Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Dog Bites in Texas: What to Know

If you or a loved one are bitten or otherwise attacked by a dog, it can be a very traumatic experience. While many dogs are well-behaved and live up to their moniker of “Man’s Best Friend,” some dogs can be quite violent, especially when they feel threatened. If you are attacked by a dog that is unleashed, it is important to be familiar with the pet leash laws in TX so that you know your options should you want to take any legal action. Here’s what to know if you are bitten or attacked by an unleashed pet in Texas.

Legal Duties of Dog Owners
Dog owners in Texas must do a few things in order to keep themselves, others, and their furry friends safe. When they are out with their dog in a public space other than a designated dog park, the dog must be on the leash. Additionally, they must teach their dog to heal or stay, and furnish them with a muzzle if they prove to be especially dangerous. Dogs are allowed to be off leash when contained by a fence on private property or when they are in a designated dog park with other dogs and dog owners. The onus is on the owner of the dog to know whether or not their pet is violent or dangerous, and to act accordingly when taking them in public.

When Should You Take Legal Action?
If you or someone in your family is attacked by an unleashed dog, you may be entitled to compensation from a dog bite lawsuit. Hiring an experienced personal injury lawyer is key in these situations. You must prove that the dog owner was being negligent by allowing their dog to be off leash in a public area. The lawsuit route can be complicated if you were in a private space owned by the dog owner and they allowed their dog to be off leash there. However, if you suffered a truly serious injury and were required to seek medical attention, it may be worthwhile to consult with a personal injury lawyer so that you can be educated on your options.If you or a loved one are bitten or otherwise attacked by a dog, it can be a very traumatic experience. While many dogs are well-behaved and live up to their moniker of “Man’s Best Friend,” some dogs can be quite violent, especially when they feel threatened. If you are attacked by a dog that is unleashed, it is important to be familiar with the pet leash laws in TX so that you know your options should you want to take any legal action. Here’s what to know if you are bitten or attacked by an unleashed pet in Texas.


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from Herrman & Herrman, P.L.L.C.

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