Saturday, November 28, 2020

Adicción a Las Redes Sociales: Todo Sobre El Problema y La Ley

En estos días, las personas están prácticamente controladas por sus teléfonos inteligentes y se guían por lo que ven en las redes sociales. Lo que quizás no se dé cuenta es que las redes sociales pueden ser más que un pasatiempo, puede ser una adición. Además, puede estar causando más daño de lo que cree.

¿Son las redes sociales algo adictivo?
A primera vista, puede parecer exagerado decir que las redes sociales podrían ser algo a lo que podrías ser adicto. Pero, cuando consideras la influencia que el lenguaje y las tendencias en las redes sociales pueden tener en tu vida diaria, no es tan difícil pensar en ello. Las personas están enamoradas de compartir sus vidas en línea y de verse extremas e interesantes en sus perfiles de redes sociales, lo que puede hacer que hagan cosas peligrosas.

Los peligros de la adicción a las redes sociales
Hay una serie de tendencias peligrosas en las redes sociales que han impactado tanto la salud mental como la salud física de las personas. Por un lado, el acoso en las redes sociales o ciberacoso se ha convertido en una tendencia inquietante que ha dañado la salud mental e incluso se ha cobrado la vida de niños de tan solo 9 años. También hay tendencias que implican ponerse en peligro físico, como comer Tide Pods, consumir grandes cantidades de canela o hacer acrobacias locas solo para que la cámara las comparta en línea. No hace falta decir que todas estas cosas pueden causar graves lesiones personales y no siempre está claro quién tiene la culpa.

¿Qué puede hacer para controlar la adicción a las redes sociales para usted y sus hijos?
Si nota que sus redes sociales se están ocupando cada vez más de su vida y sus pensamientos, es hora de actuar. Controle su uso a través de una aplicación de teléfono o pídale a un amigo o familiar de confianza que lo insinúe suavemente sobre su uso. Si tiene un hijo, puede ser aún más importante participar en su vida en línea. Asegúrese de instalar funciones de seguridad en su teléfono o computadora que limiten el uso de ciertos sitios web para mantenerlos seguros.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

My Airbag Didn’t Deploy: Who’s at Fault?

If you’re in a car accident and your airbag did not deploy, it’s likely that you’re feeling a bit traumatized. Being injured in a car accident is one thing but being injured as a result of a safety feature not working correctly is completely different. It’s hard to know who exactly is at fault if your airbags do not deploy correctly, so here’s what you need to know.

How do Airbags Work?

Airbags inflate automatically in the event of a collision, especially a head-on collision. They are intended to stop your body from hitting the steering wheel, dashboard, or windshield to prevent serious injury. They can also cause potential harm to children or people who do not wear seatbelts in the front seat.

Why Wouldn’t An Airbag Deploy?

Sometimes, airbags do not deploy if the collision was not severe enough to warrant them, and that is intentional. They are not always necessary. Additionally, if the person sitting in either the driver’s or passenger’s seat is small enough or does not weigh enough, the airbag won’t deploy because it will not detect a heavy enough person to be able to take the impact from the airbag.

What Can Cause Injury With An Airbag?

Sometimes, airbags do not deploy, which can cause serious injury. They may also deploy at the wrong time, such as when you hit a curb or pothole, which also could cause injury. They may also deploy too late, which can cause injury or at the very least not prevent injury from a collision.

What to do if Your Airbag Doesn’t Deploy & You Were Injured?

If your airbag does not deploy, it needs to be reported to the NHTSA’s Office of Defects Investigation. They will investigate the automotive defect. If you feel like the manufacturer of your vehicle was negligent because the airbag did not deploy, you may have a case. Contact a reputable personal injury attorney in your area to see what your legal options are, especially if you suffered a serious or expensive injury.

Contact Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C. at 361.882.4357

Our firm is equipped with over 100 years of combined experience handling personal injury cases across Texas. Our outstanding record of favorable settlements and verdicts includes over 20,000 successfully resolved cases. Once we take on a case, we are relentless and you can rely on us to pursue full compensation for you.

  • You can trust our attorneys to be compassionate and professional.
  • We will fight hard to obtain a fair settlement for you.
  • Our firm represents the injured and families who have lost a loved one due to the negligent acts of others.
  • We serve as counsel in a range of injury cases – including car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents, premises liability cases, product liability cases, and medical malpractice claims.
  • We have the ability to dispatch the Herrman & Herrman Accident Investigative Team to the crash scene to start an investigation and preserve critical evidence.


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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Adicción a Las Redes Sociales: Todo Sobre El Problema y La Ley

En estos días, las personas están prácticamente controladas por sus teléfonos inteligentes y se guían por lo que ven en las redes sociales. Lo que quizás no se dé cuenta es que las redes sociales pueden ser más que un pasatiempo, puede ser una adición. Además, puede estar causando más daño de lo que cree.

¿Son las redes sociales algo adictivo?
A primera vista, puede parecer exagerado decir que las redes sociales podrían ser algo a lo que podrías ser adicto. Pero, cuando consideras la influencia que el lenguaje y las tendencias en las redes sociales pueden tener en tu vida diaria, no es tan difícil pensar en ello. Las personas están enamoradas de compartir sus vidas en línea y de verse extremas e interesantes en sus perfiles de redes sociales, lo que puede hacer que hagan cosas peligrosas.

Los peligros de la adicción a las redes sociales
Hay una serie de tendencias peligrosas en las redes sociales que han impactado tanto la salud mental como la salud física de las personas. Por un lado, el acoso en las redes sociales o ciberacoso se ha convertido en una tendencia inquietante que ha dañado la salud mental e incluso se ha cobrado la vida de niños de tan solo 9 años. También hay tendencias que implican ponerse en peligro físico, como comer Tide Pods, consumir grandes cantidades de canela o hacer acrobacias locas solo para que la cámara las comparta en línea. No hace falta decir que todas estas cosas pueden causar graves lesiones personales y no siempre está claro quién tiene la culpa.

¿Qué puede hacer para controlar la adicción a las redes sociales para usted y sus hijos?
Si nota que sus redes sociales se están ocupando cada vez más de su vida y sus pensamientos, es hora de actuar. Controle su uso a través de una aplicación de teléfono o pídale a un amigo o familiar de confianza que lo insinúe suavemente sobre su uso. Si tiene un hijo, puede ser aún más importante participar en su vida en línea. Asegúrese de instalar funciones de seguridad en su teléfono o computadora que limiten el uso de ciertos sitios web para mantenerlos seguros.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Social Media Addiction: All About the Problem and the Law

These days, people are practically controlled by their smartphones and are guided by what they see on social media. What you may not realize is that social media may be more than a pastime, it can be an addition. Additionally, it may be causing more harm than you think.

Is Social Media an Addictive Thing?

At first blush, it may seem like a stretch to say that social media could be something you could be addicted to. But, when you consider how much pull the language and trends on social media can have on your everyday life, it isn’t so hard to think about at all. People are enamored with sharing their lives online and making themselves look extreme and interesting in their social media profiles, which can cause them to do things that are dangerous.

The Dangers of Social Media Addiction

There are a number of dangerous trends in social media that have impacted people’s mental health and physical health alike. For one, social media bullying, or cyberbullying, has become a disturbing trend that has damaged the mental health and even taken the lives of children as young as 9 years old. There are also trends that involve putting yourself in physical danger, such as eating Tide Pods, consuming large amounts of cinnamon, or doing crazy stunts just for the camera to share online. Needless to say, all of these things can cause grave personal injuries, and it isn’t always clear who is at fault.

What Can You Do to Control Social Media Addiction for Yourself and Your Children

If you notice that your social media is slowly taking up more and more of your life and thoughts, it’s time to take action. Monitor your usage through a phone app or ask a trusted friend or family member to gently prod you about your usage. If you have a child, it can be even more important to be involved in their online life. Make sure you install safety features on their phone or computer that limit the use of certain websites to keep them safe.

Contact Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C. at 361.882.4357

Our firm is equipped with over 100 years of combined experience handling personal injury cases across Texas. Our outstanding record of favorable settlements and verdicts includes over 20,000 successfully resolved cases. Once we take on a case, we are relentless and you can rely on us to pursue full compensation for you.

  • You can trust our attorneys to be compassionate and professional.
  • We will fight hard to obtain a fair settlement for you.
  • Our firm represents the injured and families who have lost a loved one due to the negligent acts of others.
  • We serve as counsel in a range of injury cases – including car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents, premises liability cases, product liability cases, and medical malpractice claims.
  • We have the ability to dispatch the Herrman & Herrman Accident Investigative Team to the crash scene to start an investigation and preserve critical evidence.


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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Driving Safety Tips During Holiday Shopping

When holiday shopping it’s important to plan ahead. With the rise of Covid cases, many stores are anticipating less in-store shopping and more online shopping. In anticipation of this and to decrease the number of bodies in-store on one specific day, many stores have opted to spread out their Black Friday sales by having weekly and in some cases, daily sales. While this has lessened the chances of huge crowds gathering in-store on the Nationally known “Black Friday”, the potential of many shoppers gathering in-store is still a factor. If you plan to do your holiday shopping in-store, be sure to do so in a safe manner. We’ve gathered some helpful tips for you to assist with this.

Stay Safe on The Road During the Holidays: Plan Ahead

Make sure to plan for heavier traffic. Make sure you have a secondary route to and from your destination. You also want to check out the weather for that day. Take the weather into consideration when planning when you will be traveling to make your holiday purchases. With more drivers on the road, certain weather conditions such as rain may cause delays in your travel. Plan to leave your house early to avoid being in a rush or having to be out and about while it is dark out as much as possible.

Check Your Car To Avoid Accident or Breakdown

Before hitting the road, always be sure to make sure your vehicle is good to go. You never want to have to stop in the middle of your shopping trip to have to maintain your vehicle. Some things to be sure to check are engine oil, other fluids in your car, air pressure in your tires, tire wear, the battery, and of course, you always want to make sure that all of your lights are working. You don’t ever want to be left stranded with all of your newly purchased gifts loaded in your vehicle.

Avoid Distractions to Prevent Car Accidents 

If you are unsure of how to get to where you are going, set your GPS prior to leaving your house. Minimize phone use by making sure your phone is synced up to your vehicle’s Bluetooth prior to leaving your home as well. Make sure to get plenty of rest the night before your shopping trip as fatigue causes distraction and irritation. Always make sure to stop to eat as well because we all know being “hangry” is a real thing and can be very distracting. 

Pack Essentials For Your Shopping As Well As Incase of An Accident

With all the different changes in 2020, your essentials to pack for your shopping trip will have changed as well. Your list of items probably only consisted of things like: 

  • clothing
  • snacks
  • hand sanitizer
  • face masks
  • shields (extra masks/shields for your children)
  • anti-bacterial wipes
  • sanitizing wipes

Parking Lots Can Be Dangerous 

Remember that malls and shopping center parking lots are prime targets for car theft, and robberies. Always park in a spot where there is plenty of light and if possible, park close to your destination. Avoid parking next to vans, trucks with camper shells, or cars with really tinted windows. Take note of where you parked and what store entrance it is closest to if parking at a mall or shopping center. Always double-check that all of your windows are closed and doors are locked. If you are making multiple stops at different stores, make sure to store your shopping bags in the trunk, or utilize your cargo cover.

About Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C: Personal Injury Law Firm

We serve all of South Texas, with offices in Corpus Christi, San Antonio, McAllen, and Brownsville. With over 100 years of combined experience, our attorneys have successfully resolved over 20,000 cases involving car, truck, and motorcycle accidents, as well as injuries caused by faulty products, slip and falls, and workplace accidents. If you or a loved one is ever injured by another driver while traveling during the holidays be sure to contact us at 361-882-4357 or via our website at   htps:// for your free consultation.


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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Teen injured in collision on S. Staples St.

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – A 19-year-old woman was reportedly injured as the result of a multi-vehicle crash along South Staples Street Monday morning.

The collision occurred within the 5700 block of S. Staples Street near the intersection with Holly Road at about 9:40 a.m.

Police say the 68-year-old female driver of a 2020 Toyota failed to yield to the right of way of a 2017 Ford while turning left and the two vehicles collided head-on.

The 19-year-old sole occupant in the Ford was reportedly injured as a result of the crash. However, the extent of her injuries remains unknown at this time.

If you have been injured and are unable to work as a result of the inattentiveness of another driver in Corpus Christi, you may be entitled to financial compensation. The Corpus Christi car accident attorneys with Herrman and Herrman are standing by, ready to field your call and discuss your claim in-depth at a moment’s notice. Contact us today to set up a free consultation with a member of our premier legal team.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Todas Las Características de Seguridad de su Automóvil: Lo Que Debe Saber

Ser un conductor seguro es más que estar alerta y atento mientras conduce, también se trata de estar familiarizado con las características de seguridad incluidas en su vehículo. Si se siente perdido acerca de las características de seguridad de su vehículo, aquí tiene una guía rápida para conocer los diferentes aspectos de su automóvil.

Bolsas de aire

Las bolsas de aire han sido estándar en los vehículos nuevos desde 1998, por lo que es muy poco probable que se encuentre con un automóvil sin uno en estos tiempos. Las bolsas de aire tienen sensores de choque que detectan cuando un vehículo ha tenido una colisión o impacto y se despliegan para proporcionar un colchón de aire entre los conductores, los pasajeros y el tablero del vehículo. Si bien el despliegue de las bolsas de aire puede salvar vidas ya que previenen el impacto entre las partes humanas y las de los automóviles, también pueden expandirse a un ritmo agresivo que puede ser perjudicial para los niños o las personas que no usan cinturones de seguridad.

Cinturon de seguridad

Los cinturones de seguridad son probablemente la característica de seguridad más esencial de su vehículo. Siempre debe asegurarse su cinturón de seguridad cuando suba al automóvil, sin hacer preguntas. Los cinturones de seguridad están equipados con una característica que se bloquea con un movimiento o impacto repentino para que pueda sujetar a la persona que lleva el cinturón y evitar la posibilidad de ser arrojado del vehículo. Si bien la función de bloqueo también puede causar una abrasión menor cuando alguien se empuja contra el cinturón, en última instancia, ha sido fundamental para salvar vidas durante los accidentes automovilísticos.

Sistema de freno antibloqueo

Los frenos antibloqueo (o ABS) evitan que las ruedas se bloqueen si pisa los frenos de golpe. Esto es especialmente importante si se resbala o se desliza sobre el hielo y necesita mantener las ruedas móviles y poder girar en contra de la dirección en la que se desliza. Casi todos los coches que circulan por la carretera en estos días están equipados con ABS.

Cámaras de respaldo

Las cámaras retrovisoras son una característica más nueva, pero pueden reducir en gran medida la posibilidad de retroceder hacia otro automóvil, acera u otra obstrucción al mostrarle al conductor una vista en vivo de lo que está directamente detrás de su automóvil en el tablero. Estas cámaras traseras también son las mejores amigas de los conductores urbanos, ya que facilitan el estacionamiento en paralelo.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

All the Safety Features in Your Car : What to Know

Being a safe driver is about more than being alert and attentive while you drive, it’s also about being familiar with the safety features included in your vehicle. If you’re feeling lost about what safety features are in your vehicle, here is a quick guide to get to know the different aspects of your car.

Air Bags

Airbags have been standard in new vehicles since 1998, so it’s very unlikely that you’d encounter a car without one in this day and age. Airbags have crash sensors that detect when a vehicle has had a collision or impact and they deploy to provide an air cushion between drivers, passengers, and the vehicle dashboard. While airbags deployment can save lives as they prevent the impact between human and car parts, they can also expand at an aggressive rate that may be damaging to children or people not wearing seatbelts.


Seatbelts are probably the most essential safety feature in your vehicle. You should always secure your safety belt when you get in the car, no questions asked. Seatbelts are equipped with a feature that locks up with sudden movement or impact so that they can restrain the person wearing the belt and prevent the possibility of being thrown from the vehicle. While the lock-up feature can also cause minor abrasion when someone is thrust against the belt, it ultimately has been integral in saving lives during car accidents.

Anti-lock Braking System

Anti-lock brakes (or ABS) prevents your wheels from locking up if you slam on the brakes. This is especially important if you are slipping or sliding on ice and need to keep your wheels mobile and able to turn against the direction you are sliding. Almost all cars on the road these days have an ABS-equipped.

Backup Cameras

Backup cameras are a newer feature but can greatly reduce the possibility of backing into another car, curb, or other obstruction by showing the driver a live view of what’s directly behind their car right on their dashboard. These backup cameras are also a city driver’s best friend, as they make parallel parking a breeze.

Contact Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C. at 361.882.4357

Our firm is equipped with over 100 years of combined experience handling personal injury cases across Texas. Our outstanding record of favorable settlements and verdicts includes over 20,000 successfully resolved cases. Once we take on a case, we are relentless and you can rely on us to pursue full compensation for you.

  • You can trust our attorneys to be compassionate and professional.
  • We will fight hard to obtain a fair settlement for you.
  • Our firm represents the injured and families who have lost a loved one due to the negligent acts of others.
  • We serve as counsel in a range of injury cases – including car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents, premises liability cases, product liability cases, and medical malpractice claims.
  • We have the ability to dispatch the Herrman & Herrman Accident Investigative Team to the crash scene to start an investigation and preserve critical evidence.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Common Causes of Brush Fires in Corpus Christi

News of Chief John Davis of Nueces County Emergency Service District 3 being injured while battling a brush fire in Bishop last month reminds us that Texas wildfires destroy more than property.

It should also serve as a reminder that firefighters injured on the job can obtain workers’ compensation to cover their medical bills and loss of income while recuperating. And when authorities determine that a person or persons are responsible for a brush fire, those injured by the fire may seek restitution for property damages or personal injury they have suffered.

The personal injury attorneys of Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., in Corpus Christi take pride in our many successes in obtaining compensation for injured clients. Through our knowledge of Texas law dedication to the unjustly injured, we have had a positive impact on the lives of thousands of clients and their families in South Texas. If you have been injured by a brush fire that was caused by negligence or misconduct, please contact us at (361) 882-4357 to discuss your legal options.

Brush Fires and Wildfires in Texas

The National Fire Protection Association says brush and forest fires account for almost one-quarter of fires handled by local municipal or county fire departments in the U.S. The term “brush fire” describes a fire involving low-growing plants, such as bushes, shrubs and grass. A brush fire or forest fire that is not under control is referred to as a “wildfire.”

Wildfire statistics published by the Insurance Information Institute show that Texas is second only to California in the estimated number of properties at extreme wildfire risk. The 717,800 properties at risk in Texas far outnumber the 371,100 in No. 3 Colorado.

According to estimates, more than 4.5 million U.S. properties are at high to extreme wildfire risk – and 2 million of them are in California.

In 2019, a total of 6,892 wildfires burned 215,493 acres in Texas, the Insurance Information Institute says. That makes Texas No. 2 in the nation behind California for number of fires and No. 5 for number of acres burned.

Wildfires affect Texas farms and ranches, damaging and destroying homes, barns, agriculture production facilities, crops and livestock, says Texas A&M’s AgriLife Extension Disaster Education Network. Much of this damage can be avoided, or at least minimized, if a few precautions are taken to minimize the risk and spread of wildfires.

Nearly 85 percent of wildfires in the United States are caused by people, according to the U.S. Forest Service and the III.

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) says in a September 2018 report that the major causes of brush and forest fires battled by local fire departments were:

  • Intentional (arson) – 19%
  • Open fire for waste disposal – 14%
  • Smoking materials – 10%
  • Electrical power or utility line – 10%
  • Garden tools or agricultural equipment – 5%
  • Lightning – 4%
  • Playing with heat source – 4%
  • Prescribed burns – 4%
  • Fireworks – 4%
  • Rekindled fire – 4%
  • Shop tools and industrial equipment, including torches – 3%

Brush Fire Injuries

From 2011-2015, local fire departments responded to an estimated average of 306,000 brush and forest fires per year, an average of 840 fires per day, the NFPA study says.

From 2007-2016, a total of 44 local firefighters were fatally injured as a result of brush or forest fires or prescribed fires. Just over half of the deaths occurred while fighting the fires and the others occurred while firefighters were responding to the incidents or returning to their fire station as a result of motor vehicle accidents.

Uneven surfaces, including holes in the ground, were factors in 20 percent of the injuries at brush and forest fires. Exhaustion or fatigue, including heat exhaustion, was blamed in 10 percent of injuries.

How a Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

Personal injury claims are based on the legal responsibility that people have to act with reasonable safety so as not to endanger others. When someone violates that legal duty of care or acts contrary to what is reasonable and causes injuries to someone, the injured individual may seek compensation for their losses.

For example, a property owner conducting a controlled burn may be held liable if he or she fails to exercise reasonable care and the fire causes injury or damage to someone else’s property. The same standard of reasonable care and negligence would be applied to a party or parties responsible for injuries in other fires caused by accident or intention if the responsible party could be determined.

The burn injury attorneys of Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C., provide personalized legal representation for people in Corpus Christi and surrounding areas who have been injured by others’ carelessness or disregard for safety. We also help workers who have been injured on the job obtain full workers’ compensation benefits.

Our legal team would work to identify who was responsible for a brush fire that injured you and find any insurance coverage they held that could be applied to a claim. We would calculate all of your losses to ensure that our demand for compensation reflected the full extent of your burn injury losses.

In personal injury lawsuits in Texas, you may seek compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of consortium
  • Punitive damages, additional compensation to punish a defendant for outrageous behavior that led to injury.

In property damage claims, Texas requires that the person claiming loss prove that he or she has experienced financial damage and that they had no ability to prevent the damage.

Once our investigation is complete, we submit a demand letter to the insurer, which outlines our case and evidence, as well as the compensation our client is due. If we cannot negotiate a settlement acceptable to our client, we can file a lawsuit and pursue the matter in court.

Our legal team at Herrman & Herrman has more than 100 years of combined legal experience and has successfully resolved more than 20,000 cases. We are tough negotiators and skilled litigators. If you have been injured because of a brush fire in the Corpus Christi area that a person or business is responsible for, we would like to discuss a potential claim with you.

We can review the specific facts of your case, answer your questions and discuss your legal options free of charge. Call us now at (361) 882-4357.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Friday, November 20, 2020

¿Cuánto aumenta el seguro de automóvil después de un accidente?

Nadie quiere verse involucrado en un accidente automovilístico, pero la realidad es que ocurren de vez en cuando, incluso para los mejores conductores. Después de un accidente, solo debe preocuparse por la salud y la seguridad de todos, pero es probable que se pregunte acerca de su seguro de automóvil y qué tan alta será su tarifa mensual después del incidente. Desafortunadamente, tener un accidente en su registro es una señal de alerta para las aseguradoras automotrices y puede hacer que aumente su prima mensual.

¿Qué aumento de tarifas puedo esperar?
No existe una regla general firme cuando se trata de un aumento esperado en su prima después de un accidente. De hecho, estas tasas a menudo varían según el estado y pueden ser tan pequeñas como el 12% en el estado de Nueva York o tan grandes como el 87% en Minnesota. Realmente puede esperar que las primas adicionales se acumulen a lo largo de los años si tiene varios accidentes en su registro o si tuvo la culpa del accidente.

¿Qué puedo hacer con el aumento de la prima de un seguro?
Si descubre que la prima de su seguro aumenta después de un accidente, hay cursos de acción que puede tomar. En primer lugar, si este es su primer accidente o si se demostró que no tiene la culpa, puede hablar con su proveedor de seguros de automóvil y preguntar si pueden reducir su prima. Muchas compañías de seguros ofrecen el perdón de accidentes, lo que permite un perdón literal del accidente en su registro para que su prima no suba demasiado.

Evite un accidente en primer lugar
La forma número uno de mantener bajas las primas de su seguro es asegurarse de que no haya accidentes en su historial de conducción. Puede evitar un accidente asegurándose de practicar buenos hábitos de conducción, que incluyen no conducir distraído o enviar mensajes de texto mientras conduce, no beber ni consumir sustancias antes de conducir, y mantener la vista en la carretera y respetar el límite de velocidad. Ser un conductor seguro no solo mantendrá bajas las tarifas de su seguro, también lo mantendrá seguro y lo protegerá a usted y a sus pasajeros de cualquier daño.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

How Much Does Car Insurance Increase After an Accident?

No one wants to be involved in a car accident, but the reality is that they happen occasionally, even to the best of drivers. After an accident, you should only be concerned with everyone’s health and safety, but it’s likely that you will wonder about your auto insurance and how high your monthly rate will be following the incident. Unfortunately, having an accident on your record raises a red flag to automotive insurers and can cause your monthly premium to rise.

What Rate Increase Can I Expect?

There is no actual firm rule of thumb when it comes to an expected increase in your premium following an accident. In fact, these rates often vary by state, and can be as little at 12% in the state of New York or as large as 87% in Minnesota. You can truly expect additional premiums to add up over the years if you have multiple accidents on your record or if you were at-fault for the accident.

What Can I Do About an Insurance Premium Increase?

If you find that your insurance premium goes up after an accident, there are courses of action you can take. First of all, if this is your first accident or you were proven to not be at fault, you can talk to your auto insurance provider and ask if they could lower your premium back down. Many insurance companies offer accident forgiveness, which allows a literal forgiveness of the accident on your record so that your premium won’t climb too high. 

Avoid an Accident in the First Place

The number one way to keep your insurance premiums low is to make sure there are no accidents on your driving record. You can avoid an accident by making sure you practice good driving habits, including not engaging in distracted driving or texting while driving, not drinking or using substances before driving, and keeping your eyes on the road and following the speed limit. Being a safe driver will not only keep your insurance rates low, it will also keep you safe and protect you and your passengers from harm.

Contact Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C. at 361.882.4357

Our firm is equipped with over 100 years of combined experience handling personal injury cases across Texas. Our outstanding record of favorable settlements and verdicts includes over 20,000 successfully resolved cases. Once we take on a case, we are relentless and you can rely on us to pursue full compensation for you.

  • You can trust our attorneys to be compassionate and professional.
  • We will fight hard to obtain a fair settlement for you.
  • Our firm represents the injured and families who have lost a loved one due to the negligent acts of others.
  • We serve as counsel in a range of injury cases – including car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents, premises liability cases, product liability cases, and medical malpractice claims.
  • We have the ability to dispatch the Herrman & Herrman Accident Investigative Team to the crash scene to start an investigation and preserve critical evidence.

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Visa Gift Cards & Holiday Shopping

It is no surprise that this pandemic has had an effect on our economy, social life, and more. As we approach Thanksgiving, many of us will be celebrating this holiday differently than in past years. Where you may have usually had a large gathering with your entire family, the celebration will now probably only consist of the members within your household. And, following Thanksgiving has historically been one of the largest shopping days of the year: Black Friday. With social distancing and other restrictions, it should be no surprise that the spread of COVID-19 and the increasing daily cases have caused people to avoid brick and mortar shops, which leads us to believe that many people will likely be doing much more online shopping than they had in the past.

Gift Card or Gift?

While many people will be headed online to shop for gifts, others may decide to purchase a gift card so that their friend, family, or loved one can choose something to their liking and eliminate the stress that comes with selecting a gift.

Cons of Visa Gift Cards: The Popular Holiday Gift

Visa gift cards have always been a popular choice, likely because you can use them almost anywhere. While visa gift cards are popular, they may not be the best option. Visa gift cards carry a fee when you initially purchase them, so you’re spending more money out of pocket. Not to mention, the fees don’t just stop there. Some visa cards carry a monthly “maintenance” fee so the recipient’s could potentially lose out on some money if it’s not spent right away. These cards aren’t the easiest to use either. Many places, such as gas stations and restaurants add a pre authorized charge on cards and if this amount happens to be more than what is actually on the card, then the card is declined.

Another issue some may have experienced is that many online retail vendors only allow you to enter one card at check out. Consider this example: you have a visa gift card for $100. You find a pair of sneakers you want to buy online that cost $120. When you go to checkout, you enter your card number and your purchase is declined because you do not have the option to split the cost on more than one card. A solution we recommend here, is that you use the visa gift card to purchase a gift card from the store itself for the full amount and then use the store gift card with an additional card, and you should be able to complete your purchase.

Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C Gift Card Giveaway

This year, Herrman and Herrman has decided to do a gift card giveaway to give back to the community this holiday season. Each participant will be entered in the contest to win a $100 Amazon gift card each week. The rules are simple: 1) like the post on Facebook, 2) tag at least 1 friend, 3) share it on their timeline and 4) submit an entry form. Followers are also given the opportunity for extra entries by hitting “LIKE” on all Herrman & Herrman social media platforms. The link to the giveaway post can be found here:

At Herrman and Herrman, PL.L.C., we strive to give back to the community through events, sponsorships, and giveaways while providing exceptional legal services.If you or a loved one is injured call us at 361-882-4357 for your free consultation.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2020

$100 Holiday Giveaway

Text: TBD

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Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Privacidad en Línea Para Menores: COPPA y su Hijo

Si eres el padre de un niño menor de 13 años, es probable que seas muy protector con su seguridad en todos los aspectos. Sin embargo, Internet crea una serie completamente nueva de problemas de seguridad y privacidad para su hijo. Sin embargo, existen regulaciones para proteger la privacidad de su hijo si es menor de 13 años. La Ley de Protección de la Privacidad Infantil en Línea (COPPA) es una ley aprobada en 1998 y promulgada en 2000 que se estableció para proteger a los menores en línea.

¿Qué es COPPA?
La COPPA requiere que los sitios web soliciten el consentimiento de los padres antes de recopilar datos de usuarios menores. Además, la Ley estipula lo que debe incluirse en una política de privacidad y dónde debe publicarse esa política en línea. También especifica cuándo y cómo obtener el consentimiento de los padres en cualquier situación en la que se necesite el consentimiento, y dicta la responsabilidad del propietario del sitio web cuando se trata de la seguridad de un niño menor de 13 años. Esta ley se aprobó principalmente como reacción al darse cuenta de que muchos niños no entendían el peso de compartir datos personales en línea. COPPA es el razonamiento detrás de muchos sitios web, como Facebook y Twitter, que estipula que los usuarios deben tener al menos 13 años para registrarse.

¿Qué es COPA y en qué se diferencia de COPPA?
COPPA es bastante diferente de otra ley de seguridad infantil en línea, COPA. COPA significa Ley de Protección Infantil en Línea, y protege a los niños de obtener o ser expuestos a pornografía en línea. Sin embargo, la COPA fue declarada inconstitucional.

¿Cómo puedo mantener a mi hijo seguro en línea?
Si le preocupa la seguridad de su hijo mientras está en línea, hay algunas cosas que puede hacer. Primero, asegúrese de tener una conversación clara, abierta y honesta con su hijo sobre la seguridad en Internet y lo que está y no está bien compartir en línea. En segundo lugar, asegúrese de que sepan que es una persona segura a quien acudir si quieren hablar sobre cualquier cosa que vean en línea. En tercer lugar, hay muchas opciones en los navegadores en línea para configurar búsquedas seguras y bloquear el acceso a ciertos sitios web.

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Online Privacy for Minors: COPPA and Your Child

If you are the parent of a young child under 13, you’re likely very protective over their safety in all aspects. However, the Internet creates a whole new host of safety and privacy issues for your child. There are regulations in place, though, to protect your child’s privacy if they are under 13. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) is a law passed in 1998 and enacted in 2000 that is put in place to protect young minors online. 

What is COPPA?

COPPA requires that websites ask for parental consent before they collect any data from minor users. Additionally, the Act stipulates what must be included in a privacy policy, and where that policy must be posted online. It also spells out when and how to get consent from parents in any situation where consent is needed, and it dictates the website owner’s responsibility when it comes to a child under 13’s safety. This Act was primarily passed in reaction to the realization that many children did not understand the weight of sharing personal data online. COPPA is the reasoning behind many websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, stipulating that users be at least 13 years old to sign up.

What is COPA and How is it Different From COPPA?

COPPA is quite different from other online children’s security acts, COPA. COPA stands for the Child Online Protection Act, and it protects children from obtaining or being exposed to online pornography. However, COPA was ruled unconstitutional.

How Can I Keep My Child Safe Online?

If you’re concerned about your child’s safety while they are online, there are a few things you can do. First, make sure you have a clear, open, and honest conversation with your child about Internet safety and what is and is not okay to share online. Second, be sure they know that you’re a safe person to come to if they want to talk about anything they see online. Third, there are many options in online browsers to set up safe searches and to block certain websites from being accessed. 

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Friday, November 13, 2020

How to Avoid Sports Injuries

Whether you’re a competitive athlete, a gym rat, or a recreational sports player, it’s important to know how to safely play sports and avoid sports injuries. Playing sports either recreationally or competitively can be great exercise and can greatly impact your health, but you should always make sure you are taking precautions to do these activities safely. If you want to know how to avoid sports injuries, here are some tips.

Make Sure You’re in Proper Shape

Before you embark on a sports competition, you should always make sure you’re in the proper shape to play the game. This doesn’t fully have to do with overall fitness, but it could also include whether you’ve recently been sick, are coming off of a previous injury, or if you’re recovering from a medical procedure. Never play a sport if you’re not ready to do so, shape-wise.

Play by the Rules

While it may seem boring, playing by the rules can help you reduce the risk of getting a sports injury. The rules of certain sports are put in place to keep people safe, so that means don’t get overly rough if you’re playing touch football, don’t try to use your hands if you’re playing soccer, and always listen to the referees or umpires in any sport.


With all exercise, you should make sure you warm up your muscles before you start playing. This can help you avoid injuries from pulling tendons or muscles. Your warm-up may include stretches, jogs, or even mental affirmations.

Wear Protective Gear if Needed

Some sports, such as hockey, rugby, football, and soccer, provided that you wear certain protective gear in order to play. Always make sure you wear what the sport calls for, whether that’s padding, helmets, or shin guards. 

Take Rest Days

Sports playing is exercise, and it should be treated as such in any fitness plan. That means you should take rest days when needed so you don’t overexert yourself. Stressing out your body and muscles in this way is a surefire way to cause a sports injury.

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Cómo Evitar Las Lesiones Deportivas

Ya sea que sea un atleta competitivo, una rata de gimnasio o un jugador de deportes recreativos, es importante saber cómo practicar deportes de manera segura y evitar lesiones deportivas. Practicar deportes de forma recreativa o competitiva puede ser un gran ejercicio y puede tener un gran impacto en su salud, pero siempre debe asegurarse de tomar precauciones para realizar estas actividades de manera segura. Si quieres saber cómo evitar las lesiones deportivas, aquí tienes algunos consejos.

Asegúrese de estar en la forma adecuada
Antes de embarcarse en una competencia deportiva, siempre debe asegurarse de estar en la forma adecuada para jugar. Esto no tiene que ver totalmente con el estado físico general, pero también puede incluir si ha estado enfermo recientemente, está saliendo de una lesión anterior o si se está recuperando de un procedimiento médico. Nunca practique un deporte si no está listo para hacerlo, en cuanto a su forma.

Juega según las reglas
Si bien puede parecer aburrido, seguir las reglas puede ayudarlo a reducir el riesgo de sufrir una lesión deportiva. Las reglas de ciertos deportes se implementaron para mantener a las personas seguras, por lo que eso significa que no seas demasiado rudo si juegas fútbol americano, no trates de usar tus manos si juegas fútbol y siempre escucha los árbitros o árbitros en cualquier deporte.

Con todo el ejercicio, debe asegurarse de calentar los músculos antes de comenzar a jugar. Esto puede ayudarlo a evitar lesiones por tirones de tendones o músculos. Su calentamiento puede incluir estiramientos, trotes o incluso afirmaciones mentales.

Use equipo de protección si es necesario
Algunos deportes, como el hockey, el rugby, el fútbol y el fútbol americano, prevén que uses cierto equipo de protección para jugar. Siempre asegúrese de usar lo que requiere el deporte, ya sea acolchado, cascos o espinilleras.

Tomar días de descanso
El deporte es un ejercicio y debe tratarse como tal en cualquier plan de acondicionamiento físico. Eso significa que debe tomar los días de descanso cuando sea necesario para no esforzarse demasiado. Estresar su cuerpo y músculos de esta manera es una forma segura de causar una lesión deportiva.

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Monday, November 9, 2020

6 Consejos Para Conducir Por Carreteras Inundadas Que Necesita Saber

Nunca es una buena idea conducir sobre agua estancada en una autopista o carretera. Puede dañar gravemente la parte inferior de su automóvil, donde se encuentran muchas de las partes importantes de su automóvil, y puede ponerlo en riesgo de deslizarse sobre el agua o girar en el agua. Esta última situación también podría poner en peligro la vida de otras personas, dependiendo de la velocidad a la que vayas cuando vas en hidroavión. Sin embargo, si es absolutamente necesario conducir a través de una carretera inundada o se encuentra en la carretera en medio de una inundación repentina, aquí hay seis consejos integrales que debe conocer.

1. Conduzca en el centro de la carretera
El agua suele ser la menos profunda en el centro de la carretera. Por lo tanto, independientemente del carril en el que se encuentre, intente llegar al medio de la calle para poder cruzar el agua en la menor profundidad posible.

2. Comunicarse con otros autos y turnarse para obtener el mejor resultado
Si puede hacer la mejor opción, que es conducir en el centro de la carretera en la parte menos profunda del agua, también deberá poder comunicarse con otros conductores en la carretera. Cada automóvil deberá turnarse para atravesar el centro para evitar una colisión. No tenga miedo de bajar la ventanilla y liderar el camino sugiriendo un ida y vuelta entre ambos lados del tráfico.

3. Solo agua cruzada lo suficientemente poco profunda
Como regla general, solo debe intentar cruzar agua que tenga aproximadamente media pulgada o menos de profundidad. Un poco más profundo corre el riesgo de girar o estancarse en el medio. Especialmente, no debe cruzar el agua si el agua llega hasta la mitad de su rueda.

4. Conduce despacio
No importa cuáles sean las condiciones, conduzca lentamente por la carretera inundada.

5. Cambiar a una marcha baja
Si puede, cambie a una marcha baja para proteger su automóvil. Mantenga el pie en el acelerador y use el pedal del freno para reducir la velocidad cuando sea necesario.

6. Seque los frenos después
Una vez que haya cruzado el agua con éxito, seque los frenos tocándolos ligeramente mientras conduce lentamente lejos del cuerpo de agua o charco.

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6 Tips for Driving Through Flooded Roads That You Need to Know

It’s never a good idea to drive through standing water on a highway or road. It can seriously damage the underside of your car, where many of the important parts of your car are located and can put you at risk of hydroplaning or spinning out on the water. The latter situation could also endanger the lives of others, depending on how fast you’re going when you hydroplane. However, if you absolutely must drive through a flooded road or find yourself on the road in the middle of a flash flood, here are six integral tips to know.

  1. Drive in the Center of the Road

The water is often the most shallow in the center of the road. So, regardless of what lane you are in, try to get to the middle of the street so that you can cross the water in the shallowest water possible. 

  1. Communicate With Other Cars and Take Turns for the Best Outcome

If you’re able to do the best option, which is to drive in the center of the road in the shallowest part of the water, you will also need to be able to communicate with other drivers on the road. Each car will need to take turns going through the center to avoid a collision. Don’t be afraid to roll down your window and lead the way by suggesting a back and forth between both sides of traffic. 

  1. Only Cross Water That is Shallow Enough

As a rule of thumb, you should only try to cross water that is about a half-inch or less deep. Any deeper and you are at risk of spinning out or stalling in the middle. You should especially not cross the water if the water reaches halfway up your wheel.

  1. Drive Slowly

No matter what the conditions are, drive slowly through the flooded road.

  1. Shift to a Low Gear

If you can shift to a low gear to protect your car. Keep your foot on the gas and use your brake pedal to slow down when needed.

  1. Dry Off Your Brakes Afterward

After you’ve successfully crossed the water, dry your brakes off by lightly tapping them as you drive slowly away from the body of water or puddle.

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Thursday, November 5, 2020

Accidents Caused by Street Racing in San Antonio

San Antonio police are cracking down on street racing, which in recent weeks has led to dozens of arrests and ticketing, according to published reports.

Police arrested 24 people and towed a dozen vehicles across the city on October 27 in response to reports of “individuals blocking intersections, doing donuts, throwing rocks and bottles at police vehicles, along with damaging property,” the San Antonio Police Department’s Facebook page says.

Street racing is dangerous and those drivers who take part in street races endanger everyone on the roads of San Antonio. They should be held accountable.

In June, two people were killed and at least five injured in a crash blamed on street racing in the 8100 block of McCullough Avenue on San Antonio’s North Side.

In July, two vehicles believed to have been street racing crashed into two utility poles, two parked vehicles and a house on Ferndale Street and Division Avenue on the Southwest Side, according to News 4 San Antonio.

The October 27 arrests in the 600 block of West Theo on the city’s South Side came a night after police responded to the parking lot of the Bexar County Academy on the Northwest Side, where they found more than 100 cars gathered, KSAT says. That group was allegedly racing and spinning in the parking lot. At least eight people were arrested there and at another site.

Street Racing in San Antonio

Street racing is a public nuisance popular in Texas cities such as Dallas, Houston, Austin and Lubbock, as well as in other large cities, like Los Angeles and New York.

Street racing is typically defined as illegal drag races between two vehicles on stretches of public road. Groups that have recently gathered in San Antonio appear to be spending less time drag racing and more time blocking roads, spinning in circles (“doing donuts”) and drifting, an oversteering technique in which drivers force their cars to slide sideways as they turn.

Drifting has been made popular by the “Fast and Furious” movie franchise and 2006’s “Tokyo Drift.” Street racing drag races in popular culture date to at least “Rebel Without a Cause,” the 1954 James Dean classic.

Street racing in its most recent form has been a recurring problem in San Antonio since at least 2012, according to a KENS 5 report.

Texas law makes racing on public highways illegal.

This includes participating in:

  • a race
  • a vehicle speed competition or contest
  • a drag race or acceleration contest
  • a test of physical endurance of the operator of a vehicle (i.e., long-distance or marathon competitions)
  • an exhibition of vehicle speed or acceleration or attempt to set a vehicle speed record in connection with a drag race.

Racing is a Class B misdemeanor, punishable by up to 180 days in jail and/or a fine of up to $2,000, plus a driver’s license suspension for up to one year. If a racer is intoxicated or has an open container of alcohol, it is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail, a fine of up to $4,000 or both, and suspension of the driver’s license.

Causing bodily injury while street racing is a 3rd degree felony punishable upon conviction by 2 to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. Causing serious bodily injury or death while racing illegally is a 2nd degree felony punishable by 2 to 20 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

A street racer may also be charged with speeding and/or reckless driving, as well as with evading a police officer if the driver attempts to flee.

“Our Officers will continue to be proactive and respond to these incidents. We will not tolerate this behavior in our City!” the SAPD says in its October Facebook post.

Common Injuries from Street Racing Accidents

Our San Antonio car accident attorneys at Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. are familiar with the types of serious injuries seen in street racing accidents.

Drivers and passengers involved in the race, as well as other innocent drivers, passengers, pedestrians and cyclists face such injuries as:

These types of injuries require emergency medical care and often hospitalization, which may include surgery and rehabilitation. In addition to medical expenses, people who suffer serious personal injuries lose income while out of work and may be unable to return to their previous jobs or any type of employment due to disabling injuries. If the injuries were caused by another driver’s disregard for safety, the accident victim may have a right to seek compensation for medical bills, lost income and other expenses.

Contact a San Antonio Car Accident Attorney

The losses suffered by innocent people injured in street racing accidents may be recovered through legal claims against the individuals responsible for the crash. This includes money for medical bills, lost income, property damage and for pain and suffering. Because a defendant was engaged in illegal street racing at the time of the accident, additional compensation awarded as punitive damages might also be available in a court case.

The car accident attorneys of Herrman & Herrman in San Antonio would like to meet with you if you or a loved one of yours has been injured in a car accident caused by street racing, or other reckless driving by someone else. We have English- and Spanish-speaking staff at our offices in San Antonio and elsewhere in south Texas ready to assist you and evaluate whether you have a valid street racing accident lawsuit.

Contact Herrman & Herrman today at (361) 882-4357 or fill out our online contact form to set up a free, no obligation initial legal consultation. We do not charge for our legal services unless we recover money for you. If you have suffered a preventable injury or death in the family, we can provide you with a clear understanding of your legal rights. If you deserve to be compensated for your losses, we will aggressively pursue the maximum settlement available. Call us now.


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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Accidentes de Peatones en la Noche: Lo Que Debe Saber

Accidentes de peatones en la noche: lo que debe saber

Casi nueve peatones son atropellados por vehículos cada hora en los Estados Unidos. 12 peatones mueren cada día. De estas colisiones entre peatones y automóviles, muchas de ellas ocurren durante la noche. Si usted es conductor, es importante que se informe sobre los peligros de los accidentes con peatones y que tenga cuidado al conducir de noche. Esto es lo que debe saber sobre los accidentes automovilísticos peatonales que ocurren durante la noche.

¿Por qué la noche es tan peligrosa para los choques de peatones?
Por la noche, hay algunas condiciones que crean una mayor probabilidad de choques con peatones. Una de estas condiciones es la menor visibilidad. La oscuridad genera una mayor discapacidad visual mientras está en la carretera. La gente no parece estar bien iluminada y la visibilidad desde su retrovisor y espejos laterales es casi inexistente. Además, por la noche, las personas tienen un tiempo de reacción más lento que durante el día. La pequeña diferencia en el tiempo de reacción puede ser la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte de un peatón que camina de noche. Otra razón por la que la noche es tan peligrosa para este tipo de choques es que, por lo general, la noche es cuando las personas se sienten más cansadas o fatigadas. Ya han tenido un día largo, o tal vez están conduciendo mucho más allá de la hora de dormir y están cansados. La condición de fatiga puede hacer referencia a la calidad de la conducción y reducir los tiempos de reacción de los conductores, y aumentar la posibilidad de sufrir un accidente.

¿Cómo se pueden evitar los choques que involucran a peatones?
Como automovilista, hay algunas cosas que puede hacer para evitar choques de vehículos en los que haya peatones. Asegúrese de que cuando conduzca de noche, conduzca un poco más lento que durante el día y respete siempre el límite de velocidad. Además, asegúrese de ceder el paso a los peatones en el costado de la calle y en todos los cruces peatonales y áreas con mucho tráfico peatonal. Otro consejo que siempre debe seguir como conductor, independientemente de si es de día o de noche, es nunca beber y conducir bajo la influencia de otras sustancias. Esto es mejor no solo para ti, sino también para todos los que te rodean.

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Pedestrian Accidents at Night: What to Know

Almost nine pedestrians are struck by vehicles each hour in the United States. 12 pedestrians are killed each day. Of these pedestrian-auto collisions, many of them take place in the nighttime. If you are a driver, it is important to educate yourself on the dangers of pedestrian-involved accidents and to take caution when driving at night. Here is what you should know about pedestrian auto accidents that take place at night.

Why is Nighttime So Dangerous for Pedestrian Crashes? 

At night, there are a few conditions that create a higher chance of pedestrian-involved crashes. One of these conditions is lower visibility. The darkness makes for more visual impairment as you are on the road. People do not seem well-lit, and the visibility out of your rearview and side mirrors is almost non-existent. Additionally, at night, people have a slower reaction time than they do during the day. The small difference in reaction time can be the difference between life and death for a pedestrian walking at night. Another reason the nighttime is so dangerous for these types of crashes is that typically, nighttime is when individuals feel the most tired or fatigued. They have already had a long day, or perhaps are driving way past their bedtime, and they are tired. The condition of fatigue can reference the quality of driving and lower drivers’ reaction times, and increase the possibility of being in an accident.

How Can You Avoid Pedestrian-Involved Crashes?

As a motorist, there are a few things you can do to avoid pedestrian-involved vehicle crashes. Make sure that when you are driving at night, you drive a bit slower than you might during the day, and always abide by the speed limit. Additionally, make sure that you yield to pedestrians on the side of the street and at all crosswalks and highly-foot-trafficked areas. Another tip that you should always abide by as a driver regardless of whether it is day or night is to never drink and drive or drive under the influence of any other substances. This is better not only for you but for everyone around you as well.

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Sunday, November 1, 2020

3 Cosas Que Debe Saber Sobre Las Lesiones de La Médula Espinal

Las lesiones de la médula espinal se encuentran entre las lesiones más peligrosas en las que se puede incurrir después de un accidente, colisión automovilística o caída. La columna vertebral controla tanta movilidad como también ciertas áreas de la función cerebral. Dañar su médula espinal es grave y puede tener un daño duradero en su forma de vida y su calidad de vida. Si usted o alguien cercano a usted está sufriendo una lesión en la médula espinal, es importante que se informe sobre ellos. Aquí hay tres cosas que debe saber sobre las lesiones de la médula espinal.

Los síntomas de las lesiones de la médula espinal
Si tú o un amigo se ve involucrado en un incidente en el que sufres un golpe en la espalda, debes buscar atención médica, ya que esto podría ser grave. Mientras tanto, esté atento a los síntomas de una posible lesión de la médula espinal. Estos podrían incluir espalda o cuello torcidos, dificultad para respirar, dolor de espalda extremo, debilidad o falta de coordinación, entumecimiento u hormigueo, dificultad para caminar o mantener el equilibrio y problemas para vaciar la vejiga o defecar. Todos estos síntomas podrían indicar una lesión grave de la médula espinal y debe buscar atención médica inmediata.

Impactos duraderos de las lesiones de la médula espinal
Una de las principales razones por las que las lesiones de la médula espinal son tan graves es que el daño causado puede ser permanente o al menos durar mucho tiempo. Podría resultar en deterioro cognitivo o mental. Además, algunos de los efectos duraderos son parálisis, depresión, ansiedad, dolor muscular, dolor en las articulaciones y nervios y, en última instancia, una disminución de la calidad de vida. Muchas lesiones de la médula espinal también son muy caras de tratar. Esto incluye la cita inicial con respecto a su lesión, así como cualquier fisioterapia o medicación posterior. Por lo tanto, la lucha financiera también podría tener un efecto duradero.

¿Cuáles son sus opciones si ha sufrido una lesión en la médula espinal?
Si sufrió una lesión en la médula espinal y cree que no tiene la culpa y que su lesión es el resultado del comportamiento negligente o imprudente de otra persona, tiene opciones legales. Además, podría tener un caso si su lesión ocurre en la propiedad de otra persona. Comuníquese con un abogado en su área para obtener asesoramiento. Un abogado de lesiones personales con experiencia en ganar casos será su mejor curso de acción legal.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

3 Things to Know About Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are among the most dangerous injuries one can incur after an accident, car collision, or fall. The spinal column controls so much mobility as well as certain areas of brain function. Damaging your spinal cord is serious, and can have lasting damage on the way you live and your quality of life. If you or someone close to you is experiencing a spinal cord injury, it is important to educate yourself on them. Here are three things to know about spinal cord injuries.

  1. Symptoms of Spinal Cord Injuries

If you or a friend are involved in an incident where you suffer a blow to your back, you should seek medical advice, as this could be serious. Meanwhile, keep an eye out for symptoms of a potential spinal cord injury. These could include twisted back or neck, impaired breathing, extreme back pain, weakness or incoordination, numbness or tingling, trouble walking or maintaining your balance, and issues when emptying your bladder or having a bowel movement. All of these symptoms could indicate a serious spinal cord injury, and you should seek immediate medical attention.

  1. Lasting Impacts of Spinal Cord Injuries

One of the major reasons that spinal cord injuries are so serious is that the damage caused could be permanent or at least last a long time. It could result in cognitive or mental impairment. Additionally, some of the lasting effects are paralysis, depression, anxiety, muscular pain, joint and nerve pain, and ultimately, a decreased quality of life. Many spinal cord injuries are also very expensive to treat. This includes the initial appointment regarding your injury as well as any subsequent physical therapy or medication. Thus, the financial struggle could be a lasting effect as well.

  1. What are your options if you have suffered a spinal cord injury?

If you suffered a spinal cord injury and you believe that you are not at fault and that your injury is the result of someone else’s negligent or reckless behavior, you have legal options. Additionally, you could have a case if your injury occurs on someone else’s property. Contact an attorney in your area for advice. A personal injury attorney with a case-winning experience will be your best course of legal action.


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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.