Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Mordeduras de Perro en Texas: Lo Que Debe Saber

Si usted o un ser querido es mordido o atacado por un perro, puede ser una experiencia muy traumática. Si bien muchos perros se portan bien y están a la altura de su apodo de “El mejor amigo del hombre”, algunos perros pueden ser bastante violentos, especialmente cuando se sienten amenazados. Si es atacado por un perro que está desatado, es importante que esté familiarizado con las leyes de correa para mascotas en Texas para que sepa sus opciones en caso de que desee emprender alguna acción legal. Esto es lo que debe saber si es mordido o atacado por una mascota desatada en Texas.

Deberes legales de los dueños de perros-
Los dueños de perros en Texas deben hacer algunas cosas para mantenerse a salvo, a los demás y a sus amigos peludos. Cuando salgan con su perro en un espacio público que no sea un parque para perros designado, el perro debe llevar la correa. Además, deben enseñar a su perro a curarse o quedarse y proporcionarles un bozal si resultan ser especialmente peligrosos. Los perros pueden estar sin correa cuando están contenidos por una cerca en una propiedad privada o cuando están en un parque para perros designado con otros perros y dueños de perros. La responsabilidad del dueño del perro es saber si su mascota es violenta o peligrosa y actuar en consecuencia cuando se la lleve en público.

¿Cuándo debe emprender acciones legales?
Si usted o alguien de su familia es atacado por un perro desatado, es posible que tenga derecho a una compensación de una demanda por mordedura de perro. Contratar a un abogado con experiencia en lesiones personales es clave en estas situaciones. Debe demostrar que el dueño del perro fue negligente al permitir que su perro no tuviera correa en un área pública. La ruta de la demanda puede ser complicada si estuviera en un espacio privado propiedad del dueño del perro y permitieron que su perro estuviera sin correa allí. Sin embargo, si sufrió una lesión realmente grave y se le pidió que buscara atención médica, puede valer la pena consultar con un abogado de lesiones personales para que pueda conocer sus opciones.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Dog Bites in Texas: What to Know

If you or a loved one are bitten or otherwise attacked by a dog, it can be a very traumatic experience. While many dogs are well-behaved and live up to their moniker of “Man’s Best Friend,” some dogs can be quite violent, especially when they feel threatened. If you are attacked by a dog that is unleashed, it is important to be familiar with the pet leash laws in TX so that you know your options should you want to take any legal action. Here’s what to know if you are bitten or attacked by an unleashed pet in Texas.

Legal Duties of Dog Owners
Dog owners in Texas must do a few things in order to keep themselves, others, and their furry friends safe. When they are out with their dog in a public space other than a designated dog park, the dog must be on the leash. Additionally, they must teach their dog to heal or stay, and furnish them with a muzzle if they prove to be especially dangerous. Dogs are allowed to be off leash when contained by a fence on private property or when they are in a designated dog park with other dogs and dog owners. The onus is on the owner of the dog to know whether or not their pet is violent or dangerous, and to act accordingly when taking them in public.

When Should You Take Legal Action?
If you or someone in your family is attacked by an unleashed dog, you may be entitled to compensation from a dog bite lawsuit. Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer is key in these situations. You must prove that the dog owner was being negligent by allowing their dog to be off leash in a public area. The lawsuit route can be complicated if you were in a private space owned by the dog owner and they allowed their dog to be off leash there. However, if you suffered a truly serious injury and were required to seek medical attention, it may be worthwhile to consult with a personal injury lawyer so that you can be educated on your options.If you or a loved one are bitten or otherwise attacked by a dog, it can be a very traumatic experience. While many dogs are well-behaved and live up to their moniker of “Man’s Best Friend,” some dogs can be quite violent, especially when they feel threatened. If you are attacked by a dog that is unleashed, it is important to be familiar with the pet leash laws in TX so that you know your options should you want to take any legal action. Here’s what to know if you are bitten or attacked by an unleashed pet in Texas.


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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Workers’ Compensation For First Responders Who Contract COVID-19 in McAllen

First responders in McAllen and elsewhere in Texas’ Rio Grande Valley may be answering emergency calls with a little less confidence about their employers having their backs this month. This is because several local government leaders hedged recently when asked about providing workers’ compensation to emergency responders who contract the COVID-19 coronavirus.

KRGV 5 News contacted several cities to ask whether workers’ comp would protect their police officers after Corpus Christi police officer Charlie “Chuck” Williams died due to complications related to the coronavirus and his family was denied compensation. His workers’ compensation insurer claimed his illness was not related to his job.

What News 5 found is that it remains in doubt whether workers’ compensation will pay the medical expenses of essential workers on local government payrolls if they become sick or die due to COVID-19.

McAllen offers its officers life insurance, but the city could not specify whether they pay benefits to a police officer’s next-of-kin if they die due to an illness related to the job,” the report says.

Public employers in Texas are obligated to insure their employees, but providing workers’ compensation insurance has been voluntary in Texas for over a century. Workers’ compensation typically pays medical expenses and income supplements to covered employees, and survivors’ payments when covered employees die from occupational illness or injury.

Providing workers’ compensation shields an employer from being sued for any negligence on their part that led to an employee’s illness, injury or death. The lack of workers’ compensation opens an employer to personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits, which can seek compensation far beyond what workers’ comp pays.

At Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. in McAllen, we can advise any South Texas worker or their family about their legal options after a workplace injury or illness claim.

Coronavirus Status in McAllen and Hidalgo County

As of this writing, McAllen and Hidalgo County are in Phase III Re-opening status, which authorizes most businesses and services to re-open if they commit to certain protections for employees and customers. In late June, Gov. Greg Abbott lifted or loosened several occupancy limits for businesses and government services.

Effective July 3 with some exceptions, Abbott ordered every person in Texas to wear a face mask inside commercial establishments or other buildings open to the public and when in outdoor spaces where it is not feasible to maintain 6 feet of social distancing from others. Counties in Texas may seek an exemption from this order if they have 20 or fewer active COVID-19 cases.

As of August 25, Hidalgo County Health and Human Services reported:

  • 2,484 active cases of COVID-19
  • 675 new cases
  • 410.6 cases per day on average over the previous 7 days
  • 405 COVID-19 patients hospitalized
  • 152 COVID-19 patients under active ICU care
  • 132,636 people tested
  • 25,169 total confirmed cases
  • 21,584 patients released
  • 1,101 COVID-19 deaths.

As of August 25, the county reported 3,818 total cases of COVID-19 in McAllen, directly affecting 2.66% of the city’s population.

First Responders, Workers’ Compensation and COVID-19nurse with protection suit assisting elderly woman at a nursing home

McAllen, Texas, provides each city employee life insurance coverage at no cost worth twice their annual salary, up to a maximum of $100,000. Employees can enroll themselves, their spouses and dependents in supplemental life insurance with accidental death and dismemberment.

McAllen also offers the opportunity to buy short- and long-term disability insurance. The maximum benefit duration for short-term disability is 13 weeks, with coverage beginning either 8 or 16 days after an accident or illness, depending on the policy. Under long-term coverage, the maximum benefit duration is either 2 years, 5 years or up to age 65 depending on the plan selected, with each requiring the employee to be disabled for 90 days prior to collecting benefits.

Some states are ensuring workers’ compensation coverage for first responders and health care workers impacted by COVID-19, the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) says. A common approach is to amend state policy so that COVID-19 infections in certain workers are presumed to be work-related and covered under workers’ compensation. This presumption places the burden on the employer and insurer to prove that the infection was not work-related, which makes it easier for those workers to obtain benefits.

In total, 14 states have taken action to extend workers compensation coverage to include COVID-19 as a work-related illness, the NCSL says. Many more have pending legislation, executive orders and other administrative policy changes that directly address workers’ compensation coverage of COVID-19. Texas is not on the list, however.

In 2019, a bill in the Texas legislature was designed to make it easier for first responders – Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs), paramedics, firefighters and police officers – to receive promised health care benefits. It would have allowed self-insured cities to be sued and for the Division of Workers’ Compensation to assess penalties against them if the city committed an administrative violation by not covering a filed claim. However, the measure died in committee.

First responders who are employed by cities that insure employees under the Texas Municipal League Intergovernmental Risk Pool (TML-IRP) may be able to obtain assistance. A TML-IRP advisory about COVID-19 says, “For first responders that have been on duty and who contract COVID-19 during this time, TML-IRP will pay for any medically recommended testing and provide all workers’ compensation benefits provided to first responders under the workers’ compensation statute and the presumption statute (Chapter 607 of the Texas Government Code).

At Sec. 607.054, the presumption statute refers to “tuberculosis or any other disease or illness of the lungs or respiratory tract” (COVID-19, we would argue) as presumed to have been contracted on the job and making the first responder eligible for benefits.

Contact Herrman & Herrman in McAllen

We expect first responders and their families to face a fight whenever they seek workers’ compensation or other insurance benefits for the COVID-19 coronavirus contracted on the job, regardless of what their employer has promised. Our experienced workplace injury and wrongful death attorneys are ready to fight for your rights. Our legal team will do everything we can to pursue full and fair compensation for you.

Contact Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. in McAllen at (361) 882-4357 as soon as possible for help obtaining benefits. Our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means that you will not owe us a fee until we recover compensation for you. Call us today.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Understanding San Antonio Electric Scooter Laws

While electric scooters offer fun and inexpensive transportation in downtown San Antonio, riding an e-scooter comes with responsibilities. In addition to following all scooter safety measures, riders need to know San Antonio’s local laws governing e-scooter use.

San Antonio officials tightened electric scooter ordinances last summer after what was criticized as a “light touch” on enforcement of scooter violations since their arrival in town a year earlier, the San Antonio Express-News says. It’s dangerous for scooter riders to start down the street on these motorized vehicles without understanding how they are supposed to be used.

A study in Texas found that 20 individuals were injured per 100,000 e-scooter trips during the study period. Of 190 injured riders, nearly half (48%) had injuries such as fractures or abrasions to the head. Over a third (35%) of the injured riders sustained a bone fracture.

Scooter accidents can cause injuries to pedestrians and bicyclists. Electric scooter users who do not follow the law and cause accidents can expect to be held accountable for the injuries and losses of those they harm.

What is Considered an Electric Scooter?

An electric scooter is a two-wheeled device that has a floorboard designed for the rider to stand upon while riding. An electric scooter is designed to transport one person at a time and has a rechargeable electric motor that can power it to speeds up to about 15 mph.

“Dockless” electric scooters are rented through a smartphone app. Once the rider is finished, he or she can leave the scooter parked anywhere within a defined geographic service area. Teams of contractors hired by scooter companies retrieve the vehicles with the help of GPS devices each night to recharge them and re-deploy them for use the following day.

The City of San Antonio first allowed more than 14,000 electric scooters on city streets as a pilot program in 2018. Electric scooter companies, such as Bird and Lime, have typically deployed fleets of scooters in urban areas unannounced, leaving city leaders to play catch-up to a growing local fad.

In September 2018, the first known death of a dockless electric scooter rider in Texas was recorded in Dallas.

electric scooter motor vehicle accident lawyerBy June 2019, more than 2 million e-scooter rides had been taken in San Antonio, according to the Express-News. More than 155 people had been injured in scooter accidents, according to San Antonio Fire Department records. The records include only calls to 911 and do not include lesser injuries handled by 24-hour emergency clinics. There were undoubtedly more scooter accidents and injuries than the records reflect.

Electric Scooter Laws in San Antonio, TX 

The San Antonio City Council amended local ordinances addressing the use of “motor-assisted scooters” and electric bicycles in May 2019.

Under San Antonio law, electric scooter riders:

  • Must be at least 16 year old.
  • May not have any passengers.
  • Must obey all state and city traffic laws.
  • Must always yield to pedestrians.
  • Must use bike lanes when available.
  • May not use a cell phone or portable wireless communication device while operating a scooter.

“The wearing of a helmet is encouraged but not required,” the ordinance says.

Under the ordinance, riding on sidewalks is prohibited in certain circumstances. But, in the absence of a bike lane, riders may ride on streets that have a speed limit of 35 mph or less and on sidewalks, including sidewalks adjacent to roads that have a speed limit over 35 mph.

On a sidewalk, riders must maintain a distance of 2 feet from all pedestrians.

Scooter riders may not ride on trails, creek ways, plazas, and parks, including the Riverwalk, Alamo Plaza, La Villita, Main Plaza, and Market Square.

But scooter riders may ride on public streets and sidewalks that intersect parks and plazas.

Violation of San Antonio’s e-scooter ordinance is a class C misdemeanor punishable by a maximum $500 fine, though a warning is a more likely result.

Scooter rental companies typically instruct riders to wear helmets and stay off sidewalks.

In May 2019, the Texas Senate voted to ban scooter riders from sidewalks statewide, but the measure did not emerge from a House committee and did not become law.

Under Texas law, riders do not need a driver’s license, registration, or insurance to operate an electric scooter.

In December 2019, the San Antonio City Council lifted a ban that had prevented scooters from operating between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., which had been in effect since the previous February. The ban was not popular with Council or scooter companies, John Jacks, director of the Center City Development and Operations Department, told Texas Public Radio.

At the same time, the Council awarded three exclusive electric scooter contracts to Bird, Razor, and Lime, which took several companies’ scooters off of city streets and reduced the total number of scooters in San Antonio to 3,000.

How a San Antonio Motor Vehicle Accident Lawyer Can Help

motor vehicle accident lawyer Anytime a person in San Antonio is injured in an accident caused by someone negligently operating a motorized vehicle, the injured individual has a right to seek compensation for their losses. At Herrman & Herrman P.L.L.C., in San Antonio, our experienced personal injury attorneys help those who have been unjustly injured by others’ negligence pursue compensation for medical expenses, lost income, pain, suffering and more.

If we handle your personal injury claim, we can handle your automobile property damage claim free of charge. We will take care of the vehicle damage appraisals, the paperwork, and the negotiations with the insurance companies, so you can stay focused on your health.

Contact a San Antonio scooter injury lawyer at Herrman & Herrman at (361) 882-4357 today or online. We handle personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis. That means you will not pay any legal fees unless we obtain money for you.



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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Consejos Para Evitar Puntos Ciegos en Vehículos de 18 Ruedas

Conducir por la autopista puede ser liberador y divertido, especialmente si estás en un viaje por carretera con amigos que se dirigen a un lugar exótico o relajante. Sin embargo, las cosas pueden volverse abrumadoras cuando te encuentras con numerosos vehículos de 18 ruedas y no estás seguro de si tu coche está o no en sus puntos ciegos. Hay formas de saber si se encuentra en un punto ciego de uno de estos vehículos, y conocerlos lo convertirá en un conductor más seguro. A continuación se ofrecen algunos consejos para evitar esos traicioneros puntos ciegos de semirremolques o camiones de 18 ruedas.

No se acerque demasiado a un camión grande ni siga demasiado cerca
Esto debería ser evidente, pero no encienda un camión grande de 18 ruedas. Acercarse demasiado a un vehículo grande casi garantizará que usted será invisible para el conductor y aumentará sus posibilidades de tener un accidente con un semirremolque. Además, conducir demasiado cerca de cualquier tipo de vehículo hará que le resulte más difícil detenerse o reducir la velocidad cuando sea necesario, lo que podría provocar más colisiones por alcance.

Deje suficiente espacio cuando pase
Para muchos de nosotros, conducir al lado o incluso cerca de un camión de 18 ruedas puede ponernos nerviosos. Por tanto, en ocasiones es necesario adelantar a un vehículo grande como este. Asegúrese de que cuando rebase, o si lo hace, le dé al camión suficiente espacio en todos los lados. Unirse demasiado rápido delante o detrás del camión puede hacer que entre en el punto ciego del conductor, lo cual no es bueno ni para usted ni para el conductor del camión. Tome nota mental de mantener siempre al menos un auto y medio de distancia entre usted y el camión para permitir cualquier frenado repentino o aceleración.

Tenga cuidado con el radio de giro
Muchos semirremolques necesitan más espacio para girar tanto a la derecha como a la izquierda. Si desea mantenerse fuera del punto ciego y lejos de la amenaza de cualquier tipo de accidente, asegúrese de darles a los camiones suficiente espacio para girar y no intente viajar junto a ellos mientras lo hacen. Esto garantizará que tanto usted como el vehículo de 18 ruedas puedan girar de forma segura.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Tips For Avoiding 18-Wheeler Blind Spots

Driving on the highway can be freeing and fun, especially if you’re on a road trip with friends headed to an exotic or relaxing location. However, things can turn daunting when you’re encountered with numerous 18-wheeler vehicles and you’re not sure whether or not your car is in their blind spots. There are ways to be in the know about whether you’re in a blind spot of one of these vehicles, and knowing them will make you a more confident driver. Here are a few tips for avoiding those treacherous semitruck or 18-wheeler blind spots.

Don’t Tailgate or Follow a Large Truck Too Closely

This should go without saying, but don’t tailgate a big 18-wheeler truck. Getting too close to a large vehicle will almost guarantee that you will be invisible to the driver, and will heighten your chance of getting in a semi-truck-involved accident. Additionally, riding too close to any type of vehicle will make it more difficult for you to stop or slow down when it is called for, which could lead to more rear-end collisions.

Leave Enough Space When You Pass

For many of us, driving next to or even near an 18-wheeler truck can make us nervous. Thus, it is sometimes necessary to pass a large vehicle like this. Make sure that when or if you do pass, to give the truck enough space on all sides. Merging too quickly in front or behind the truck can cause you to enter the driver’s blind spot, which is no good for either you or the truck driver. Make a mental note to always keep at least a car and a half’s length between you and the truck to allot for any sudden braking or speeding up.

Be Aware of Turn Radius

Many semi-trucks need more space to make both right and left turns. If you want to stay out of the blind spot and away from the threat of any kind of accident, make sure you give trucks enough space to make turns and don’t try to ride alongside them while they do so. This will ensure that both you and the 18-wheeler vehicle can make turns safely.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Consejos de Seguridad Para Cuando Los Tejanos Vuelvan a La Carretera Después de Una Pandemia

En todo el estado, los tejanos están volviendo a la carretera durante la pandemia de coronavirus. Al comienzo de la respuesta texana al COVID, las calles y carreteras casi se vaciaron. Las millas de conducción se redujeron en más del 40% en marzo al comienzo de los pedidos para quedarse en casa. Desde entonces, se ha recuperado. Aunque en algunas partes puede parecer que la amenaza COVID-19 ha desaparecido, no lo es, y debe continuar actuando alerta mientras se pone al volante para conducir por el estado, a través del país o incluso por la calle. Si se encuentra en una situación en la que debe conducir una larga distancia mientras la pandemia aún amenaza al país, hay algunos consejos de seguridad que debe tener en cuenta y seguir siempre para mantenerse a sí mismo y a los demás protegidos.

Conoce tu destino
Antes de salir a la carretera para conducir hasta su ubicación prevista, debe conocer su destino en el contexto del coronavirus. ¿Esta ubicación o estado ha experimentado un aumento en los casos recientemente? ¿Los hospitales y los ciudadanos han tomado las precauciones adecuadas? También debe leer sobre las restricciones y regulaciones de viaje, como los períodos obligatorios de autocuarentena cuando proviene de ciertos estados. Asegúrate de cumplir con todas las regulaciones estatales para mantenerte a ti y a los ciudadanos de esos estados seguros.

Piense en su situación de vida
La siguiente precaución que debe tomar es pensar en su situación de vida actual y tomar la decisión adecuada cuando decida viajar. Si vive en casa con un pariente mayor o enfermo, se consideran personas de alto riesgo. En este caso, debería considerar posponer el viaje o reevaluar sus planes de viaje para ver si son realmente necesarios.

Trae el equipo adecuado
No importa a dónde viaje, es importante llevar todo el equipo adecuado para protegerse y proteger a los demás de los gérmenes y la propagación del virus. Lleve muchas mascarillas de tela lavables o desechables de grado médico para usar en todo momento en público. Además, lleve abundante desinfectante para manos y toallitas desinfectantes para limpiarse las manos y todas las superficies con las que entre en contacto. Esto puede parecer excesivo, pero especialmente si se encuentra en un lugar nuevo alrededor de gérmenes nuevos, es importante estar alerta.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tipos de Accidentes Automovilísticos

Cada accidente automovilístico es diferente y viene con un contexto y un orden de eventos únicos. Sin embargo, hay algunos tipos de accidentes automovilísticos comunes que debe conocer. Si es un conductor nuevo o simplemente está buscando leer sobre los peligros potenciales de sacar su auto a dar una vuelta, estos son algunos de los tipos de accidentes automovilísticos que debe conocer.

Colisiones frontales-
Una colisión frontal ocurre cuando dos autos hacen contacto uno frente al otro “nariz a nariz” o de un faro a otro. Este tipo de colisión puede no parecer común, ya que requiere un conjunto de circunstancias tan específicas en lugar de una simple conducción perezosa o distraída, pero sigue siendo un tipo de accidente al que debe estar atento. Puede ser un tipo de accidente que podría ocurrir si uno o más de los conductores ha estado bebiendo o consumiendo sustancias.

Colisiones traseras-
Las colisiones traseras son algunos de los accidentes automovilísticos más comunes que existen. Los extremos traseros ocurren cuando un automóvil choca o choca contra la parte trasera de otro automóvil. Este tipo de incidentes pueden ocurrir en los semáforos o en las carreteras con mucho tráfico cuando un automóvil se detiene repentinamente frente a otro automóvil, causando un impacto, o cuando un conductor no está prestando la atención adecuada y no reduce la velocidad a tiempo para no golpear al automóvil que va delante. A veces, una parte trasera da como resultado muy poco daño a cualquiera de los autos, mientras que otras veces puede ser catastrófico para uno o ambos autos.

Colisiones laterales-
Las colisiones laterales, o “colisiones T-bone” ocurren cuando un automóvil golpea el costado de otro de frente. Estos tipos de colisiones ocurren comúnmente en los semáforos, cuando el derecho de paso ha cambiado o cuando cambia el flujo del tráfico. Por lo general, una colisión lateral causa el mayor daño al lado del conductor o al lado del pasajero del vehículo, con poco daño en la parte delantera o trasera.

Independientemente del tipo de accidente del que esté hablando, la seguridad al conducir es importante. Recuerde siempre usar el cinturón de seguridad, anime a sus pasajeros a hacer lo mismo y nunca conduzca cuando tenga sueño o esté bajo los efectos del alcohol.

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Types of Car Accidents

Types of Car Accidents

Every car accident is different and comes with a unique context and order of events. However, there are a handful of commonly-occurring types of car accidents that you should be aware of. If you’re a new driver, or are just looking to read up on the potential dangers of taking your car out for a spin, here are some of the types of car accidents you should be aware of.


  • Head-on Collisions


A head-on collision occurs when two cars make contact facing each other “nose to nose” or headlight to headlight. This type of collision may not seem common since it requires such a specific set of circumstances rather than simple lazy or distracted driving, but it is still a type of accident you should be on the lookout for. It may be a type of accident that could occur if one or more of the drivers has been drinking or using substances.


  • Rear-end Collisions


Rear-end collisions are some of the most common car accidents out there. Rear-ends occur when one car bumps into, or rams into, the back of another car. These types of incidents may occur at stoplights or on busy highways when one car stops suddenly in front of another car, causing impact, or when one driver is not paying adequate attention and doesn’t slow down in time not to hit the leading car. Sometimes, a rear end results in very little damage to either car, while other times it can be catastrophic for one or both cars.


  • Side Collisions


Side collisions, or “T-bone collisions” occur when one car hits the side of another head on. These types of collisions commonly occur at stoplights, when the right-of-way has changed, or when the flow of traffic changes. Typically, a side collision causes the most damage to either the driver’s side or the passenger’s side of the vehicle, with little damage done to either the front or the back.


No matter what type of accident you’re talking about, driving safety is important. Remember to always wear a seatbelt, encourage your passengers to do the same, and never drive when you are sleepy or under the influence.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Tips to Prevent Elderly Falls

As rampant as elderly falls are, many of them could be totally prevented. By research, at least 1 elderly person falls every 30-40 seconds. This means that seniors are likely to experience complications relating to falls even more than other health problems. Falls could affect their general wellbeing and have them coming in and out of the hospital which can be problematic.

Having someone who’s of elderly age around you means you have you put in preventive measures in place to keep them from falling because of the fact that they are prone to falls. Some of these tips are as follows:

Ensure There Are No Existing Health Issues That Could Result In Falls- health issues could range from eye defects to experiencing random dizziness and so many others. Knowing their health condition definitely helps to cross off the possibility of falling randomly. Also, this helps you map out health conditions that might require urgent attention.

Carry Out A Revamp On Their Living Situation- most falls are likely to occur as a result of either living in a cluttered environment or due to the fact that their home is not elderly-friendly. You can simply start by ensuring things aren’t just laying around the house. Ensure that every part of their home is well lit. This would help them see clearly. Also, installing grab bars around the bathroom area should be helpful. Once this can be achieved, it would definitely help in drastically reducing the risk of falling.

Adopting Walking Aids Might Be the Way To Go- loss of strength can be directly tied to elderly falls. Medications and therapy might help them regain balance and strength to some extent but not all seniors can fully function without assistance. This is why walking aids should be considered. It would serve as a support for them and lower the chances of falling. Walking aids could range from walkers to canes, walking frames and so many others

Stairway Barriers Should Be Very Sturdy- almost all seniors find it difficult to use stairs without holding on to handrails. It would be disastrous if one of the guardrails has a structural flaw. This can put your elderly at the risk falling and also sustaining severe injuries. You can prevent this by either installing new stairway barriers or double-checking the existing ones. This undoubtedly helps to prevents elderly falls.

In conclusion, ensure that the senior stays physically active in order for their muscles and joints to remain functional. All of these would definitely help to prevent elderly falls.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Major accident reported on I-35 south of San Antonio

MEDINA COUNTY, TX – According to the Texas Department of Transportation, a major car accident has taken place on I-35 south of San Antonio in Devine.

The accident has caused the southbound lanes of the highway to close near Highway 173. The roadway is expected to be cleared by 6 p.m. this evening.

Further details on the crash have not yet been reported. If more information on the crash is reported, then this story will be updated.

The San Antonio car accident lawyers at Herrman and Herrman understand just how devastating car accidents can be. We firmly believe that you deserve the best possible legal representation available to you. If you or someone you know has been injured in a Texas auto accident, do not hesitate to contact our firm to set up a free consultation. 

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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Electric Scooter Safety Tips

There’s quite a lot of fun in electric scooter riding, but the chance of getting injured is always around. If you’ve got an electric scooter or you’re intending to rent one, then it is important that you’re aware of all the necessary safety tips. One of the most important things that you should put to mind, is that your scooter is also an automotive- just like a motorcycle bike. This means that you’ll need to follow all of the safety measures that you would normally adhere to when driving or riding on the road.

Now, note that electric scooter accidents still happen sometimes, irrespective of how careful you’ve been while riding. In instances like this, however, you would be significantly out of harm’s way, if you had put the necessary safety tips to bear.

3 Essential safety measures for your electric scooter ride

There are a number of relevant safety tips for electric scooter use and you probably should know them, even before going to the retailer. The following are three essential safety measures for each time you’ll be making use of your electric scooter:

  • Always wear the right helmet

Injuries to the head are one of the most recorded injury cases associated with electric scooter accidents. Most people who fall off a moving scooter usually may hit their head against the floor or some pavements close by. Wearing a good helmet is important because it shields off the user’s head from coming in direct contact with the hard surfaces. Sometimes, it could also protect the user’s face from getting severely bruised.

Always make sure you use a helmet each time you have to use the scooter because you really don’t know when it would be most useful.

  • It is ideal to scoot alone

Basically, the electric scooter is designed to be used by only one person at a time. This means there’s just no space for more people to join you on a tandem scooter ride. Hence, before inviting your friend to join you on the ride, think of it this way: What happens if the scooter runs off the corner? If this happens, both persons would likely get injured- and most especially the person at the back of the scooter rider.

  • Check the scooter tires regularly

If you’re in the habit of just jumping on to your scooter every time without checking the wheels, then you really need to do better. Bad scooter tires can lead to accidents, which could also sometimes require you to pay for the damages done to other people’s vehicles. This is because once the tires of the scooter are no longer in good shape, the rider could lose control of the moving machine.

As a safety tip, however, electric scooter users should always check the pressure levels of their scooter tires before using them. This would enable you to know if the tires and their conditions are roadworthy or not.

Note that asides the basic safety tips for electric scooter riders, there are other safety and precautionary measures that electric scooter users should consider. These other safety tips may, however, depend on the topography of the place where the scooter is been used, or the human population in the area, etcetera.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Arson suspected following suspicious car fire

SAN ANTONIO, TX – According to Fox San Antonio, police are investigating the cause of a fire that took place late last night at a car lot in southwest San Antonio.

The fire took place at a used car dealership located on SW Military Drive and Somerset Road. A minivan was burned in the fire. Crews quickly put out the blaze.

If more information on this story is reported, then this story will be updated.

The San Antonio car accident lawyers at Herrman and Herrman firmly believe that those who have been harmed by other’s negligence deserve high-quality legal representation. If you or someone you love has been hurt in a Texas car accident, do not hesitate to contact our firm to set up a free consultation with a member of our team.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

5 Trabajos Más Peligrosos en Texas

Con el auge industrial y económico que ha experimentado el estado de Texas a lo largo de los años, se crearon muchos puestos de trabajo. Estos trabajos iban desde petróleo y gas hasta construcción, ganadería, reciclaje, transporte y logística, minería, bienes raíces y atención médica. El auge industrial no dejó de venir con algunas de sus caídas, ya que algunos de los trabajos exponen a los trabajadores a peligros mortales relacionados con el trabajo. Sin embargo, se sabe que más trabajos son más peligrosos que otros. Sin ningún orden en particular, a continuación se muestra la lista de los cinco trabajos más peligrosos en Texas.

Recolectores y recicladores de residuos

Esta ocupación expone a los practicantes a duras condiciones climáticas externas ya que siempre están en la carretera y también a sustancias tóxicas de desecho. El trabajo también requiere el uso de equipo pesado que expone a los operadores al riesgo de un accidente.

Conductores de camiones

Los conductores de camiones, por la naturaleza de sus trabajos, tienen una alta tendencia a involucrarse en accidentes de vehículos. Transportan cargas pesadas a largas distancias y las estadísticas indican que por cada 1000 conductores de camiones, el 0,45 por ciento murió en accidentes de tráfico entre 2012 y 2015.


La naturaleza de este trabajo requiere que los profesionales trabajen desde alturas que los exponen al riesgo de caer. Junto con el hecho de que los techadores trabajan con objetos afilados y materiales pesados, llegaron fácilmente a la lista de los trabajos más peligrosos de Texas.

Trabajadores del campo petrolero

Las personas que trabajan en los ricos campos petroleros de Texas están expuestas a muchos riesgos para la salud que vienen con el trabajo. Están expuestos a gases peligrosos, maquinaria pesada y se sabe que esto causa accidentes fatales a los trabajadores.

Profesionales de la salud

Los asistentes de atención médica en Texas, especialmente los que trabajan en el sector privado, tienen un alto riesgo de estar expuestos a peligros laborales fatales. La naturaleza del trabajo los hace propensos a contraer infecciones o exposición a desechos médicos tóxicos y materiales que podrían causar lesiones o accidentes fatales.

En espera de que Texas regule sus industrias por seguridad, es importante que las personas que trabajan en Texas se comuniquen con abogados de lesiones personales o abogados de seguridad en el lugar de trabajo en Texas para determinar el riesgo relacionado con sus trabajos y también comprender la cobertura legal a la que tienen derecho. Esto asegurará que reciban la compensación adecuada que merecen en caso de cualquier lesión o muerte relacionada con el trabajo.

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Most Dangerous Jobs in TX

With the industrial and economic boom that the State of Texas has experienced over the years, many jobs were created. These jobs ranged from oil and gas to construction, ranching, recycling, haulage and logistics, mining, real estate, and health care. The industrial boom did not fail to come with some of its downfalls as some of the jobs expose the workers to fatal work-related hazards. However, more jobs are known to be more hazardous than others. In no particular order, below is the list of the five most dangerous jobs in Texas.

Waste Collectors and Recyclers

This occupation exposes practitioners to harsh external weather conditions since they are always on the road and to toxic waste substances too. The job also requires the use of heavy equipment which exposes the operators to risk of an accident.

Truck drivers

Truck drivers by the nature of their jobs are tipped to have a high tendency of getting involved in vehicle accidents. They haul heavy cargos over long distances and statistics has it that for every 1000 truck drivers, 0.45 percent died from road accidents between 2012 and 2015.


The nature of this job requires that practitioners work from heights that exposes them to the risk of falling. Coupled with the fact that roofers work with sharp objects and heavy materials, they easily made it to the list of the most dangerous jobs in Texas.

Oil Fieldworkers

Individuals that work in the rich oil fields of Texas are exposed to lots of health hazards that come with the job. They are exposed to dangerous gases, heavy machinery and this has been known to cause fatal accidents for workers.

Health Care Practitioners

Health care assistants in Texas, especially those that work in the private sector are at high risk of being exposed to fatal work hazards. The nature of the job makes them prone to getting infections or exposure to toxic medical waste and materials that might cause injuries or fatal accidents.


Pending when Texas regulates its industries for safety, it is important that individuals who work within Texas contact personal injury attorneys or workplace safety attorneys in Texas to ascertain the risk related to their jobs and also understand the legal coverage that they are entitled to. This will ensure that they get the right compensation they deserve in the event of any job-related injury or death.

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Monday, August 10, 2020

San Antonio Nursing Homes: COVID-19 Is Still An Issue

The COVID-19 coronavirus continues to plague Texas nursing homes, with the state reporting more than 681 resident deaths in the San Antonio region and nearly 2,391 statewide as of August 5.

As of July 22, the state reported 86 resident deaths caused by COVID-19 at 22 Bexar County nursing homes. Thirty-two nursing homes out of 68 in Bexar County (47.8%) reported at least one resident having had the coronavirus. State records also show 385 cumulative cases of COVID-19 among nursing home employees of San Antonio and Bexar County facilities as of July 22.

The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) provides daily totals of COVID-19 cases as self-reported by nursing homes, assisted living facilities and state hospitals and state supported living centers.

As of July 29, there were 2,008 nursing home resident deaths statewide due to COVID-19 and 524 in the 47-county South Texas HHS region containing San Antonio and Bexar County. The increase as of August 5 represents a 30% increase in nursing home fatalities in the South Texas region.

Among Bexar County nursing homes with the most resident deaths due to COVID-19 are:

  • Southeast Nursing & Rehabilitation Center, 4302 Southcross Blvd., San Antonio – 18 deaths and 77 cases among residents
  • Sonterra Health Center, 18514 Sonterra Place, San Antonio – 11 deaths and 92 cases among residents
  • Heritage Nursing & Rehabilitation, 5437 Eisenhauer Road, San Antonio – 8 deaths and 39 cases among residents
  • River City Care Center, 921 Nolan St., San Antonio – 8 deaths and 173 cases among residents
  • Windsor Mission Oaks, 3030 S. Roosevelt Ave., San Antonio – 8 deaths and 126 cases among residents

Suing Nursing Home Over Coronavirus Deaths

We’ve reported previously that the large number of COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes make numerous wrongful death lawsuits against nursing homes and long-term care facilities likely in the coming months.

If your loved one has died of COVID-19 while a resident or employee of a nursing home or assisted living facility in Texas, you have every right to explore the potential for filing a wrongful death lawsuit.

A successful wrongful death claim based on a death related to COVID-19 contracted in a nursing home would require evidence that showed:

  • The owners of the nursing home (through their staff) were negligent in their use of safety protocols to guard against COVID-19 infections, such as failing to implement adequate quarantine and/or personal hygiene procedures, failing to issue or enforce the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and/or inadequate cleaning of the facility
  • The owners’ negligence represents a breach of their duty to provide a standard of care that keep residents healthy and safe from communicable disease outbreaks
  • The owners’ negligence led to harm, i.e., your loved one contracting COVID-19
  • Contracting COVID-19 caused specific, concrete physical and/or emotional harm, financial harm and, finally, the death of your loved one
  • The harm that your loved one and you suffered are compensable.

While no amount of money can alleviate the loss of life, Texas personal injury law says the victim of a wrongful death due to someone else’s negligence can seek compensation, or damages, for certain losses, including:

  • Medical expenses
  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • The deceased’s pain and suffering
  • Survivors’ mental and emotional pain and suffering
  • Survivors’ loss of comfort and companionship.

Nursing homes in San Antonio and all of Texas have known or should have known what is required to deal with COVID-19, including how to prevent it from entering a nursing home and how to isolate it if it is found.

Most nursing homes participate in Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement programs for providing care to residents, which makes them obligated to comply with federal guidelines pertaining to the coronavirus pandemic. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued specific recommendations to nursing homes to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

Additionally, the Texas HHSC published a 78-page booklet in April to provide guidance to state nursing facilities about how to respond to a COVID-19 exposure. It has been updated numerous times, including as recently as July 27. It addresses:

  • Rapid identification of COVID-19 in a nursing facility
  • Prevention of spread within the facility
  • Protection of residents, staff and visitors
  • Provision of care for an infected resident(s)
  • Recovery from a COVID-19 infection within a nursing facility.

What the nursing home neglect attorneys at Herrman & Herrman have found in our nursing home abuse and neglect injury practice is that nursing homes take shortcuts in a facility’s sanitation, staffing and/or provision of care as a means to save money. They may hire less qualified or less experienced staff, as well.

When this kind of negligence has led to injury and death of our clients’ loved ones, our attorneys have seen to it that irresponsible nursing home owners were compelled to compensate those they harmed. We can investigate the circumstances of your loved one’s San Antonio area COVID-19 nursing home death and seek justice for your family.

Contact a Nursing Home Wrongful Death Attorney in San Antonio, TX

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacted a terrible toll on Texas, our nation and the world. But the loss of a loved one to the coronavirus whose death was preventable and was caused by neglect by a nursing home entrusted with the person’s care should not go unanswered.

If you lost a loved one due to the COVID-19 coronavirus contracted at a nursing home in the greater San Antonio area, contact a Herrman & Herrman wrongful death attorney as soon as possible. Our legal team will do everything we can secure the full and fair compensation you and your family deserve.

Contact Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C. at (361) 882-4357 or through an online form in San Antonio as soon as possible. Our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, which means that you will not owe us a fee until we recover compensation for you. Call us now.

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Pedestrian killed in crash on Blanco Road

SAN ANTONIO, TX – According to KSAT, a pedestrian man was killed Friday night while crossing Blanco Road.

The accident took place at the intersection of Blanco Road and Lee Hall Street on the North Side.

The man, who was reportedly in his 50s was pronounced dead at the scene of the crash.

At Herrman and Herrman, to help keep our communities safe and informed by providing information on Texas car accidents. If you or someone you know has been injured in a car crash, we understand the difficulties you’re facing. Don’t wait to contact us to schedule a free case evaluation with a skilled San Antonio pedestrian crash lawyer. This story does not include legal or medical advice.

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Saturday, August 8, 2020

UBER : Safety Tips

The rise of Uber means transportation is now easier than ever before. Guaranteeing its users comfortable and affordable rides at the go, anytime. But for all the good rendered, there’s the ever prevailing issue of security. While the company goes to extreme lengths to ensure your safety, there’s only so much they can do and it’s advisable you take personal measures as well.

To assist you, we listed out a few a safe practices you can follow:

  • Book indoor – Avoid waiting for your ride in the open. If you do find yourself outside the comfort of your home, you should enjoy a nice cup of coffee or find a safe place to wait.
  • Conduct a thorough check – So your ride arrived before you finished your coffee, you don’t have to rush in. To guarantee your safety, the app holds all the necessary vehicle and driver information such as car model, plate, driver name, and pictures, etc. Ensure all this info match what you have right in front of you. To go the extra mile, you can request the driver confirms your name as it shows he or she also follows due process.
  • Maintain space – If you happen to be riding alone, it’s best you have good space between you and the driver. Seating at the back is a good option as it ensures a safe and easy exit when necessary.
  • Keep loved ones in the know – The app has a Share trip status feature which enables you to share all information regarding your trip. These include the location, vehicle license number, driver name, and photo. And you should share these with a member of family or friends. This helps them keep track of your trip if need be.
  • Trust your gut – If at any point in your journey, you feel uncomfortable, be sure to end your ride. For extra measure, the app has an in-built emergency button connecting you straight to 911. The app also gives your location in real-time and the details of your trip which you can provide to the dispatcher.
  • Be polite – Many riders get carried away, disregarding the driver. You must avoid this by showing respect to the driver and other passengers if present, this is an important part of Uber’s guidelines. It also ensures a peaceful ride.

So you’ve gotten to your destination and you’re happily walking off into the sunset. You should take a minute to give your feedback on the ride. Your rating and feedback ensure that more measures are put in place to guarantee you a better experience in your next ride.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Consejos Para Prevenir Caídas en Ancianos

Por más desenfrenadas que sean las caídas de ancianos, muchas de ellas podrían prevenirse por completo. Según la investigación, al menos 1 persona mayor se cae cada 30-40 segundos. Esto significa que es probable que las personas mayores experimenten complicaciones relacionadas con las caídas incluso más que otros problemas de salud. Las caídas pueden afectar su bienestar general y hacer que entren y salgan del hospital, lo que puede ser problemático.

Tener a alguien de edad avanzada a su alrededor significa que debe implementar medidas preventivas para evitar que se caiga debido al hecho de que es propenso a caerse. Algunos de estos consejos son los siguientes:

Asegúrese de que no existan problemas de salud que puedan provocar caídas: los problemas de salud pueden variar desde defectos oculares hasta mareos aleatorios y muchos otros. Conocer su estado de salud definitivamente ayuda a tachar la posibilidad de caer al azar. Además, esto le ayuda a identificar las condiciones de salud que podrían requerir atención urgente.

Lleve a cabo una renovación en su situación de vida: es probable que la mayoría de las caídas se produzcan como resultado de vivir en un entorno desordenado o debido al hecho de que su hogar no es apto para personas mayores. Simplemente puede comenzar asegurándose de que las cosas no estén simplemente tiradas por la casa. Asegúrese de que cada parte de su hogar esté bien iluminada. Esto les ayudaría a ver con claridad. Además, debería ser útil instalar barras de apoyo alrededor del área del baño. Una vez que esto se pueda lograr, definitivamente ayudaría a reducir drásticamente el riesgo de caídas.

La adopción de ayudas para caminar podría ser el camino a seguir: la pérdida de fuerza puede estar directamente relacionada con las caídas de los ancianos. Los medicamentos y la terapia pueden ayudarlos a recuperar el equilibrio y la fuerza hasta cierto punto, pero no todas las personas mayores pueden funcionar completamente sin ayuda. Es por eso que se deben considerar las ayudas para caminar. Servirá de apoyo para ellos y reducirá las posibilidades de caída. Las ayudas para caminar pueden variar desde andadores hasta bastones, bastidores para caminar y muchos otros

Las barreras de las escaleras deben ser muy resistentes: a casi todas las personas mayores les resulta difícil usar las escaleras sin agarrarse de los pasamanos. Sería desastroso si una de las barandillas tuviera una falla estructural. Esto puede poner a sus ancianos en riesgo de caerse y también de sufrir lesiones graves. Puede evitarlo instalando nuevas barreras de escalera o comprobando las existentes. Esto, sin duda, ayuda a prevenir caídas de personas mayores.

En conclusión, asegúrese de que la persona mayor se mantenga físicamente activa para que sus músculos y articulaciones sigan funcionando. Todo esto definitivamente ayudaría a prevenir caídas de ancianos.

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UBER: Consejos de Seguridad

El auge de Uber significa que el transporte ahora es más fácil que nunca. Garantizar a sus usuarios viajes cómodos y asequibles sobre la marcha, en cualquier momento. Pero a pesar de todo lo bueno, está el tema de la seguridad que siempre prevalece. Si bien la empresa hace todo lo posible para garantizar su seguridad, no pueden hacer mucho y es recomendable que usted también tome medidas personales.

Para ayudarlo, enumeramos algunas prácticas seguras que puede seguir:

Reserve en interiores: evite esperar su viaje al aire libre. Si se encuentra fuera de la comodidad de su hogar, debería disfrutar de una buena taza de café o buscar un lugar seguro para esperar.
Realice una verificación exhaustiva: para que su viaje llegue antes de terminar su café, no tiene que apresurarse. Para garantizar su seguridad, la aplicación contiene toda la información necesaria del vehículo y el conductor, como el modelo del automóvil, la placa, el nombre del conductor y imágenes, etc. Asegúrese de que toda esta información coincida con la que tiene frente a usted. Para hacer un esfuerzo adicional, puede solicitar que el conductor confirme su nombre, ya que muestra que también sigue el debido proceso.
Mantenga el espacio: si conduce solo, es mejor que tenga un buen espacio entre usted y el conductor. Sentarse en la parte trasera es una buena opción, ya que garantiza una salida fácil y segura cuando sea necesario.
Mantenga informados a sus seres queridos: la aplicación tiene una función para compartir el estado del viaje que le permite compartir toda la información relacionada con su viaje. Estos incluyen la ubicación, el número de licencia del vehículo, el nombre del conductor y la foto. Y debe compartirlos con un miembro de la familia o amigos. Esto les ayuda a realizar un seguimiento de su viaje si es necesario.
Confíe en su instinto: si en algún momento de su viaje se siente incómodo, asegúrese de terminar su viaje. Como medida adicional, la aplicación tiene un botón de emergencia incorporado que lo conecta directamente al 911. La aplicación también brinda su ubicación en tiempo real y los detalles de su viaje que puede proporcionar al despachador.
Sea cortés: muchos pasajeros se dejan llevar, sin tener en cuenta al conductor. Debes evitar esto mostrando respeto por el conductor y otros pasajeros si están presentes, esta es una parte importante de las pautas de Uber. También asegura un viaje tranquilo.
Así que has llegado a tu destino y estás felizmente caminando hacia la puesta de sol. Debería tomarse un minuto para dar su opinión sobre el viaje. Su calificación y comentarios aseguran que se implementen más medidas para garantizarle una mejor experiencia en su próximo viaje.

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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Corpus Christi Campus Ends Driverless Vehicle Test After Accident

A Corpus Christi college’s role in the development of autonomous vehicles has come to an abrupt stop after federal regulators suspended testing of self-driving vehicles following an unexplained accident at one campus.

You may have missed test runs of The Surge, a self-driving shuttle bus running routes on the campus of Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. The use of the shuttle bus was suspended a month after it began, pending the outcome of a federal investigation of safety issues with the vehicles following an accident in Columbus, Ohio, according to the Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority (CCRTA). There have been no reported incidents with the bus here in Corpus Christi.

The self-driving vehicles, manufactured by EasyMile, were being tested at 16 locations throughout the U.S. including Corpus Christi, Dallas and Houston. In Columbus, Ohio, a self-driving shuttle unexpectedly stopped in the middle of a route at midday in February, and a woman fell from her seat onto the floor, according to the Columbus Dispatch. The woman suffered “minor injuries.”

EasyMile, the autonomous driving technology manufacturer, said that road tests of its self-driving vehicles had been temporarily suspended by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) after a passenger fell from their seat during a low speed emergency stop.

A Washington Post report says video from an on-board camera shows the sudden stop was enough to throw the shuttle’s safety operator off his feet and across the inside of the shuttle and knock the passenger from her seat.

The NHTSA said that the agency has suspended passenger operations for 16 EasyMile autonomous vehicles, pending an examination of safety issues with the vehicles.

Are Autonomous Vehicles Part of Our Driving Future?

NHTSA, like others, expects autonomous vehicles to be a routine part of traffic in the future. “Fully automated cars and trucks that drive us, instead of us driving them, will become a reality. These self-driving vehicles ultimately will integrate onto U.S. roadways … in the coming years,” the federal agency says.

The artificial intelligence researchers and consultants Emerj said in March that most car manufacturers think self-driving cars are inevitable, and they’re investing billions of dollars in autonomous vehicle initiatives.

But we’re not there yet.

There are six levels of driving automation when referring to motor vehicles operating on public roads. They range from no automation (Level 0) to full driving automation (Level 5).

Technology experts and car manufacturers are promising either cars that can operate autonomously for a large part of a person’s highway commute (Level 3) or cars that can almost drive themselves in a specified metropolitan area (Level 4), Emerj says. At either level, a human must remain ready to assume control of the vehicle.

After reviewing what 10 U.S. automakers are doing to develop self-driving vehicles, Emerj concludes that manufacturers are walking back predictions for having autonomous vehicles available and on the road by the early 2020s.

How Safe Are Autonomous Vehicles?

Even in test mode, self-driving cars have already been involved in the deaths of five people since 2016.

The most well-known autonomous vehicle fatality is the death of Elaine Herzberg in 2018. The 49-year-old woman was walking her bicycle across the road in Tempe, Arizona, when an Uber autonomous vehicle doing about 40 mph struck and killed her.

As the Verge reported, the investigation into that accident blamed the autonomous vehicle’s backup driver, who was watching TV on her phone at the time of the crash. The vehicle’s Level 3 system detected Herzberg 5.6 seconds before the car hit her, but it never identified her as a human being on the road, nor did it accurately predict her path.

A study released in June by the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety predicts that autonomous vehicles may one day eliminate about a third of car crashes.

While driver error is the final failure in more than 9 out of 10 crashes, only about a third of those crashes are the result of mistakes that automated vehicles would be expected to avoid, the IIHS says.

Planning and judgment errors, such as speeding and illegal maneuvers, contribute to about 40 percent of car accidents. The fact that a driver’s deliberate decisions can lead to crashes indicates that rider preferences might sometimes conflict with the safety priorities programmed into autonomous vehicles.

For self-driving vehicles to live up to their promise of eliminating most crashes, they will have to be designed to focus on safety rather than rider preferences for speed and convenience, although those two aims are at odds.

“Building self-driving cars that drive as well as people do is a big challenge in itself,” IIHS Research Scientist Alexandra Mueller, lead author of the study, said. “But they’d actually need to be better than that to deliver on the promises we’ve all heard.”

Corpus Christi Self-Driving Vehicle Accidents

Self-driving vehicles are being used only in a limited capacity so far. Eventually, they will be a regular part of highway traffic, if the NHTSA prediction is accurate. It is safe to predict that self-driving vehicle accidents and injuries will follow.

As motor vehicle technology changes, accidents caused by defective automation or human error will pose liability questions that the legal system will have to resolve. In Corpus Christi, the car accident attorneys of Herrman & Herrman will continue to work to protect the rights of people in Corpus Christi and throughout South Texas who are unjustly injured by the negligence of others.

Contact a Corpus Christi car accident attorney at Herrman & Herrman at (361) 882-4357 if you have been injured in a car accident that may have been caused by another driver’s or car manufacturer’s negligence. We’ll work to resolve your as quickly as possible and seek to maximize the compensation you receive.

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