Friday, April 10, 2020

Can I Sue a Nursing Home?

Nursing home provide care for sick people, elderly people, or others who are finding it difficult to care for themselves. Of course, some professional caregivers are being paid to provide the necessary help/care that these people require, and these caregivers often do wonderful jobs.

Unfortunately, however, a number of these caregivers and nursing homes ironically abuse the patients under their care. Reports from the United States Nursing Home Abuse Center shows that about one million to two million senior American citizens have suffered at least a form of abuse from caregivers and nursing homes.

Is it Possible to Sue a Nursing Home?

It can be quite frustrating when your rights are denied or trampled upon. Perhaps you have been abused by a nursing home before, or you have a relative who has been abused or is currently being abused by a nursing home. You are probably wondering if it is possible to sue a nursing home.

Well, the answer is yes. You can file a legal lawsuit against a nursing home or caregiver who is exercising a form of nursing home abuse over you, your friend, or relative. Here are some situations that could warrant you to sue a nursing home.

When to Sue a Nursing Home

Negligence in the Hiring Process: It is almost a common practice for nursing homes to be understaffed or staffed with inexperienced and uncertified caregivers. When this is the case, the abuse of patients becomes almost inevitable. If you notice any of such negligence in the hiring process of a nursing home, you can apply for a lawsuit against them.

Unsanitary Environment in a Nursing Home: Seeing that senior citizens are not capable of caring for themselves, they will require help to maintain their personal and environmental hygiene. Thus, it is the job of caregivers in nursing homes to Carter to their hygiene and that of the environment around them. If this is not done, you can sue the nursing home.

Emotional or Financial Exploitation: As people get older, they become weaker. Thus, they become easy targets for exploitation. Some nursing homes have been reported to take undue financial and emotional advantage of their patients in the past. You can sue any nursing home that tries to take advantage of you or your loved ones.

Contact a Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

Every patient reserves the right to be treated with respect. If treated otherwise, you should contact a nursing home attorney with proven results. At Herrman & Herrman, our lawyers will take the time to get to know you and your case, and will fight for your rights. Call now or fill out our online form to receive a free consultation.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

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