car Parts. Many stolen cars wind up in “chop shops,” where their parts are stripped to be sold. If a thief sees your car’s 17-digit VIN etched into its widows, they’ll know there’s no market for windows and other parts from your car because they can be immediately identified. Here, a Texas TV station looks at the ease and benefits of VIN etching.

What to Do If Your Car Is Stolen

The Texas Department of Motor Vehicles says the 10 makes of cars and trucks most likely to be stolen are:

  • Honda Civic
  • Honda Accord
  • Ford Pickup (Full Size)
  • Chevrolet Pickup (Full Size)
  • Toyota Camry
  • Nissan Altima
  • Toyota Corolla
  • GMC Pickup (Full Size)
  • Dodge Pickup (Full Size)
  • Jeep Cherokee/Grand Cherokee.

If your car is stolen, you should:

  1. Immediately contact the police and file a report. Police will need:
    • The year, make, model and color of the car
    • License plate number
    • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). If you do not have your VIN number readily available, contact your insurance company or auto loan lender.
  2. Report the theft to your insurance provider. Even if the loss is not covered, reporting the theft will protect you if your stolen vehicle is in an accident that leaves others injured.
  3. Contact your car loan provider if the vehicle is still being financed. Contact the title holder of a vehicle being leased.

Avoid Buying a Stolen Car

Small-time thieves may try to sell a stolen vehicle on the street. If you knowingly buy a stolen car, you can be arrested for receiving stolen property. If you buy a stolen car unknowingly, you could lose the car as well as what you’ve spent on it. You will also have trouble reselling a stolen vehicle and, thereby, will lose money on the deal.

Don’t put yourself in a bad situation:

  • Be suspicious of any deal that seems “too good to be true.”
  • Make sure the title and registration reflect the name and address of the person selling the vehicle.
  • Be wary of a seller who has no fixed address, place of employment or phone number.
  • Ask the seller about previous financing and insurance on the vehicle. Verify the information with the bank, finance company and/or insurer.
  • Ensure the vehicle identification number (VIN) on the automobile’s dash is present, secure and unaltered. Check to ensure the VIN plate has not been repainted and the numbers stamped in the plate appear to be the original factory numbers. If in doubt about plate authenticity, check with a new car dealer who handles the same model or contact a law enforcement agency.
  • Run the VIN through the National Insurance Crime Bureau’s VINCheck search service. It can help determine whether a vehicle has been reported as stolen by participating NICB member insurance companies or has been reported as a salvage vehicle.


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Pipeline Explosion in Corpus Christi Causes Deaths, Fire Injuries

A natural gas pipeline explosion at the Port of Corpus Christi in August killed four members of a dredging boat crew and put six more people in the hospital with serious burn injuries, according to published reports.

An Associated Press report from August 24 depicts the huge fireball that erupted when the dredging vessel Waymon L. Boyd struck a submerged propane pipeline.

“Of the six injured, five were airlifted to a San Antonio hospital for severe burns while another was expected to be discharged,” Sean Strawbridge, CEO of the Port of Corpus Christi, told The AP. Three crew members with burn injuries were taken to San Antonio’s Brooke Army Medical Center (BAMC) to receive specialized treatment for burns, KRIS 6 News reported.

The explosion occurred just after 8 a.m. in the Corpus Christi Ship Channel’s Inner Harbor south of Nueces Bay. The fire ignited the dredge and spread from the pipeline to a nearby grain elevator.

According to the Coast Guard, “the fire onboard the vessel was first extinguished Friday afternoon, but re-ignited and was finally put out at approximately 10 p.m. Friday, shortly before the vessel broke apart and sunk.”

A news release from the Port of Corpus Christi says approximately 1,600 gallons of diesel fuel were removed from the water and an additional 680 gallons of diesel fuel/water were skimmed from the surface of the harbor the night after the accident.

The cause of the accident remains under investigation.

Explosions and Burn Injuries

Burn injury patients flown to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio from the Corpus Christi pipeline explosion received some of the best burn injury care available in the world. BAMC is home to the U.S. Army’s Institute of Surgical Research Burn Center, the Army’s sole facility caring for burn injuries among active duty servicemen, beneficiaries and civilian emergencies.

The USAISR Burn Center’s 300 medical professionals provide care that includes cutting edge surgical services and promotes optimal recovery, restoration of function and community reintegration.

An explosion can cause a variety of injuries, including blunt force trauma among individuals hit by the blast wave. These injuries may include traumatic brain injury, broken bones, internal organ injury and deep lacerations caused by debris sent flying by the force of the explosion. The heat of the blast and flash fires that often accompany an explosion can cause serious burns and may even sear the lungs of people nearby. Smoke inhalation can cause pulmonary injury.

The USAISR Burn Center focuses on patients with the most severe burns requiring critical care, rehabilitation, wound care and long-term reconstruction.

Patients treated at the Center are individuals who have suffered:

  • Second-degree burns, also known as partial thickness burns, covering more than 10% total body surface area.
  • Third-degree burns.
  • Burns that involve the face, hands, feet, genitalia, or major joints.
  • Electrical burns, including lightning injury.
  • Inhalation injury.
  • Burns and trauma (such as fractures) in which the burn injury poses the greatest risk of mortality.

Second-degree burns affect the skin and the underlying layer of skin known as the dermis. When a second-degree burn covers more than 10% of the body, it is considered a moderate or severe injury. Third-degree burns, also known as full thickness burns, affect deeper tissue and may result in charred skin and damage to nerves. Patients with third-degree burn injuries require surgery, skin grafts and special care.

Even with the skilled care, serious burn injuries can prove fatal. Severely burned patients may eventually succumb to infection due to the loss of skin or to pulmonary complications, such as pneumonia. Those who survive may have disfiguring scars that cannot be repaired. Badly burned limbs may require amputation.

A serious burn victim may be totally disabled and require assistive or adaptive mobility devices such as wheelchairs or prosthetics and have ongoing medical treatment and personal care needs.

Burn Injuries and Offshore Work in Corpus Christi

There are multiple federal laws that protect workers injured on boats and other vessels due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness. They allow the injured worker or survivors of offshore workers killed in accidents to obtain compensation for medical costs, lost income and pain and suffering. Among them are the:

  • Jones Act, which allows seamen to seek compensation from their employer if negligence on the part of their employer or another crew member causes their work-related injury.
  • Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA), which allow a seaman’s survivors to obtain compensation from responsible parties if the seaman’s death was caused by negligence, default or wrongful act on the high seas, which is defined as waters “a marine league,” or one-twentieth of a mile, from shore.
  • Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act (LHWCA), which provides workers’ compensation benefits for maritime workers who are not seamen. This allows stevedores, workers who load and unload ships, and other shore workers to obtain compensation if they are injured while on the job.

The Jones Act and other federal maritime laws are complex so that they may cover multiple potential factors and accident scenarios. Unfortunately, claims pursued by injured workers can become complicated if employers seek to limit responsibility for their workers’ well-being or if responsibility for an accident is not clear.

From our offices in Corpus Christi, the maritime accident attorneys at Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., represent workers who have been seriously injured in workplace accidents offshore or on land. We have more than two decades of experience helping injured clients and the families of fatally injured workers pursue compensation claims, including those involving the Jones Act and other federal causes of actions.

If you need any information about your rights pertaining to the Corpus Christi pipeline explosion or another maritime accident, please contact a maritime accident lawyer at Herrman & Herrman. Our attorneys offer a free, confidential initial consultation to discuss your legal options. If we can pursue a claim on your behalf, we will not charge a fee unless we recover compensation for you. Call us at (361) 882-4357 today for experienced legal help.


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Staying Safe on the Road in the Lone Star State

If you’re a Texan, it is imperative that you know the common car crash statistics in your state so that you can be aware and drive smarter. Staying safe on the road should always be one of your capital concerns, and learning about the existing conditions on the road is one way to keep yourself safe. Here are some of the key 2019 car crash stats in TX, as well as some potential ways to stay safe while you’re out driving in the Lone Star State. 

Key Car Crash and Accident Stats

In 2019, the state of Texas experienced an overall decrease in fatalities associated with automobile accidents. The rat was at 1.26 deaths per million, which is a 2.3% decrease from 2018. There were 12,897 crashes that resulted in a serious injury in Texas in 2019. There were also more people driving longer distances, with the annual number of miles driven in 2019 rising to over 288 billion from just over 282 billion in 2018. Despite more people driving and there being a lower fatality rate associated with motor vehicle accidents, there were no days in Texas last year without an automobile accident related death. 

Keeping Yourself Safe: Strategies for Safety and Success on the Road

Don’t become another statistic! Keep yourself safe while you’re out driving on the Texan roadways. Firstly, always make sure you are wearing your seatbelt and maintaining good driver “hygiene.” That is, checking your rearview and side mirrors for oncoming cars, and being generally alert to the lanes around you. Additionally, encourage the other people you drive to do the same. While it’s fine to jam out to some Top 40s tunes sometimes, don’t make it a habit that passengers completely check out of the driving experience while in the car with you. Your friends should pay attention to the streets so that they can warn you of any oncoming dangers. You and them will both be thankful not to become a Texas car crash statistic.

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Mantenerse Seguro en La Carretera en El Estado de Lone Star

Si es texano, es imperativo que conozca las estadísticas comunes de accidentes automovilísticos en su estado para que pueda estar al tanto y conducir de manera más inteligente. Mantenerse seguro en la carretera siempre debe ser una de sus principales preocupaciones, y conocer las condiciones existentes en la carretera es una forma de mantenerse seguro. Estas son algunas de las estadísticas clave de accidentes automovilísticos de 2019 en Texas, así como algunas formas potenciales de mantenerse seguro mientras conduce en el estado de Lone Star.

Estadísticas clave de accidentes automovilísticos y accidentes
En 2019, el estado de Texas experimentó una disminución general de las muertes asociadas con accidentes automovilísticos. La rata registró 1.26 muertes por millón, lo que representa una disminución del 2.3% con respecto a 2018. Hubo 12,897 choques que resultaron en lesiones graves en Texas en 2019. También hubo más personas conduciendo distancias más largas, con el número anual de millas conducidas en 2019 aumentó a más de 288 mil millones de poco más de 282 mil millones en 2018. A pesar de que más personas conducen y hay una tasa de mortalidad más baja asociada con accidentes automovilísticos, no hubo días en Texas el año pasado sin una muerte relacionada con un accidente automovilístico.

Mantenerse seguro: estrategias para la seguridad y el éxito en la carretera
¡No se convierta en una estadística más! Manténgase a salvo mientras conduce por las carreteras de Texas. En primer lugar, asegúrese siempre de llevar puesto el cinturón de seguridad y de mantener una buena “higiene” del conductor. Es decir, revise su retrovisor y espejos laterales para ver si hay autos que se aproximan y, en general, esté alerta a los carriles a su alrededor. Además, anime a las otras personas a las que conduce a que hagan lo mismo. Si bien está bien escuchar algunas de las canciones de los Top 40 a veces, no se convierta en un hábito que los pasajeros presten atención a la experiencia de conducción mientras están en el automóvil con usted. Tus amigos deben prestar atención a las calles para que puedan advertirte de los peligros que se avecinan. Tanto usted como ellos estarán agradecidos de no convertirse en una estadística de accidentes automovilísticos en Texas.

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Monday, September 14, 2020

¿En Una Demanda Por Lesiones Personales? Aquí hay 4 consejos de redes sociales para seguir

Si actualmente está luchando en una demanda por lesiones personales, es importante mantener un cierto nivel de decoro en las redes sociales cuando esté en línea. Ser reflexivo y responsable en sus cuentas de redes sociales puede ayudar a su abogado a construir su caso y no le dará a la persona que enfrenta la ventaja en la corte. ¡Su abogado de lesiones personales definitivamente se lo agradecerá!

1. No publique sobre su caso
La regla más importante para participar en una demanda y estar en las redes sociales es simplemente no publicar nada sobre su caso en línea. Esto puede ayudar a reducir la cantidad de información que la otra parte tiene que usar en su contra y, debido a que presumiblemente no es un abogado, es posible que no siempre diga las cosas correctas en línea que no contarán en su contra.

2. No publique sobre su lesión
Si publica en las redes sociales, asegúrese de no publicar sobre su lesión que esté incluida en la demanda. Cualquier actualización sobre su lesión, sus tratamientos médicos, cirugías o fisioterapia se puede sacar de contexto y potencialmente usar en su contra. Incluso un simple “¡Me siento bien hoy!” El estado puede tomarse fuera de contexto y usarse para demostrar que sus lesiones no le afectaron realmente de la manera que afirma.

3. No publique fotos de viajes
No publiques nada sobre movimiento físico o viajes en tus perfiles. Si bien puede ser impresionante que haya viajado a Tulum, se puede usar en su contra en la corte si parece que está lo suficientemente bien como para viajar y tomarse unas vacaciones.

4. Anime a sus familiares y amigos a hacer lo mismo
Las demandas por lesiones personales son un asunto serio. Eso significa que debe alentar a sus amigos, familiares y cualquier otra persona cercana a usted y normalmente puede publicar sobre usted a seguir las mismas reglas que usted está siguiendo. Si se preocupan por usted, harán lo que puedan para asegurarse de que tenga éxito en su caso.

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In a Personal Injury Lawsuit? Here are 4 Social Media Tips to Follow

If you are currently fighting in a personal injury lawsuit, it is important to maintain a certain level of social media decorum when you’re online. Being thoughtful and responsible on your social media accounts can help your lawyer build your case and will not give the person you’re facing the upper hand in court. Your personal injury attorney will definitely thank you!

      1. Do Not Post About Your Case

The biggest rule for being involved in a lawsuit and being on social media is to simply not post anything at all about your case online. This can help reduce the amount of information that the other side has to use against you and, because you’re presumably not a lawyer, you may not always say the right things online that will not count against you.

  1. Do Not Post About Your Injury

If you do post on social media, make sure you do not post about your injury that is included in the lawsuit. Any updates about your injury, your medical treatments, surgeries, or physical therapy can be taken out of context and potentially used against you. Even a simple “Feeling good today!” status could be taken out of context and used to prove that you were not truly affected by your injuries in the ways you claim.

  1. Do Not Post Travel Photos

Do not post anything about physical movement or travel on your profiles. While it may be impressive that you travelled to Tulum, it can be used against you in court if it appears that you are well enough to travel and take a vacation.

  1. Encourage Family and Friends to Do the Same

Personal injury lawsuits are serious business. That means that you should encourage your friends, family, and anyone else who is close to you and may normally post about you to follow the same rules that you are following. If they care about you, they will do what they can to ensure you have success in your case.

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Friday, September 11, 2020

¿Pueden Las Víctimas de COVID-19 Demandar Por Lesiones Personales?

El coronavirus ha afectado directamente a miles de vidas e incluso a más vidas indirectamente. Si usted o un ser querido han sido diagnosticados con COVID-19, o han muerto a causa del virus, es natural que se pregunte cuáles podrían ser sus opciones, legalmente y de otro modo. Aunque el virus aún es nuevo en los Estados Unidos y hay mucho que aprender sobre su relación con el sistema legal, es posible que tenga un caso en una demanda por lesiones personales si usted u otra persona se convierte en víctima de COVID. Si puede demostrar que la negligencia de otra persona es la razón por la que usted u otra persona contrajo el virus, puede ser elegible para una compensación. Siempre consulte a un abogado de lesiones personales con muchos años de experiencia si alguna vez está considerando presentar una demanda por algo como esto.

Por qué es posible que desee considerar una demanda por lesiones personales para su diagnóstico de COVID-19
Estar infectado con coronavirus puede hacer incluso más que dañar su cuerpo físico. Debido a facturas médicas, es posible que tenga deudas. Además, debido a que el virus es tan contagioso y se sabe tan poco sobre cómo limitar su propagación, es probable que pierda mucho trabajo después de infectarse con COVID. Eso puede causar una pérdida de ingresos y crear tensiones financieras en su familia. También puede quedar con algo de estrés emocional o trauma por tener un virus tan confuso y de alto perfil.

Qué debe hacer si está considerando presentar una demanda por lesiones personales
Si está considerando emprender acciones legales, es importante que se comunique con un abogado de lesiones personales con mucha experiencia en argumentar y ganar casos relacionados con enfermedades. Podría tener derecho a una compensación si un abogado experimentado puede demostrar que usted o su ser querido contrajeron el coronavirus debido a negligencia en nombre de su empleador, propietario de un negocio u otra persona en su vida. Tener COVID-19 puede afectar seriamente su vida de muchas maneras diferentes, por lo que es importante responsabilizar a quien sea culpable, si puede.

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Can Victims of COVID-19 Sue for Personal Injury?

Coronavirus has impacted thousands of lives directly, and even more lives indirectly. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or have died from the virus, it is natural to wonder what your options might be, legally and otherwise. Though the virus is still new to the United States and there is much to learn about its relationship to the legal system, it is possible you could have a case in a personal injury suit if you or someone else become a victim of COVID. If you can prove negligence on the part of someone else is the reason you or someone else contracted the virus, you may be eligible for compensation. Always consult a personal injury lawyer with many years’ experience if you’re ever considering filing a lawsuit for something like this. 

Why You May Want to Consider a Personal Injury Lawsuit for Your COVID-19 Diagnosis

Being infected with coronavirus can do even more than damage your just to your physical body. Due to medical bills, you may be in debt. Additionally, because the virus is so contagious and so little is known about how to limit its spread, you likely will miss a lot of work after being infected with COVID. That can cause a loss of income and create financial strain in your family. You may also be left with some emotional stress or trauma from having such a high-profile and confusing virus.

What You Should Do if You’re Considering Filing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If you’re considering pursuing legal action, it is important that you contact a personal injury lawyer with lots of experience in arguing and winning cases having to do with disease. You could be entitled to compensation if an experienced lawyer can prove that you or your loved one contracted the coronavirus due to negligence on behalf of your employer, a business owner, or someone else in your life. Having COVID-19 can seriously affect your life in numerous different ways, so it is important to hold whomever was culpable accountable if you can.

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Thursday, September 10, 2020

5 Formas de Preparar Su Hogar Para un Huracán: Consejos de Seguridad Que Debe Conocer

Si vive en un área que experimenta muchos huracanes y condiciones de huracanes, es importante saber cómo preparar su hogar para una gran tormenta tropical o húmeda que pueda dañar su propiedad. Conocer estos consejos puede ayudarlo a evitar daños extremadamente costosos, sin mencionar el dolor de cabeza de tener que reparar y reemplazar su propiedad.

1. Revise su seguro actual y considere obtener un seguro contra tormentas
Cuando se mude a un lugar que experimenta tormentas frecuentes, especialmente las peligrosas como huracanes, debe revisar su seguro de hogar actual para asegurarse de estar informado sobre lo que cubre su póliza. También puede considerar ampliar su póliza o comprar un seguro contra tormentas.

2. Asegure y selle su techo para evitar fugas
Antes de que llegue la temporada de tormentas, asegúrese de invertir en la “salud” de su techo. Invierta en selladores de techo para proteger su techo de goteras y asegúrese de que lo revisen regularmente para que no haya sorpresas en la temporada de huracanes.

3. Selle sus ventanas y puertas
Otro consejo para preparar su hogar para los huracanes es sellar sus ventanas y puertas. Si siente una corriente de aire en cualquiera de estas áreas, eso significa que el agua y los vientos dañinos podrían pasar. Selle esta susceptibilidad lo antes posible.

4. Limpia tu césped
Si bien su césped puede estar diseñado a la perfección, es posible que deba traer esas lindas sillas de jardín y decoraciones acolchadas. Con un fuerte viento de un huracán, estas cosas pueden ser lanzadas y causar estragos en su hogar.

5. Refuerce la puerta de su garaje o asegure el puerto de su automóvil
Si tiene un garaje o una cochera, eso puede ser un problema durante una tormenta. Asegúrese de que si tiene un garaje, refuerce la puerta de su garaje para evitar que se rompa con los fuertes vientos. Lo mismo ocurre con una cochera o incluso un porche cubierto. Asegure el puerto del automóvil al costado de su casa y asegúrese de que todas las columnas unidas estén firmemente en el suelo.

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5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for a Hurricane: Safety Tips to Know

If you live in an area that experiences a lot of hurricanes and hurricane conditions, it is important know how to prepare your home for a large tropical or wet storm that can damage your property. Knowing these tips can help you avoid extremely costly damages, not to mention the headache of having to mend and replace your property.

  1. Review Your Current Insurance and Consider Getting Storm Insurance

When you move to a place that experiences frequent storms, especially dangerous ones like hurricanes, you should review your current home insurance to make sure you are educated on what is covered by your policy. You may also want to consider expanding your policy or purchasing storm insurance.

  1. Secure and Seal Your Roof to Prevent Leaks

Before storm season hits, make sure you invest in the “health” of your roof. Invest in roof sealants to protect your roof from leaks, and ensure that you are getting your roof regularly checked so there are no surprises come hurricane season.

  1. Seal Your Windows and Doors

Another tip for preparing your home for hurricanes is to seal up your windows and doors. If you feel a draft from either of these areas, that means water and damaging winds could get through. Seal up this susceptibility as soon as possible.

  1. Clear Your Lawn

While your lawn may be landscaped to perfection, you may need to bring in those cute cushioned lawn chairs and decorations. In a large wind from a hurricane, these things can be thrown about and wreak havoc on your home.

  1. Reinforce Your Garage Door or Secure Your Car Port

If you have a garage or a carport, that can be a liability during a storm. Make sure that if you have a garage, you reinforce your garage door to avoid it being torn off by heavy winds. The same goes for a carport or even a covered porch. Secure the carport to the side of your house and make sure all columns attached to it are firmly in the ground.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

5 Malos Hábitos de Conducción Que Abandonar en 2020

Dejar sus malos hábitos de conducción puede ahorrarle mucho dinero y dolores de cabeza en el futuro. Si inculca mejores hábitos de conducción en su psique, será un conductor más seguro y podrá ahorrar toneladas de seguros, multas o tarifas, y los costos asociados con los accidentes automovilísticos. Si está buscando renovar sus hábitos de manejo para mejorar su salud financiera y física, aquí hay cinco hábitos de manejo peligrosos que debe abandonar.

Exceso de velocidad
Reducir la velocidad mientras conduce y no acelerar en las carreteras y calles de la ciudad es una excelente manera de ahorrar dinero en multas y multas por exceso de velocidad. Además, se pueden marcar demasiadas infracciones por exceso de velocidad en su licencia y hacer que aumenten los pagos de su seguro. Sin mencionar que conducir más lento significa que eres más ágil y puedes evitar accidentes.

Comer mientras se conduce
Cualquier tipo de conducción distraída puede ser un gran peligro cuando estás en la carretera. Si comes a menudo en el coche, este es un hábito que definitivamente debes dejar. Si bien el desayuno es la comida más importante del día, intente comerlo en casa para no quedarse atrapado en un tazón de cereal de camino al trabajo.

Enviar mensajes de texto y conducir
Enviar mensajes de texto mientras conduce es uno de los hábitos más peligrosos que puede tener como conductor. Aunque muchas personas tienen este hábito, es uno que puede causar accidentes mortales. Cuando envía un mensaje de texto y conduce, no solo sus ojos se desvían de la carretera, sino que a menudo su mente se distrae con lo que está enviando, lo que no lo convierte en un conductor muy alerta.

Chupar rueda
Tailgating es un hábito de conducción muy malo, incluso si no se da cuenta. Seguir detrás significa que estás demasiado cerca del automóvil que tienes delante y, si hacen una parada repentina, es posible que no puedas adaptarte y reducir la velocidad a tiempo, lo que podría provocar una colisión por alcance.

Rabia en la carretera
Si bien es posible que no piense en esto como un mal hábito de conducir, tener rabia en la carretera con otros conductores puede convertirlo en un conductor más agresivo y ofensivo y, por lo tanto, causar accidentes.

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5 Bad Driving Habits to Drop in 2020

Ditching your bad driving habits can save you a lot of money and headaches in the future. If you instill better driving habits into your psyche you’ll be a safer driver and can save tons on insurance, tickets or fees, and costs associated with being in automobile accidents. If you’re looking to revamp your driving habits in order to better your financial—and physical—health, here are five dangerous driving habits to drop.


  • Speeding


Reducing your speed while you drive and not speeding on highways and city streets is a great way to save yourself money on speeding tickets and fines. Additionally, too many speeding infractions can be marked on your license and cause your insurance payments to increase. Not to mention, driving slower means you’re more agile and can avoid accidents.


  • Eating While Driving


Any kind of distracted driving can be a huge danger when you’re on the road. If you often eat in the car, this is a habit you should definitely drop. While breakfast is the most important meal of the day, try to eat it at home so you don’t get stuck navigating a bowl of cereal on the way to work. 


  • Texting and Driving


Texting while driving is one of the most dangerous habits that you can have as a driver. Though many people have this habit, it is one that can cause deadly accidents. When you text and drive, not only are your eyes off of the road, but often your mind wanders to whatever you are texting about, which does not make you a very alert driver. 


  • Tailgating


Tailgating is a very bad driving habit, even if you don’t realize it. Tailgating means you’re way too close to the car in front of you, and if they make a sudden stop you may not be able to adapt and slow down in time, which could cause a rear-end collision. 


  • Road Rage


While you may not think of this as a bad driving habit, having road rage at other drivers can make you a more aggressive and offensive driver and therefore cause accidents. 

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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Trabajos más peligrosos en Estados Unidos

Aquí en el sur de Texas, tenemos una economía diversa con trabajos en muchos sectores diferentes. Eso significa que muchos trabajadores en el sur de Texas realizan trabajos peligrosos, incluso en la construcción, los campos petroleros y las industrias pesquera y marina. Muchos de estos trabajos peligrosos tienen un alto porcentaje de trabajadores hispanos, lo que significa que los empleados hispanos corren un mayor riesgo de lesiones y muertes en el trabajo.

Si usted o un ser querido ha resultado lesionado en un trabajo peligroso en Texas, necesitará un abogado con experiencia que luche para que usted y su familia obtengan la compensación financiera que necesitan para ayudarlo a recuperarse y volver a la vida normal. Con más de 100 años de experiencia legal combinada, los abogados de accidentes laborales de Herrman & Herrman han ayudado a muchos clientes y sus familias a lograr recuperaciones financieras completas después de haber sido lesionados en accidentes laborales graves. Nuestros resultados hablan por sí mismos en las numerosas críticas positivas que nuestros clientes han dejado en plataformas de redes sociales como Google y Facebook.

Nuestro bufete de abogados tiene cuatro oficinas en Corpus Christi, McAllen, San Antonio y Brownsville. Contamos con un personal bilingüe para atender a nuestros clientes que prefieren discutir sus preguntas legales con nosotros en español. Cuando se comunique con nuestra firma para obtener ayuda con su caso de accidente en el lugar de trabajo, podemos enviar inmediatamente al Equipo de Investigación de Accidentes de nuestra firma para comenzar a investigar su accidente y preservar evidencia crítica que necesitaremos para demostrar su derecho a recibir una compensación y sus beneficios.

Como trabajador, está preparado para afrontar los retos de un trabajo peligroso. Si ha resultado lesionado, necesita un abogado que defienda sus derechos. Llame a nuestra firma hoy al (361) 882-4357 o complete el formulario de contacto en nuestro sitio web para programar una evaluación inicial gratuita del caso y analizar sus opciones legales para obtener una compensación por las lesiones que ha sufrido en un accidente laboral.

¿Cuáles son los trabajos más peligrosos en Estados Unidos?

Muchos de los trabajos más peligrosos en EE. UU. Involucran trabajo manual y requieren trabajar con equipos y maquinaria peligrosa. Un estudio de AdvisorSmith, compiló una lista de los trabajos más peligrosos en Estados Unidos, esta lista incluye:

  • Trabajadores de madera
  • Pesca
  • Marineros y trabajadores marinos
  • Pilotos de aeronaves e ingenieros de vuelo
  • Operadores de equipos de pavimentación
  • Operadores de dragado, excavación y carga
  • Trabajadores de petróleo, gas y minería
  • Trabajadores del transporte
  • Techadores
  • Trabajadores de mantenimiento de maquinaria
  • Operadores de máquinas para trabajar la madera
  • Trabajadores de fosas sépticas y alcantarillado
  • Recolectores de basura y reciclaje
  • Trabajadores del hierro y el acero
  • Conductores de camiones y repartidores
  • Agricultores y trabajadores agrícolas
  • Trabajadores ferroviarios
  • Trabajadores de barras de refuerzo
  • Aparejadores
  • Supervisores agrícolas/pesqueros/forestales

Otra encuesta realizada por USA Today que revisa los datos del Censo de Lesiones Ocupacionales Fatales de BLS, compiló otra lista de los 25 trabajos más peligrosos en Estados Unidos, la cual incluye:

  • Electricistas
  • Bomberos
  • Pintores profesionales
  • Conductores de taxi
  • Operadores de equipos mineros
  • Operadores de equipos de construcción
  • Agentes de cumplimiento de la ley
  • Supervisores de primera línea para mecánicos, reparadores e instaladores
  • Obreros de la construcción
  • Jardineros
  • Trabajadores de mantenimiento y reparación
  • Ayudantes de construcción
  • Supervisores de construcción de primera línea
  • Trabajadores agrícolas
  • Trabajadores de líneas eléctricas
  • Supervisores de primera línea de jardineros
  • Agricultores y ganaderos
  • Conductores de camiones y repartidores
  • Trabajadores del hierro y el acero
  • Recolectores de basura y reciclaje
  • Techadores
  • Pilotos de aeronaves
  • Leñadores
  • Trabajadores de la industria pesquera
  • Atletas, entrenadores, árbitros y otros trabajadores deportivos

Finalmente, una revisión de los datos de BLS por CNBC compiló una lista de los 10 trabajos más peligrosos en el país:

  • Supervisores de jardinería
  • Supervisores de construcción
  • Trabajadores del hierro y el acero
  • Agricultores, ganaderos y trabajadores agrícolas
  • Repartidores y camioneros
  • Recolectores de basura y reciclaje
  • Techadores
  • Pilotos de aeronaves
  • Trabajadores de la industria pesquera
  • Leñadores

En el sur de Texas en particular, algunas de las lesiones que sufren con más frecuencia los trabajadores en estas profesiones peligrosas incluyen:

  • Exposición a sustancias químicas cáusticas y tóxicas
  • Lesiones por derrames químicos
  • Lesiones por incendio y explosión en pozos de petróleo y gas y tanques de almacenamiento
  • Lesiones de ferrocarril
  • Impactos por caída de equipos, tuberías, vigas y otros objetos
  • Caídas desde alturas, incluso desde andamios y pórticos
  • Lesiones por aplastamiento, incluidas fallas y colapsos de gatos hidráulicos
  • Lesiones causadas por equipos y maquinaria defectuosos
  • Lesiones por accidentes en la costa

¿Qué hacer si me lesiono en el trabajo en Texas?

En muchos casos, cuando se lesiona en el trabajo, tiene derecho a presentar un reclamo por beneficios de compensación para trabajadores, que pueden proporcionar compensación por tratamiento médico y reemplazo parcial del salario. Sin embargo, el sistema de compensación para trabajadores de Texas es diferente al de muchos otros estados. Los empleadores en Texas no están obligados a comprar un seguro de compensación para trabajadores para brindar beneficios a los trabajadores lesionados a tiempo completo y parcial. Algunos empleadores mantienen un seguro de compensación para trabajadores y otros no.

Estos empleadores se consideran “no suscriptores” según el sistema de compensación para trabajadores de Texas. Puede responsabilizar a esos empleadores por su lesión relacionada con el trabajo en ciertas situaciones, aunque puede resultar más difícil y llevar más tiempo hacerlo que con un empleador que está asegurado para reclamos de compensación para trabajadores. Debe informar su accidente y lesión a su empleador lo antes posible para notificar a su empleador sobre su lesión y su posible reclamo de compensación.

Además, si su lesión en el lugar de trabajo fue causada por equipos, materiales o maquinaria defectuosa, o si su accidente fue causado por la negligencia o imprudencia de un tercero, es posible que tenga derecho a emprender una acción legal de terceros, como una lesión personal, responsabilidad de productos o reclamo de responsabilidad de locales, que puede darle derecho a buscar una compensación por daños que de otra manera no recibiría compensación bajo la compensación de trabajadores.

Cuando usted o un ser querido se lesionó en el trabajo, no espere para buscar y obtener la representación legal que necesita para obtener una compensación completa por una lesión relacionada con el trabajo. Comuníquese con los abogados de accidentes laborales de Herrman & Herrman para programar una consulta gratuita y sin compromiso donde podamos ayudarle a comprender sus derechos y opciones legales y guiarlo a través del proceso para obtener la compensación financiera y los beneficios a los que tiene derecho por sus lesiones.

Llámenos hoy al (361) 882-4357, o complete el formulario de contacto en nuestro sitio web, y programe su consulta inicial para obtener más información sobre cómo nuestra firma puede ayudarle a usted y a su familia si se lesionó en el trabajo.

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Common Types of Semi-Truck Collisions in Brownsville, TX

A semi-truck or commercial truck collision often proves catastrophic for other motorists involved in the accident. The sheer size and weight of trucks, combined with the fact that many semi-truck collisions occur at highway speeds, means that the occupants of smaller vehicles tend to suffer the brunt of injuries from the force of the collision. If your truck accident was caused by a truck driver’s carelessness or disregard for safety, you deserve full monetary compensation for your injuries.

After a semi-truck accident in Brownsville, you need an experienced truck accident attorney who can help guide you through the time-consuming effort to investigate the accident and pursue a claim for compensation for injuries and damages.

At Herrman & Herrman, our Brownsville truck accident lawyers can provide you with the compassionate, focused legal representation that you and your family deserve. We have a bilingual staff to serve both the English- and Spanish-speaking members of our community. We are honored by the numerous clients who have left positive reviews of our firm across Facebook and Google.

If you give us a call from the scene of the truck accident, we can dispatch our firm’s Accident Investigative Team to come to the accident scene to conduct a thorough investigation and begin preserving critical evidence we may need to pursue your claim, including driver’s logs, truck data recorders, and truck maintenance records. We understand how important it is to preserve evidence in a truck accident case.

After a Brownsville truck accident, schedule a free case review with the personal injury attorneys of Herrman & Herrman to learn about the financial recovery you may be entitled to seek following your accident. Give us a call at (361) 882-4357 or fill out our website’s contact form today.

Types of Semi-Truck Accidents

 Some of the most common examples of semi-truck accidents and collisions include:

  1. Head-on collision: Head-on collisions usually occur when both the truck and other vehicle are traveling at speed. These accidents typically occur when one vehicle veers into an oncoming lane of traffic or when a truck driver gets lost on a route and ends up driving the wrong way down a one-way street or highway on-ramp.
  2. Rear-end collision: A rear-end collision involves a truck colliding into the back of another vehicle, typically because the truck driver was speeding or was following too closely. Heavy trucks take longer distances to stop safely, so rear-end truck accidents occur regularly.
  3. T-bone collision: Side impact accidents or T-bone accidents, as they are often called, involve the front of a truck colliding with the side of another vehicle. These accidents often occur when a truck driver fails to stop at a stop sign or red light or when the driver fails to yield, including when turning.
  4. Side-swipe collision: Side-swipe collisions involve contact between the sides of two vehicles. These accidents occur when a truck driver makes an unsafe lane change or drifts into an adjacent lane. These accidents also happen when a truck driver takes a wide right turn and veers into an adjoining lane of traffic.
  5. Underride accident: An underride accident involves a smaller vehicle sliding under the back or side of a semi-truck, due to the height difference between truck and passenger vehicles. These accidents can cause catastrophic or fatal injuries.
  6. Tire blowout: Given the miles that big rigs travel, truck tires take a great deal of wear and tear and must be replaced regularly. Lack of maintenance or a tire blowout may cause the truck driver to lose control of his or her vehicle and collide with other vehicles.
  7. Jackknife accident: A jackknife accident involves a trailer of a semi-truck swinging forward toward the cab of the truck. Jackknife accidents typically occur due to improper braking by the truck driver, especially in poor road conditions, or due to unsecured or unsafe cargo loads that can cause the back of the trailer to swing out.
  8. Rollover accident: A truck driver can lose control of his or her vehicle due to speeding, failure of components, a tire blowout, or an unsafe or unsecured load shifting during travel. That can lead to the entire vehicle tipping over, leading to impacts with other vehicle or releasing the truck’s cargo, which may hit other vehicles on the road.
  9. Cargo-related accident: A cargo load that isn’t properly secured may spill out onto the road, impacting other vehicles or setting off a chain reaction collision.

Truck accidents often have complex causes that require a thorough investigation to identify. It is important to seek the services of a Brownsville truck accident lawyer who has handled truck accident cases and understands the types of evidence to seek.

Recent Brownsville Semi-Truck Accidents

Some recent semi-truck accidents that have occurred around Brownsville include:

  • In July 2019, a van carrying two Brownsville families on a trip to Galveston was struck in the side by an 18-wheeler, causing the van to careen into the opposing lane of traffic on the highway and collide head-on with an oncoming pickup truck, killing all the occupants of the van
  • Another accident in June 2020 occurred on State Highway 4 when a semi-truck reversed onto and over the grassy median of the highway, causing a pickup truck to collide with the rear of the trailer, killing the driver and injuring the other passengers of the pickup.

Contact a 18-Wheeler Truck Accident Lawyer Today

 If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident in Brownsville, Texas, contact an experienced, semi-truck accident lawyer at Herrman & Herrman today to schedule a free, no-obligation initial consultation. Our attorneys will review the details of your accident and discuss your legal rights to recover financial compensation. Call our firm at (361) 882-4357 or fill out the contact form on our website to get in touch with us and set up your consultation.

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Sunday, September 6, 2020

¿Qué es la Espuma Contra Incendios y Puede Causar Cáncer?

La espuma contra incendios ha sido fabricada por empresas químicas y se ha utilizado para difundir incendios durante años. Sin embargo, se ha demostrado que los mismos productos químicos peligrosos que pueden difundir estos incendios también pueden estar causando ciertos tipos de cáncer. Además, es posible que las empresas químicas que producen espumas contra incendios hayan sido conscientes de los componentes potencialmente cancerígenos de la espuma.

¿Qué es la espuma contra incendios?
La espuma contra incendios también se llama espuma formadora de película acuosa, o AFFF, y es utilizada por bomberos, miembros militares y algunos trabajadores del aeropuerto para suprimir las llamas de los incendios derivados del petróleo. Se encuentra en todo Estados Unidos y ha contaminado el suelo y el agua en los lugares donde se usa con más frecuencia.

¿Quién está en riesgo?
Las personas que corren mayor riesgo de contraer cáncer a causa de los contaminantes en la espuma contra incendios son, por supuesto, los bomberos. Además, los bomberos militares pueden ser los que corren mayor riesgo, ya que la mayoría de los incendios derivados del petróleo ocurren en contextos militares. Aquellos que se han visto afectados pueden tener derecho a una compensación y deben comunicarse con un abogado sobre una demanda de espuma contra incendios en su área.

¿Qué ingredientes de AFFF causan cáncer?
Hay ingredientes incluidos en la producción de espuma para combatir incendios que se llaman PFA y se ha demostrado que causan varios tipos diferentes de cáncer. Cuando los bomberos y el personal militar están expuestos a estos químicos peligrosos repetidamente durante un período prolongado, podrían ser susceptibles de contraer ciertos tipos de cáncer.

¿Qué tipos de cáncer pueden haber sido causados ​​por la espuma?
Se ha demostrado que las sustancias químicas peligrosas que se encuentran en la espuma contra incendios causan cánceres como cáncer de riñón, cáncer de testículo y próstata, cáncer de hígado, linfoma y leucemia. Si usted o un ser querido ha interactuado con espuma contra incendios y le diagnosticaron cáncer, es posible que pueda obtener una compensación mediante una acción legal. Comuníquese hoy con un abogado de confianza para hablar sobre sus opciones.

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What is Firefighting Foam and Can it Cause Cancer?

Firefighting foam has been manufactured by chemical companies and used for diffusing fires for years. However, it has been shown that the same dangerous chemicals that can diffuse these fires may also be causing certain types of cancers. Additionally, it is possible that the chemical companies that produce firefighting foam may have been aware of the potentially carcinogenic components of the foam.

What is Firefighting Foam?

Firefighting foam is also called Aqueous Film Forming Foam, or AFFF, and is used by firefighters, military members, and some airport workers to suppress flames from petroleum-based fires. It is found across the United States and has contaminated soil and water in the places where it is used most frequently. 

Who is at Risk?

The people who are most at risk of contracting cancer from contaminants in firefighting foam are, of course, firefighters. Additionally, military firefighters may be the most at-risk as the majority of petroleum-based fires occur in military contexts. Those who have been affected may be entitled to compensation and should contact a lawyer about a firefighting foam lawsuit in their area.

What Ingredients in AFFF Cause Cancer?

There are ingredients included in the production of firefighting foam that are called PFA’s and have been proven to cause a number of different types of cancer. When firefighters and military personnel are exposed to these dangerous chemicals repeatedly over a long period of time, they could be susceptible to contracting certain types of cancer.

What Cancers May Have Been Caused by the Foam?

The dangerous chemicals found in firefighting foam have been shown to cause cancers like kidney cancer, testicular and prostate cancers, liver cancer, lymphoma, and leukemia. If you or a loved one have interacted with firefighting foam and were diagnosed with cancer, you may be able to get compensation through legal action. Contact a reputable attorney today to talk about your options.

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Thursday, September 3, 2020

¿Cómo se Puede Disputar el Seguro de Vida?

Ocasionalmente, hay situaciones en las que uno puede querer o necesitar impugnar las pólizas de seguro de vida. La situación podría ser que su esposo o esposa fallezca y nunca actualizó su póliza de seguro de vida para reflejarlo a usted y a sus hijos juntos como beneficiarios, y por lo tanto, usted no recibe un pago a pesar de sentir que tiene derecho a recibirlo. Otra situación en la que las personas a menudo quieren disputar un seguro de vida es cuando una persona muy anciana o muy enferma actualiza a los beneficiarios sobre su seguro de vida cuando están cerca del final de su vida. Muchos argumentan que la persona que cambió los términos o los beneficiarios de sus políticas no estaba en su sano juicio cuando lo hizo.

Cuándo consultar a un abogado
Cuando se encuentra en una situación y siente que necesita disputar los términos de una póliza de seguro de vida, acudir a la compañía de seguros puede no ser su mejor opción. Si el titular de la póliza de la cuenta ya ha fallecido y sus beneficios por fallecimiento se han pagado o se pagarán pronto, el único curso de acción que puede tomar es una acción legal. Si el titular de la póliza ha fallecido, asegúrese de hablar con un abogado con experiencia y especializado en disputas de seguros de vida y pólizas de salud en general, ya que serán las personas que mejor puedan asesorarlo.

Qué considerar antes de impugnar una póliza de seguro de vida
Antes de comenzar el proceso de disputar una póliza de seguro de vida, hay algunas cosas que debe considerar. Primero, una disputa puede llevar mucho tiempo, y si necesita desesperadamente el dinero del beneficio por fallecimiento, es posible que deba hablar con el beneficiario en lugar de entablar una demanda. En segundo lugar, este tipo de demandas pueden ser costosas, así que asegúrese de tener los recursos para poder librar la pelea. Por último, recuerde que la mejor manera de evitar uno de estos casos legales es tener una buena comunicación con el asegurado mientras aún está vivo. Es mucho más fácil para ellos hacer cambios en los términos de su póliza antes de pasar.

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How Can Life Insurance Be Disputed?

Occasionally, there are situations wherein one may want to or need to contest life insurance policies. The situation could be that your husband or wife dies and never updated their life insurance policy to reflect you and your children together as beneficiaries, and thus, you do not get a payout despite feeling that you are rightfully entitled to it. Another situation wherein people often want to dispute life insurance is when a very old or very ill person updates the beneficiaries on his or her life insurance when they are close to the end of their life. Many argue that the individual who changed the terms or beneficiaries on their policies were not of sound and healthy mind when they did so. 

When to Consult a Lawyer

When you are in a situation and you feel you need to dispute the terms of a life insurance policy, going to the insurance company may not actually be your best option. If the policy holder on the account has already died and their death benefits have been paid out or will soon be paid out, the only course of action you can take is legal action. If the holder of the policy has died, make sure you speak to an experienced attorney with specialty in life insurance disputes and healthcare policies in general, as they will be the individuals who can best advise you.

What to Consider Before You Contest a Life Insurance Policy

Before you start the process of disputing a life insurance policy, there are a few things you should consider. First, a dispute may take a very long time, and if you are in desperate need of the death benefit money, you may need to speak to the beneficiary rather than go through a lawsuit. Second, these types of lawsuits can be costly, so make sure you have the resources in order to actually fight the fight. Lastly, remember that the best way to avoid one of these legal cases is to have good communication with the policy holder while they are still alive. It is much easier for them to make changes to the terms of their policy before they pass on.

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¿Le Recetaron Zantac y Luego le Diagnosticaron Cáncer? Esto es Lo Que Sigue

¿Le recetaron Zantac y luego le diagnosticaron cáncer? Esto es lo que sigue

Recientemente, farmacéuticos de Connecticut descubrieron que el medicamento Zantac (ranitidina genérica) contenía un ingrediente cancerígeno llamado nitrosodimetilamina o NDMA en algunos de los lotes del medicamento. Desde entonces, el medicamento ha sido retirado del mercado y retirado de los estantes de minoristas como Walmart, Walgreens y CVS. Zantac es un medicamento que se usa para tratar la acidez y las úlceras de estómago, aunque ciertos lotes de producción que contienen NDMA podrían causar el efecto contrario en su cuerpo. Desde que consumieron estos lotes de Zantac, algunos clientes han sido diagnosticados con cánceres de vejiga, estómago e hígado.

Una actualización sobre la demanda
Este año, la información de la demanda de Zantac ha evolucionado rápidamente. A partir de abril de 2020, la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos, o FDA, ha recomendado que Zantac y sus genéricos se eliminen por completo de la circulación minorista y la fabricación. La FDA también calificó al medicamento como un “riesgo para la salud pública” debido a sus ingredientes cancerígenos. También se ha afirmado que los fabricantes de Zantac conocían la inclusión de ingredientes potencialmente cancerígenos, lo que significaría que su inacción podría considerarse negligencia. Actualmente, existen demandas colectivas presentadas por abogados en los estados de Nueva Jersey, California, Florida, Connecticut y Massachusetts. Sin embargo, estas demandas solo tienen que ver con negligencia, y los involucrados solo tienen que demostrar que compraron el medicamento Zantac y no recibieron una advertencia sobre la posible inclusión de NDMA.

Qué hacer si usted o un ser querido contrae cáncer después de tomar Zantac
Si a usted o un ser querido le recetaron o tomaron Zantac, ranitidina u otro genérico de los mismos y luego le diagnosticaron cáncer de estómago, hígado o vejiga, es posible que tenga derecho a una compensación mediante una acción legal. Asegúrese de llamar y consultar con un abogado con experiencia en demandas por lesiones personales en su área. No escatime detalles al contar su historia, ya que es posible que no sepa qué será importante para formular un caso legal sólido. Es más probable que pueda afirmar una conexión entre su cáncer y tomar Zantac si estaba tomando dosis grandes o frecuentes durante un período de tiempo prolongado.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. https://www.herrmanandherrman.com/blog/le-recetaron-zantac-y-luego-le-diagnosticaron-cancer-esto-es-lo-que-sigue/
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