Wednesday, October 28, 2020

La Corte Suprema Prohíbe la Discriminación Laboral de los Empleados LGTBQ

En junio, en un fallo de 6-3, la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos prohibió el estatus de alguien como miembro de la comunidad LGBTQ como base para su despido o de alguna manera un punto para discriminar durante el proceso de empleo. Este caso histórico ha hecho que sea efectivamente ilegal que un empleador discrimine a alguien por su orientación sexual o identidad de género. La decisión se tomó con base en las protecciones enumeradas en el Título VII de la Ley de Derechos Civiles de 1964. Antes de junio de 2020, las personas LGBTQ no eran una clase protegida por la ley. Durante años, los miembros de la comunidad LGBTQ han experimentado discriminación laboral, ya sea directa o indirectamente, y ahora tienen la protección que necesitan.

¿Qué es la discriminación laboral?
La discriminación es una palabra de uso común, pero pocos entienden lo que significa legalmente. La discriminación se define como el trato de un individuo que es diferente sobre la base de una característica de esa persona. La discriminación puede ocurrir en muchas áreas diferentes de la vida, pero la discriminación laboral puede ser una de las formas que más arruinan financieramente. La discriminación laboral puede consistir en trato injusto, acoso, preguntas inapropiadas o demanda de divulgación, represalias o terminación del empleo. Si alguna vez no está seguro de si lo que está experimentando cuenta como discriminación, consulte a un abogado de su confianza.

Qué hacer si usted, un amigo o un familiar experimentan discriminación laboral
Si usted o un amigo ha experimentado discriminación laboral que cree que se basa en la orientación sexual o la identidad de género, hay acciones que puede tomar. Primero, puede reportar la infracción a la Comisión de Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo, o EEOC, quien investigará su reclamo y, con suerte, obtendrá un recurso. Después de eso, una de las mejores formas de buscar justicia es consultar con un abogado en su área sobre las opciones legales que puede tener como parte que ha sido discriminada. Encuentre un abogado que tenga un historial comprobado en la búsqueda y la victoria de casos relacionados con la discriminación laboral, y asegúrese de que sea un abogado con quien se sienta cómodo compartiendo su historia.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Supreme Court Bans Employment Discrimination of LGTBQ Employees

In June, in a 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court of the United States banned the status of someone as a member of the LGBTQ community as basis for their firing or in any way a point to discriminate against during the employment process. This landmark case has made it effectively illegal for an employer to discriminate against someone based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. The decision came based on the protections listed in Title VII in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Before June 2020, LGBTQ individuals have not been a protected class in the law. For years, members of the LGBTQ community have experienced employment discrimination, either directly or indirectly, and now they have the protection they need.

What is Employment Discrimination?

Discrimination is a commonly used word, but few understand what it means legally. Discrimination is defined as the treatment of an individual that is different on the basis of a characteristic of that person. Discrimination can occur in many different areas of life, but employment discrimination can be one of the most financially ruining forms. Employment discrimination can consist of unfair treatment, harassment, improper questions or demand for disclosure, retaliation, or termination of employment. If you’re ever unsure of whether what you’re experiencing counts as discrimination, consult a lawyer you trust.

What to do if You or a Friend or Family Member Experience Employment Discrimination

If you or a friend has experienced employment discrimination that you believe is on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, there are actions you can take. First, you can report the infraction to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, or EEOC, who will investigate your claim and hopefully gain recourse. After that, one of the best ways to seek justice is to consult with a lawyer in your area about the legal options you may have as a party that has been discriminated against. Find an attorney who has a proven track record in pursuing and winning cases related to employment discrimination, and make sure it is a lawyer with whom you feel comfortable sharing your story.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Single-vehicle collision reported in Alton

ALTON, TX – Officers with the Alton Police Department responded to a single-vehicle crash outside of a local residence last Wednesday morning.

The incident occurred near the intersection of San Antonio Street and Truman Avenue off of Stewart Boulevard at about 7:30 a.m.

Officials believe the 30-year-old man behind the wheel of a 2007 Ford failed while attempting an evasive maneuver and crashed head-on into a fixed object.

The driver was not reported injured as a result of the crash.

Have you been injured or have you lost a loved one as the result of an accident in Alton? Are you in need of a seasoned attorney in order to secure compensation for any expenses that may have come about as a result of the crash? If so, the McAllen car accident attorneys with Herrman and Herrman are here to help. Contact our offices today to discuss your options with a licensed personal injury attorney.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Aumenta el Abuso de Ancianos Durante el COVID-19

Durante la pandemia de coronavirus, el abuso de personas mayores ha aumentado a tasas elevadas. Incluso fuera de una pandemia, el abuso de ancianos a menudo no se denuncia debido a los prejuicios sociales contra las personas de edad avanzada. COVID-19 ha hecho que el abuso de personas mayores sea más prevalente porque está afectando a las personas mayores en tasas mucho más altas y más severas, lo que hace que los cuidadores y el público en general traten a las personas mayores de manera diferente. Debido a que deben tener más cuidado de aislarse o distanciarse, ha limitado la capacidad de los cuidadores de brindar la atención que tanto necesitan en persona. Además, más regulaciones sobre los asilos de ancianos y los centros de atención para personas mayores ha aumentado la presión sobre los cuidadores para que brinden una buena atención, cuyo estrés puede obstaculizar su motivación para hacer el mejor trabajo posible. Esto resulta en negligencia, que puede escalar al abuso de personas mayores.

¿Qué es el abuso de ancianos?
El abuso de personas mayores es cualquier tipo de acción, a sabiendas o no, que resulta en daño a una persona mayor. El abuso de ancianos lo comete alguien que es un cuidador de ancianos. El abuso de personas mayores puede consistir en abuso físico, cuando un adulto mayor sufre un dolor físico o una lesión; abuso sexual o actos sexuales no consensuales; descuido de la responsabilidad de proporcionar comida, refugio o atención; explotación o propiedad o finanzas; abuso emocional o infligir daño mental o psicológico; y abandono. El abuso de ancianos puede ser intencional o puede ser un acto de negligencia por parte del cuidador.

Qué hacer si cree que abusan de un ser querido
Si sospecha que un ser querido mayor está sufriendo abuso de personas mayores, puede buscar justicia y compensación, incluso durante la pandemia de coronavirus. Comuníquese con un abogado en su área con un historial de perseguir y ganar casos de abuso de ancianos. Podría ser la diferencia entre que su ser querido viva o muera, y seguir un caso puede garantizar que otros adultos mayores no sufran el mismo abuso.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Elderly Abuse on the Rise During COVID-19

During the coronavirus pandemic, elderly abuse has been increasing at high rates. Even outside of a pandemic, elderly abuse often goes unreported due to societal prejudices against those in advanced age. COVID-19 has made elderly abuse more prevalent because it is affecting those who are older at much higher rates and more severely, causing caregivers and the public as a whole to treat elderly people differently. Because they should be more careful to self-isolate or distance, it has limited the ability for caregivers to actually provide much-needed care in person. Additionally, more regulations on nursing homes and eldercare centers have increased the pressure on caregivers to provide good care, the stress from which can hinder their motivation to do the best possible job. This results in negligence, which can escalate to elderly abuse.

What is Elderly Abuse?

Elder abuse is any kind of action, knowing or unknowing, that results in harm to an elderly person. Elder abuse is committed by someone is who an elderly caregiver. Elder abuse can consist of physical abuse when an elderly adult is inflicted with physical pain or injury; sexual abuse, or nonconsensual sex acts; neglect of responsibility to provide food, shelter, or care; exploitation or property or finances; emotional abuse, or infliction of mental or psychological harm; and abandonment. Elderly abuse can be intentional or it can be an act of negligence on behalf of the caregiver.

What to Do if You Think a Loved One is Being Abused

If you suspect that an elderly loved one is suffering from elder abuse, you can seek justice and compensation, even during the coronavirus pandemic. Contact a lawyer in your area with a track record of pursuing and winning elder abuse cases. It could be the difference between your loved one living or dying, and pursuing a case can ensure that other elderly adults do not incur the same abuse.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

McAllen Working to Improve Its Roadways and Intersections

It’s no secret to anyone who drives a car or truck in McAllen, Texas, that there is plenty of roadwork going on around Hidalgo County. While we can all look forward to better roads in 2021 and beyond, until then we are dealing with road closures and a greater potential for work zone and intersection accidents.

When a construction zone requires closing lanes of traffic or diverting traffic to temporary routes this creates a bottleneck that causes traffic congestion that can contribute to motor vehicle accidents. The potential for accidents in a highway work zone increases when a commercial truck passes through the area. A large truck requires greater distance than other vehicles to stop. A moment’s inattentiveness by a truck driver, whether due to fatigue, distraction or exceeding the speed limit, can allow a tractor-trailer to barrel into a work zone and cause a serious accident and injuries.

The Federal Highway Administration (FHA) says about 40 percent of motor vehicle accidents in the United States are intersection-related crashes. When road construction is occurring at intersections and traffic patterns are disrupted, they are more dangerous.

Almost all intersection accidents are caused by driver error, including not looking adequately before pulling ahead, distracted driving, Illegal maneuvers, such as running red lights or stop signs, driving too fast for conditions, and aggressive driving.

The McAllen truck accident attorneys at Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. assist injured drivers, pedestrians and others with truck accident claims. We have successfully handled thousands of accident cases, including many for McAllen area residents injured in car and truck crashes.

Current and Planned Road Projects in McAllen and Hidalgo County

Here are some of the road construction projects underway or planned for McAllen and Hidalgo County:

  • I-2/I-69C Interchange Project. This has led to the Sugar Road exit ramp on westbound I-2 being closed at the start of October for an estimated two years. Improvements in this 7.8-mile project include:
    • Full reconstruction of the I-2/I-69C Interchange to include two-lane direct connectors in all four directions
    • Reconstruction and widening of the I-2 general purpose lanes from six to eight lanes (four in each direction)
    • Operational improvements, including the reconfiguration of main lane ramps on I-2 from 2nd Street to FM 2557 (S. Steward Road) and improvements to the approaches and departures to and from the direct connectors

Here’s a link for keeping up with lane closures during the I-2/I-69C Interchange Project.

Once completed in late 2022, the $303 million I-2/I-69C interchange project will reduce travel time and improve safety and traffic operations, the contractor says.

  • Northgate Lane at Bicentennial Boulevard Intersection. This project has shut down traffic between 23rd Street and Main Street since August 17 and the closure has recently been extended to the end of October. This is part of the Bicentennial Extension Project, which is constructing an additional 2.8 miles of Bicentennial Avenue from Trenton Road to SH 107. Improvements are to include a four-lane curb and gutter roadway with center lanes at each intersection.
  • Dicker Road. This project has closed Dicker Road between Jackson Road (FM 2061) and McColl Road (FM 3062) since April and will last through November 20, according to the most recently announced plans. The $21 million project expands the two-lane highway to five lanes (two in each direction, plus a turn lane). The project will also widen the existing South Floodway Channel bridge and roadway. In February, residents of McAllen were evacuated after a third-party contractor damaged a gas line on Dicker Road between 23rd Street and 10th Street.
  • State Highway 68. This major road construction project is still in the planning stages. The plan calls for construction of a four-lane divided rural highway with future main lanes and overpasses in eastern Hidalgo County from U.S. 83/I-2 to U.S. 281/I-69C. The purpose of the SH 68 project is to accommodate population growth and higher traffic volumes, while relieving the burden on the limited number of existing north-south roadways and providing an alternate north-south evacuation route during emergencies, according to the Texas Department of Transportation.

The $180 million SH 68 project is part of $750 million allocated for Hidalgo County projects in the state Unified Transportation Plan (UTP) adopted in September 2019, according to The Monitor. Much of the $750 million is linked to what is called the Hidalgo County Loop, a long-discussed project that will add 120 miles of freeway to relieve traffic congestion by routing traffic north of I-2/Expressway 83, the report says.

  • 365 Tollway Project. This is a planned 17.4-mile project to construct a new roadway from FM 1016 / Conway Avenue to U.S. 281 / Military Highway between two crucial ports of entry within Hidalgo County (Anzalduas International Bridge and Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge). In 2018, TxDOT commissioners placed a moratorium on any new toll roads in the state but allowed projects in the planning stages that already had funding to proceed. When completed, the 365 Tollway is expected to improve the flow of commercial truck traffic to and from Mexico.

Contact a Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer Today

When truck or car drivers fail to take proper precautions around road construction and cause accidents that injure other people and property, the at-fault motorist or other parties can and should be held accountable. The injury attorneys at Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. care deeply about the families of McAllen who come to us for help after finding themselves in desperate circumstances because of a serious accident.

We can offer you a free initial legal consultation and handle your personal injury claim on a contingency fee basis. This means you will not have any upfront costs and will not owe us a legal fee unless we win your road construction accident case.

Herrman & Herrman has the resources and know-how to conduct a thorough investigation of your road construction accident and injuries, identify all potentially responsible parties, and demand the full compensation to help you move forward with your life.

Contact us today at (361) 882-4357 or online to schedule your free case consultation.


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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

6 Señales de Daño Cerebral a Tener en Cuenta

Si usted o alguien que conoce ha estado involucrado en un accidente automovilístico, un accidente deportivo u otro impacto repentino, siempre debe estar atento a los signos de una posible lesión cerebral traumática o TBI. Aquí hay seis señales a tener en cuenta.

1. Pérdida de la conciencia
Alguien que ha tenido una lesión cerebral traumática puede perder el conocimiento y perderlo después de la colisión. Las conmociones cerebrales suelen causar este síntoma específico de lesión cerebral.

2. Dolor de cabeza persistente
Lamentablemente, los dolores de cabeza son un problema común de la vida cotidiana. Sin embargo, tener dolores de cabeza persistentes después de un accidente traumático o una caída importante puede ser una señal de que algo más profundo está sucediendo. Si los dolores de cabeza persistentes continúan o empeoran con el tiempo, debe buscar atención médica.

3. Confusión
La confusión o la desorientación después de una lesión o caída pueden indicar una lesión cerebral más grande. Las personas que experimentan confusión pueden tener problemas para juntar oraciones o realizar tareas cotidianas. Si la confusión de alguien no mejora con el tiempo, podría ser una señal de daño cerebral.

4. Pérdida de memoria
Si alguien está experimentando una pérdida de memoria asociada con daño cerebral, es probable que se manifieste como algo más que ser un poco olvidadizo durante un día agitado. Es más probable que su pérdida de memoria sea por períodos más grandes de tiempo o períodos de “pérdida de memoria” en sus recuerdos. La pérdida de memoria es un síntoma grave de lesión o daño cerebral.

5. Arrastrar o hablar lento
Si alguien que acaba de sufrir un accidente o una lesión deportiva experimenta dificultad para hablar o habla más lenta, puede ser un síntoma de daño cerebral por ese incidente. Estas anomalías del habla pueden presentarse de diferentes formas, por lo que es importante prestar atención al habla de su amigo para determinar correctamente lo que está sucediendo.

6. Cambios de humor
El daño cerebral puede cambiar la forma en que las personas interactúan entre sí y con el mundo, según el tipo y la gravedad de la lesión. Esto es más que simplemente ser emocional, se trata de cambios drásticos en el comportamiento de una persona.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

6 Signs of Brain Damage to Look Out For

If you or someone you know has been involved in an auto accident, sporting accident, or another sudden impact, you should always be on the lookout for signs of potential traumatic brain injury, or TBI. Here are six signs to keep in mind.

  1. Loss of Consciousness

Someone who has had a traumatic brain injury may fall in and out of consciousness after their collision. Concussions often cause this specific symptom of brain injury.

  1. Persistent Headache

Headaches are unfortunately a common problem of everyday life. However, having persistent headaches after a traumatic accident or large fall can be a sign of something deeper going on. If persistent headaches continue or worsen over time, you should seek medical attention.

  1. Confusion

Confusion or disorientation following an injury or fall can point to a larger brain injury. People experiencing confusion may have trouble stinging together sentences or doing everyday tasks. If someone’s confusion does not get better with time, it could be a sign of brain damage.

  1. Memory Loss

If someone is experiencing memory loss that is associated with brain damage, it is likely to manifest as more than simply being a bit forgetful throughout a hectic day. It is more likely that their memory loss would be larger chunks of time or periods of “blackout” in their memories. Memory loss is a serious symptom of brain injury or damage.

  1. Slurring or Slow Speech

If someone who has just been in an accident or sports injury experiences slurred or slowing speech, it can be a symptom of brain damage from that incident. These speech anomalies can come in different forms, so it is important to pay attention to your friend’s speech to correctly ascertain what is happening.

  1. Mood Swings

Brain damage can change the way people interact with each other and the world, depending on the type and the severity of the injury. This is more than simply being emotional, this is drastic changes in a person’s behavior.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Strides Against Breast Cancer Event & Photos

It’s no surprise to you that COVID-19 has changed the way we live and do things. This year, we were able to attend (non-virtually) the Making Strides Corpus Christi event. Essentially, a “city-wide cruise” that had many stops along the way. With a start line and finish line, strides were made from the comfort of your vehicle.

About the Event 

From 8am – 11am on October 17th, 2020, starting in the JC Penney parking lot near Staples St., drivers received “pink pit stops” where they participated in different activities. There were prizes, fun, entertainment, and more! Participants entered for a chance to win 1 of 2 experiences donated by KRIS-TV and Z-95! The Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C team was proud to attend and be the sponsor of this event. Thank you all who participated!

 See Your Photos!

Use this link to view your photos from the event!

About Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C

The team at Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C believe in giving back to the community. For nearly two decades, Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., has served personal injury victims in Corpus Christi and the Coastal Bend. In that time, we have also sought to give back to the community we live and work in. We sponsor events throughout Corpus Christi, Brownsville, McAllen, San Antonio, and more! See some of our other community events here:

With over 100 years of combined experience among the legal team of Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., our Texas personal attorneys have successfully resolved over 20,000 cases. When representing injured Texas residents, we fight for justice against wrongdoing and aggressively pursue the best resolution to complex personal injury claims. Start down the road to recovery by contacting us for a free initial consultation and case evaluation.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Voter Information & Resources


Texas Voting ID Information

There are 7 different forms ID to bring when you vote

  • Texas Driver License
  • Texas Handgun License
  • Texas Election ID Certificate
  • U.S. Citizenship Certificate with Photo
  • Texas Personal ID Card
  • U.S. Military ID Card with Photo
  • U.S. Passport

*You may also qualify for a Reasonable Impediment Declaration, if you do not possess and cannot reasonably obtain one of the above mentioned forms of ID.

Get More Information Here!×14-poster-eng.pdf

Early Voting Location Information

The early voting period runs from Tuesday, October 13, 2020 to Friday, October 30, 2020, but dates and hours may vary based on where you live. Use this information to find out when and where you can vote based on the county you live in:

Cameron County:

Hidalgo County:

Bexar County:

Nueces County:

Election Day Location Information

Cameron County:

Hidalgo County:

Bexar County:

Nueces County:

(Election Day information isn’t live on the county website yet)

Voter Protection Information:

Check your voter registration status:

About Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C

The team at Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C encourage you to vote this year. Whether through mail in ballot, early voting, or voting day of the election. The election goes beyond who will be president. It is your right to vote to voice your opinions on issues such as housing, education, employment, and healthcare, just to name a few. You can make a difference in your community as well as for future generations by participating in this general election and exercising your right to vote. Please contact the firm if you have any questions or need information about voting locations etc. We would be happy to help you!

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Responsabilidad Por Accidentes Cuando el Conductor no es el Propietario

Si usted u otra persona está involucrada en un accidente pero no es el propietario del automóvil que conduce, las cosas pueden complicarse un poco. O pueden parecer así. Al conducir un automóvil prestado o prestar un automóvil a otra persona, es importante comprender la responsabilidad de ambas partes en el caso de un accidente automovilístico. Ambas situaciones difieren de una tercera posibilidad, que es que alguien robó su automóvil o se lo llevó sin preguntar y luego tuvo un accidente.

¿Quién es responsable de los daños? ¿El propietario o el conductor?
En la mayoría de los casos, el propietario del automóvil involucrado en el accidente es el responsable de los daños causados ​​por una colisión. Si presta su vehículo a un amigo o familiar y lo destrozan, esté preparado para pagar. Por supuesto, dependiendo de qué tan bien conozca al conductor y cuál sea su relación, es posible que estén dispuestos a reembolsarle los costos asociados con el accidente. Si está conduciendo el coche de un amigo con su permiso, tenga en cuenta este conocimiento y sea muy cauteloso en la carretera.

¿Qué sucede si alguien roba su automóvil?
Si alguien roba su automóvil y luego lo choca, o si lo toma sin preguntar y luego lo choca, generalmente usted no es responsable por el daño. En este caso, el conductor será responsable de todos los daños. Si el conductor no está asegurado en el momento del accidente, es posible que su seguro deba pagar los daños.

Si sospecha que alguien ha robado su automóvil, ya sea que conozca o no, debe denunciar el robo del automóvil a las autoridades lo antes posible.

Sin embargo, es posible que alguien se lleve su automóvil sin preguntar y no se considere un robo. Por ejemplo, si un adolescente toma el auto de sus padres sin preguntar o después de preguntar y recibir una respuesta negativa, eso se llama “uso no permisivo” y no es lo mismo que robo de auto. En estos casos, el propietario del vehículo suele ser responsable.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Accident Liability : When the Driver is Not the Owner

Accident Liability When the Driver is Not the Owner

If you or someone else is involved in an accident but they are not the owner of the car they are driving, things can get a little complicated. Or, they can seem that way. When driving a loaned car or loaning a car to someone else, it is important to understand the liability of both parties in the case of a car crash. These situations both differ from a third possibility which is that someone stole your car or took it without asking and then got into an accident. 

Who is Liable for Damage? The Owner or the Driver?

In most cases, the owner of the car involved in the accident is the one who is liable for any damages from a collision. If you loan your vehicle to a friend or family member and they wreck it, be prepared to pay. Of course, depending on how well you know the driver and what your relationship is, they may be willing to pay you back for costs associated with the accident. If you are driving a friend’s car with their permission, keep this knowledge in mind and be very cautious on the road. 

What Happens if Someone Steals Your Car?

If someone steals your car and then crashes it, or if they take it without asking and then crash it, you are typically not liable for the damage. In this case, the driver would be liable for all damages. If the driver is not insured at the time of the crash, then your insurance may have to pay for the damage. 

If you suspect that someone has stolen your car, whether it was someone you know or not, you should report the stolen auto to the authorities as soon as possible.

However, it’s possible to have someone take your car without asking and it not be seen as stealing. For instance, if a teenager takes their parents’ car without asking or after asking and receiving a negative response, that is called “non-permissive use” and is not the same as auto theft. In these instances, the owner of the vehicle is typically liable.


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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

What is the Difference Between Sexual Assault and Sexual Abuse?

If you have been in some way a victim of a sex crime, it is important to have the legal language to describe what happened to you so that you can fight the accused in court. Learning the difference between sexual assault and sexual abuse can be the difference between winning or losing a case. And, on the flip side, can be instrumental in making sure that the person you’re accusing gets the appropriate punishment administered by the court. 

Definition of Sexual Abuse, Legally

While there are very few explicit definitions of sexual abuse legally, it has come to mean sexual crimes that are either continuous or have the intention of causing discomfort or pain, physically or emotionally. These cases often take place within a power dynamic of one person having more power over the other, such as adult and child or adult and elderly person. Trafficking could also feasibly be reported as abuse.

Definition of Sexual Assault, Legally

The Department of Justice defines sexual assault as “any type of sexual contact or behavior that occurs without the explicit consent of the recipient.” That means if someone has performed any sex act on you that was not consensual, that is sexual assault. It can be either premeditated or unexpected, violent or non-violent. Rape, attempted rape, child molestation, forced penetration: all of this is sexual assault. It also includes acts where the individual was not able to consent for whatever reason. If they were asleep, drunk, or are disabled beyond the ability to consent clearly. Whatever the case is, it is traumatic to be sexually assaulted, and survivors of assault deserve justice from their assailants.

What Should Survivors Do?

If you or someone you love is a survivor of either sexual abuse or sexual assault, you have legal options. You should seek the advice and counsel of an experienced attorney in your area who specializes in prosecuting sex crimes. You may be entitled to compensation for your trauma, and be able to get justice.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Seek Justice as a Former Boy Scout Who Was Abused

If you are a former Boy Scout who was abused by someone affiliated with Boy Scouts of America (BSA), the time to seek justice is now. No one should have had to endure any kind of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse as a child, especially during an activity that is supposed to be fun and instill values of trust, preparation, and survival. However, it has been found out and reported that numerous boys have been sexually abused while scouting with the BSA for almost 100 years, and that the BSA was both complacent and complicit in these abuse cases. 

Case Background

There is currently a lawsuit against BSA due to their negligence in the situations of abuse within scouting. It has been proven that they knew about sexually abusive scout leaders and staff, and even kept their names in files called the Perversion Files. This internal file has been around since the early 1920s, proving that they have missed their chance time and again to come forward about the abuse and put a stop to it. Instead, more and more boy scouts were abused while scouting. Courts have ordered release of the Perversion Files and now, abused young boys can come forward and make their claims.

Who Should Submit a Claim?
Anyone who has suffered abuse of any nature at the hands of scout masters and staff associated with BSA should come forward and make a claim against them to truly seek justice. Contact a highly-skilled attorney in your area who specializes in child sexual abuse lawsuit.

When Should I Submit a Claim?

If you’ve been abused, make a claim now. The BSA has announced their bankruptcy already, which means that it is important to make haste if you would like to be compensated. The last day to lodge a complaint against BSA and get the compensation you deserve is November 16, 2020. Act fast and get what you deserve.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Prevención de un Accidente de Motocicleta: Consejos Para Tener en Cuenta en la Carretera

El motociclismo puede ser liberador. La carretera abierta, un motor en aceleración, hay poco que no guste de la experiencia. Sin embargo, conducir una motocicleta puede ser extremadamente peligroso, incluso si eres un motociclista experimentado si no tomas las precauciones adecuadas. Estos son algunos de los principales consejos que debe tener en cuenta al emprender su próximo viaje en motocicleta.

Cuida tu velocidad.

Una de las mejores cosas a tener en cuenta mientras conduce es asegurarse de ir lento y respetar el límite de velocidad, si corresponde. El exceso de velocidad hace que su tiempo de reacción sea más difícil, por lo que puede resultar en un accidente si no ve un giro o un obstáculo en la carretera y no tiene tiempo suficiente para detenerse o reducir la velocidad.

Nunca conduzca entre automóviles estacionados y tráfico en movimiento.

Trate de no circular entre vehículos estacionados y vehículos en movimiento. Incluso si cree que le ahorrará tiempo, es posible que se esté poniendo en mayor riesgo. Usted podría quedar “atrapado”, que es cuando alguien en un automóvil estacionado en la calle abre la puerta y golpea a un ciclista o motociclista que se aproxima. Esto puede causarle lesiones graves tanto a usted como a la persona en el automóvil.

No conduzca bajo la influencia de nada.

Esto debería ser evidente, pero nunca conduzca después de beber o consumir ningún tipo de droga. Es mucho más fácil llamar a un taxi, a un amigo o familiar de confianza. Además, lea las etiquetas de sus recetas o pastillas para la alergia y asegúrese de prestar atención a las advertencias de no operar maquinaria después de tomarlas.

Nunca comparta un carril con un automóvil, siempre conduzca delante o detrás.

No comparta carril con un automóvil. Esto significa que no debe circular en el mismo carril junto a un vehículo. Esto puede ser extremadamente peligroso tanto para usted como para el conductor, ya que ninguno de los dos tiene la amplitud necesaria para dar respuestas importantes en la carretera. Conduzca siempre delante o detrás del automóvil o automóviles en el mismo carril que usted.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Preventing a Motorcycle Accident: Tips to Keep in Mind on the Road

Motorcycling can be freeing. The open road, a revving engine, there’s little not to like about the experience. However, riding a motorcycle can be extremely dangerous, even if you’re an experienced biker if you do not take the proper precautions. Here are some of the top tips to keep in mind as you take your next motorcycle journey.

Watch your speed.

One of the best things to keep in mind as you’re riding is to make sure you’re going slow and abiding by the speed limit if applicable. Speeding makes your reaction time more difficult, so it can result in an accident if you do not see a turn or an obstacle in the road and you don’t have enough time to stop or slow down. 

Never ride between parked cars and moving traffic.

Try not to ride between parked vehicles and moving vehicles. Even if you think it’ll save you time, you may be putting yourself at higher risk. You could get “doored,” which is when someone in a parked car on the street opens their door and hits an oncoming cyclist or motorcyclist. This can cause severe injuries to both you and the person in the car. 

Don’t ride under the influence of anything.

This should go without saying but never ride after drinking or doing any kind of drugs. It’s much easier to call a cab or a trusted friend or family member. Additionally, read the labels on your prescriptions or allergy pills and make sure you heed any warnings not to operate machinery after taking them.

Never share a lane with a car, always ride in front or behind.

Do not share a lane with a car. This means you should not ride in the same lane alongside a vehicle. This can be extremely unsafe for both you and the driver, as neither of you has the breadth needed to make important responses on the road. Always ride either in front of or behind the car or cars in the same lane as you.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Hogares de Ancianos y COVID-19

Desde que comenzó la pandemia de coronavirus, los hogares de ancianos han sido un gran objetivo para el virus. Por un lado, la mayoría de los miembros de la comunidad dentro de los hogares de ancianos son personas mayores con condiciones de salud preexistentes, que es la población que más lucha contra el COVID-19. Además, los hogares de ancianos suelen ser espacios bastante cerrados, lo que facilita la propagación del virus entre los residentes y el personal. Además, los hogares de ancianos y las comunidades de jubilados han luchado durante mucho tiempo con el control de infecciones. Incluso antes de una pandemia mundial, el personal del asilo de ancianos no ha cumplido sistemáticamente con los estándares médicos y de limpieza para evitar que las enfermedades se propaguen entre las personas del asilo de ancianos.

Legislación dentro de hogares de ancianos durante COVID-19
La Administración Trump ha aprobado algunas leyes sobre el coronavirus en el contexto de los hogares de ancianos y las comunidades de jubilados. Las nuevas regulaciones requieren que los hogares informen a los residentes, familias y otros representantes de los casos de COVID-19 dentro de sus instalaciones. También deben informar estos casos al Centro para el Control y la Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC) para ayudar con el mantenimiento de registros. Este sistema de informes es fundamental para mantener seguros a los residentes, sus familias y el personal.

Qué hacer si un ser querido da positivo en la prueba de COVID-19 y está en un hogar de ancianos
Si se entera de que un ser querido mayor da positivo en la prueba de COVID-19 o se encuentra en un centro con un caso informado, es probable que se sienta angustiado. Debe verificar para asegurarse de que la instalación esté tomando las precauciones adecuadas después de la prueba positiva, de quien sea que provenga. Muchos hogares de ancianos están utilizando la técnica de agrupación o “cohorte”, en la que trasladan a los residentes a diferentes pisos o alas, lejos del caso o casos positivos, mientras intentan combatir el virus.

Dependiendo de la reacción del hogar de ancianos al caso positivo y confirmado de coronavirus, es posible que pueda o no emprender acciones legales. Si puede probar que el asilo de ancianos fue negligente o no tomó las medidas de denuncia adecuadas, asegúrese de hablar con un abogado con experiencia en su área, específicamente uno que se especialice en casos de abuso de ancianos o asilos de ancianos.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Nursing Homes and COVID-19

Since the coronavirus pandemic started, nursing homes have been a huge target for the virus. For one, the majority of community members within nursing homes are elderly people with pre-existing health conditions, which is the population that struggles the hardest by COVID-19. Additionally, nursing homes are typically rather close quarters, which makes for an easier time spreading the virus throughout residents and staff. Additionally, nursing homes and retirement communities have long struggled with infection control. Even before a global pandemic, nursing home staff have consistently failed to meet cleanliness and medical standards to keep disease and sickness from spreading across individuals within the nursing home.

Legislation Within Nursing Homes During COVID-19

The Trump Administration has passed some legislation regarding coronavirus in the context of nursing homes and retirement communities. The new regulations require that homes inform residents, families, and other representatives of COVID-19 cases within their facilities. They must also report these cases to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help with record keeping. This reporting system is critical to keeping residents, their families, and staff safe. 

What to Do if a Loved One Tests Positive for COVID-19 and is in a Nursing Home

If you learn that an elderly loved one either test positive for COVID-19 or is in a facility with a reported case, it is likely that you’re feeling distressed. You should check to make sure that the facility is taking appropriate precautions following the positive test, whomever it may have come from. Many nursing homes are utilizing the clustering or “cohorting” technique, where they move residents to different floors or wings, away from the positive case, or cases, while they attempt to fight the virus.

Depending on the reaction of the nursing home to the positive, confirmed case of coronavirus, you may or may not be able to take legal action. If you can prove that the nursing home facility was negligent or did not take appropriate reporting measures, make sure you talk to an experienced attorney in your area, specifically one that specializes in a nursing home or elderly abuse cases. 

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

¿Regresar al Trabajo Después de Tener COVID-19? Esto es lo Que Debe Saber

Si padeció coronavirus o COVID-19, probablemente experimentó un período de curación bastante desagradable. Y ahora, debe lidiar con cualquier desafío u obstáculo que pueda experimentar para regresar al trabajo. Si vive en Texas y tuvo covid, pero ahora debe regresar al trabajo, esto es lo que debe tener en cuenta para seguir adelante.

Qué no debe hacer su empleador
Mientras tenga COVID-19 y cuando regrese, existen ciertas acciones que su empleador no puede tomar legalmente. La acción más importante que no pueden tomar es despedirlo por tener o haber tenido covid, ya que despedirlo por su estado de enfermedad puede contar como despedirlo por tener una discapacidad, lo cual es, por supuesto, ilegal. Sin embargo, su empleador puede despedirlo por razones normales, como bajo rendimiento laboral o absentismo escolar. Además, podrían optar por despedirlo a usted y a otros en un despido masivo.

Qué puede hacer su empleador
Cuando regrese al trabajo, tenga en cuenta que su empleado tiene una base legal para tomar ciertas medidas. Esto podría incluir retrasar la fecha de inicio o pedirle que deje el trabajo si muestra más síntomas del virus. Como se indicó anteriormente, existen algunas situaciones en las que su empleador podría despedirlo de manera razonable y legal después de que regrese de haber tenido coronavirus. Si alguna vez no está seguro de si la reacción de su empleador a su regreso es legal o no, hable con Recursos Humanos o con un abogado de confianza para obtener respuestas y conocer sus opciones.

Si cree que ha sido despedido injustamente debido a haber tenido COVID-19, debe buscar el asesoramiento de un abogado de confianza en su área. Un abogado que haya tenido experiencia en perseguir y ganar casos sobre discriminación laboral y despido injustificado tendrá la mejor oportunidad de obtener una compensación por su pérdida de ingresos y otros efectos potenciales de ser despedido.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Returning to Work After Having COVID-19? Here’s What You Should Know

If you were afflicted with coronavirus or COVID-19, you likely experienced a rather unpleasant period of healing. And now, you must contend with any challenges or obstacles to returning to work you may experience. If you live in Texas and you had covid, but now must return to work, here is what you should be aware of moving forward.

What Your Employer Should Not Do

While you have COVID-19 and when you return, there are certain actions that your employer is not allowed to take, legally. The largest action that they cannot take is firing you on the basis of having or having had covid, as firing you for your disease status can count as firing you on the basis of having a disability, which is, of course, illegal. Your employer can, however, fire you for normal reasons such as low job performance or truancy. Additionally, they could choose to fire you and others in a mass layoff. 

What Your Employer Can Do

Be aware as you return to work that your employee does have a legal basis to take certain actions. This could include delaying your start date or asking you to leave work if you are showing more symptoms of the virus. As previously stated, there are some situations in which your employer could reasonably, and legally, fire you after you return from having had coronavirus. If you’re ever unsure about whether your employer’s reaction to your return is legal or not, speak with HR or a trusted lawyer to get answers and learn about your options. 

If you believe you have been wrongfully terminated because of having had COVID-19, you should seek advice from a reputable attorney in your area. An attorney who has had experience pursuing and winning cases about employment discrimination and wrongful termination will have the best chance of getting you compensated for your loss of income and other potential effects of being laid off.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.